THE VERY EVIDENCE OF GOD is your life. So, use it well for His glory and honor.
2006-07-07 18:12:39
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Who said there is no evidence. A big evidence is "you", You, yourself is the GOD. Why you are not believing in your existence. There is no necessity for fight at all. You are not fighting for GOD but you are fighting for your existence because you did not believe in your existence.
2006-07-08 04:21:33
answer #2
answered by Narayanankutty R 1
If you accept only evidently proved matters - just think how far you need to go back.
Fighting for God is ignorance because he dwells in every individual.
2006-07-08 03:47:57
answer #3
answered by latterviews 5
Easy answer. the majority is weak. The strong have to find a way to lead the weak. The strong create god in their own likeness. God is really a man who was smarter than than all the other people around at that time, apparently he was so smart, that he still manages to fool billions of people still to this day!!!!
2006-07-08 01:12:28
answer #4
answered by One of the Baldwin brothers 4
Even when the scientists or science can not prove the existence of God, they can NOT prove that God does not exist, can they? Can you find evidence for everything? If you can't, do they stop exisiting for you? Ask yourself this question and see if you can answer it. I personally believe in God, although I don't see, smell, or touch Him. He is very real to me.
2006-07-08 01:12:27
answer #5
answered by CRT 3
The irrationality of religion has a scientific basis. It goes back to our cave man days when man was very insecure living in a hostile environment. The cerebral cortex of our brain (the complex thinking apparatus) is a relatively recent addition.
The more primitive underlying limbic system, the seat of our ancient emotions or innate temperaments, is in all of us. Humans use both systems. In times of trouble, people still pray for intervention by the god(s). Prayers are requests by persons to have the laws of the universe repealed in their favor.
People who are rational, relying on their cerebral cortex, look at all the absurdities in religion. Christian dogma expects people to believe the fairy tale of Noah's ark, although it is patently impossible to squeeze even samples of billions of the world's animals into one small ark. Rational persons consider such stories ludicrous.
The bible account of the creation of man and the universe is in such contradiction to irrefutable facts that a rational person cannot help but laugh about such fantasies.
Have you heard the saying "there's no atheists in foxholes?" Its because in times of danger, humans revert to the primitive part of their brain for security.
2006-07-08 02:21:13
answer #6
answered by Its not me Its u 7
Because people want there to be a reason they are special, not just another lifeform alive in the world. People want an answer to the meaning of life that is good for them, its ultimatly a selfish thing. They want something to believe in so the feel good
2006-07-08 01:16:22
answer #7
answered by A Drunken Man 2
Yours is an interesting question. For some while I considered myself somewhere between an athiest and an agnostic, the one believing of course that God does not exist, and the other basically willing to believe if God might present himself in some tangible way as proof of his existence, but otherwise a continuing skeptic.
As I got a little older, however, I began to take notice of how so very many things in this universe worked so very well. Just to name a few, the earth is precisely the right distance from the sun to allow for life to exist. The moon is precisely located to churn the oceans and prevent them from becoming stagnant. A red blood cell is precisely the right shape to maximize its surface area for exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide most efficiently. So many things great and small that work so very very well.
Now all of these things could be the consequence of some very happy accident of course, some incalculable statistical anomaly in the range of probability, and no intelligent hand would have need be involved.
But like most people in life, I tend to play the odds when making decisions about things. If there are a great many cars on the street running along at a brisk pace, for example, I wait for them to pass before trying to cross, so as to improve my odds of making it to the other side. If it is raining, I drive a little slower so as to reduce my risk of accident, and so on.
Now how this relates to God's existence or not is just this: All of the amazing things about you that work so very well could be an accident of nature, or they could be the work of a thoughtful designer--that is to say--Divine intervention. When I weigh the relative likelihood of either proposition, it seems to me that it requires a great deal more faith to suppose that this incredible freak of nature has all come together in so propitious a way than it does to have faith that some intelligent entity designed it. As I say, I play the odds when making decisions about things great and small, and the odds, it seems to me, favor the existence of God, so I have come to believe.
Now, I should add to this, I have long ago given up either desire or need to see him prove himself to me specifically, and for this reason. We are but very small players in the Lord's master plan, and to my way of thinking we can never hope to imagine the magnificence of its scope or design. The audacity that we should demand of the Almighty that he prove himself to us--well it is arrogance beyond belief. You are one of God's gifts, and you may look all about you every day to see his many other gifts. Neither you nor I have a right to make any further claim upon him. But I think that given our relative differences in power and importance, a little humility on our part is probably in order.
2006-07-08 02:02:29
answer #8
answered by anonymourati 5
people fight for anything even against facts,That is a matter of belief and its counterpart, disbelief...If God evidently exist for one, it will never exist for the rest.
2006-07-08 01:16:29
answer #9
answered by Oleg B 6
To ease the pain of existence, and find some solice in a life that appears out of control and meaningless.
2006-07-08 15:01:14
answer #10
answered by judson d 2