we're moral? i think it all depends on your interpretation of the term moral. i believe i lead a moral life, but others don't think so. if i want to benefit from a societies infrastructure, i must apply myself to fulfill the "moral obligations" that society demands. if i don't care for the society or it's benefits, i'm under no obligation to limit myself to it's morality. morality changes over time. in classic Greece, older men having anal sex with young boys was considered moral, today (in most societies) it is considered immoral.
2006-07-07 17:47:21
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
That's a great question and the answer is as complex as you want it to be.
Accoring to the Talmud, all morality springs from the golden rule which in Leviticus is translated "love thy neighbor as thyself."
Some would say religious faith is the source of all morals. But I'm agnostic, so I don't consider myself bound by the Bible. Still, I think the religious people are right that morals are an act of faith -- in my case faith in humanity. If you're going to be human, your actions should be humane.
My guess is the golden rule is hardwired into our brains as a form of altruism, because it has survival value for the species. We're also predisposed to immoral things so it's like two competiting principles, the angels and the devils, and we listen to each according to the situation. We're not amoral like crocodiles, but not 100% ready to give up our self-interest for the collective good like bees or ants. Somewhere in between. Plus we (along with a few of the higher mammals) have the free will to make the choice.
It just feels better to do the right thing. Clear conscience. But you also get social approval. More likelihood of others supporting you when you need it. Fewer enemies to worry about, less chance of getting arrested.
I'm more of a fan of ethics than morals. Morals are the underlying values of what is good. Ethics are the more detailed rules for how you go about that. Once you adopt a system of ethics you don't have to ask moral questions every time something comes up, you just follow your ethical principles as a discipline and a habit, internalize it until it is your nature, your instinct, like brushing your teeth in the morning or signalling when you change lanes. You do it because it is the way, it is the right thing to do. Once you have done that, everything in life is clearer and you are stronger. Not a bad way to live.
2006-07-21 06:38:19
answer #2
answered by Monso Orda 2
First, what are you basing your morality on? If on your own or some other base, what makes any choice superior or inferior to another?
Morality must have an absolute base of foundation, thus the one who institutes it must be absolutely superior. If there is a moral law giver then obedience to those laws is a requirement, disobedience is punishable. In this case, the Bible is God's standard for morality, violation of these laws can have catatrophic consequences. As has been witnessed throughout history, immorality is always punished. Recall the leaders of nations who have attempted to enslave the other nations, sexual promiscuity has brought us AIDS. The devaluation of life has allowed euthanasia and abortion to go almost unchecked. Think of this, when you abort a baby, who are you killing? Another Beethoven, Mozart, Jonas Salk, Thomas Edison or George Washington? People take a big gamble when they end a life.
Morality gives human beings guide lines to behavior, violation of these will have consequences that wil be unpleasent. There must be an absolute standard of morality, and that is God.
2006-07-21 09:42:28
answer #3
answered by tigranvp2001 4
Moral other than being honest and love to fellow human being is more a relative term. As times pass, one considered taboo in society will be treated as a normal common behaviour.
It is the society which brings in the aspect of civilised behaviour.
Take the case of India, Child marriage common in earlier days considered as normal is a sin today and law has been enacted. On the other hand widow remarriage once considered taboo is very common today and passes the moral test.
Gay marriage - It is something to do with developed nations. morally right or wrong. Why two different opinions exist.
Society whether you like it or not, considers certain behaviours as normal and civilised to pass the moral test.
2006-07-20 20:43:52
answer #4
answered by sarayu 7
Most human beings are NOT "moral" already!!! Take a real good long look at the world around you! Those that are or try to be.... there isn't enough of them anymore to keep the balance.
Have you ever heard an older person referring to the "Old Days" or "Good ol' Days"?????? Its regarding the slow descent of humanity, as we progress/advance, the lack of quality of life as well as the problems in life become more magnified.
Its a "War of Attrition"...... and we're (humanity) loosing.
2006-07-19 15:18:08
answer #5
answered by Izen G 5
When you have gained all the money,and seized all the seizable and got everything you wanted on earth....(if ever) then you will look back at the path you ve walked along and see that what only matters is the way you did things. Not the goal is the goal, but the way.
This ,(call it morals ?) is the only thing you will take with you.
2006-07-18 06:33:06
answer #6
answered by yukasdog 3
I've never forgotten the words of my high school civics teacher, when he said, "Your rights end where the other guy's nose begins." As the years have gone by, I have learned how true that is, and what a simple explanation for how to behave in life. Regardless of what polotical ideology, government, religion, code of ethics, etc. one subscribes to, everything can be boiled down to that simple statement.
2006-07-21 08:13:44
answer #7
answered by Nefertiti 5
i am asking u another question . why be immoral ?is just to hurt others , (physically or mentally ) there are some morals to be followed by each one of us because we live in a society. even the wild animals in the forest follow the moral of nature.u don't have to be a believer to be moral go & do whatever u want . u will get the result here itself. u need not wait till u die . steal - you will go to jail. drink & smoke- u get desease. womanise- u get aids. morals are there for our safety. u don't have to be moral to please god or others .be moral to lead a healthy & happy life.
2006-07-19 17:48:19
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Immoral or unskillful actions will in the final analysis cause suffering to oneself and to others. There is a Law of Moral Causation. Good begets good and bad begets bad.
2006-07-19 03:07:58
answer #9
answered by metta1948 1
For some people it is because they want to go to Heaven or have a better life, not to travel the well traveled path to hell. If I did believe in a hell, or it's because people read in the bible, that if you do something it will come back to you. Or just being a good human, so they have no regrets in life.
2006-07-21 11:45:09
answer #10
answered by amazon 4