I would fly - it's very quick!
Check out these great discount travel sites:
www.cheaptravelnetwork.com, www.travelocity.com, www.orbitz.com, www.priceline.com, www.qixo.com, www.kayak.com, www.cheaptickets.com, www.expedia.com, www.hotwire.com, www.cheapflights.com, www.mobissimo.com, www.farechase.com, www.sidestep.com, www.globester.com
Have a fun trip!
2006-07-07 06:52:31
answer #1
answered by TravelOn 4
Fly on Lan Peru directly from Los Angeles to Lima, Peru. Take a connecting flight on the same airline to Cusco (relatively inexpensive flight). Give yourself a day in Cusco to get used to the altitude and then either:
1) take the train (PeruRail) to Aguas Caliente, get a bus ticket (USD $12) to the Machu Picchu entrance, and enjoy! I recommend taking the Vistadome train over the Backpacker's train as it is much more comfortable and really not that expensive.
2) hike the Inca Trail and you'll end up at Machu Picchu 4 days later.
2006-07-09 01:25:48
answer #2
answered by Kristina W 3
LA to Lima (Lima is very pretty, I would recommend staying for a few days)
Lima drive to Cuzco (Cuzco is pretty cool too, check out the town)
In Cuzco you can probably hook up with a tour group, there is a train from thebase of the mtn up to Machu Picchu, any decent hotel in Cuzco can hook you up with a bus (to the base) or tour group to Machu Picchu but check into it before you go.
If you want to hike the Inca trail, then you are nuts and I can't help you :)
2006-07-08 14:18:48
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
First of all, go first to Lima.
Last year I travelled from Lima to Cuzco by bus, it was really cheap (80 soles, 25-30 dollars, one way). It's a hard trip (20 hours), but the landscapes, especially between the city of Abancay and Cuzco are spectacular.
As your journey to the Andes is gradually, you won't suffer any altitude illness.
If you don't have the time, just take a plane from Lima to Cuzco, 55 minutes.
2006-07-09 00:56:31
answer #4
answered by choloconche 3
Depart from LAX(Los Angeles Int'l Airport) to LIM(Lima International Airport). You can do scale also in some country. I thtink it's cheaper. Then when you get to Lima, just depart from there to Cuzco Airport. When you get to Cuzco, you can try to get a bus or a little plane to get to Macchu Picchu
2006-07-08 13:09:44
answer #5
answered by pablo_dmc 3
Go to Lima, then to Cusco, then take the train to machu pichu
2006-07-07 13:54:27
answer #6
answered by el_hijo_del_viento 2
Remember that it's wintertime down there right now, bring some warm clothes.
2006-07-10 22:30:44
answer #7
answered by austin_long 2
Get on a plane
2006-07-08 11:58:53
answer #8
answered by Crazy Joe 2