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People all over the world are starving! Food is very scarce in some areas of the world, and these big corparate fatcats (e.g. Warren Buffet) don't even spen $120 on some rice for poor starving Africa as far as I know. People die all over the world from hunger, and people don't even do ANYTHING about it! There has to be a way to end this!

2006-07-07 06:42:39 · 55 answers · asked by Anonymous in News & Events Current Events

55 answers

I used to live in one of the poorest countries in the world, but I have never experenced what it is to live in hunger. I know, I would be able to answer this question better if I would expereince hunger first hand. My dad expereinced famine first hand, and he would always scold at us (family of ten) for not finishing the bread when we ate. Each time we had some left overs, he would take them and give them to the animals in the park. If we could do as litlle as give away left overs to the poor, we would be able to stop the world hunger.

Instead of spending the money on pleasures and foolish desires we should open our healing hands to our brothers and sisters who are starving. I remember well my mothers hands that pulled me from the impossible sittuations, and I know the ones who are in need will remember our hands.

Thanks for your question, I believe it is the first step we do before we do some actions.

2006-07-21 00:00:19 · answer #1 · answered by Bishop "V" 2 · 1 1

I agree with Eric M.
Freedom will cure poverty. Look at Irac for example. These
people were so poor while Saddam had everything! He
was even in the program ( I can't think of the name right now)
basically a food exhange program for his starving people but
it was corrupt all along and no food actually got to the people.
They were starving all because of him. Other countries purposely
keep there citizens poor and uneducated so that they cannot
revolt. The last thing that they want is to be run out of office and
lose their power. That is why in some countries you couldn't
even air drop the food in because the military would confiscate it
before it even got to the people. Sad, but true. That is why we
The United States of America have to get rid of these terrorist
regimes and other dictatorships so that every one can have
a chance at life! We are the only ones that have the means to
do so. If we do not help these countries who will. Certainly the
U'N cannot accomplish much more than resolutions on paper.
They just don't have the pull that we have. That is why all the
evil doers hate the US. We have become the worlds watchdogs.
So when we are fighting a war in another country do not complain
that we are not and should be helping another. We are helping all
we can and when we resolve one conflict than we can help the
next, and the next, and the next. The United States has been
blessed for a reason! To help others.

2006-07-16 18:12:18 · answer #2 · answered by sally 3 · 0 0

As Much as I hate to say it, World Hunger may be around for a while unless countries want to donate free food supplies and other non persuadable food items. I believe that if the world works together, world hunger issues could decrease at a great speed. It takes a voice of a leader from anywhere to start an organization and help the world the best it can. But a major key is monitoring governments in these countries to make sure everyone is getting a fair share. Another possibility could be (I saw something like this idea on some documentary) and that is only if we work together is whatever food is not sold at cafeterias across the world, that the food gets transferred to those less fortunate and needy and hopefully other countries in desire need of food. Together the world can make a difference. Maybe this holiday season or for your birthday, giving food to those in need is the only present you ask for. Speak loud for world hunger. Together a difference can be made.

2006-07-07 06:55:20 · answer #3 · answered by Andrew W. Stewart 1 · 0 0

24,000 people die from hunger every day, or one life lost every 3.6 seconds. Three-fourths of the deaths are children under the age of five.

The primary victims of hunger are the world's poor. The richest twenty percent eat 11 times as much meat and 7 times as much fish as the poorest twenty percent.

It would take 13 billion dollars a year to end hunger for the Earth's poorest citizens. Of course that is not a trivial amount of money. But consider this fact: Every year, 18 billion dollars is spent on pet food in the United States and Europe.

2006-07-15 15:31:01 · answer #4 · answered by ray 5 · 0 0

If you look at the mortality rate in the third world countries then if everyone was able to eat enough to be healthy how many more people would there be in the world?

So to end world hunger in the long run you need to balance food production with population. So in addition to providing food we would need to promote birth control.

Of course you also need to solve the problem of greed and politics to get the resources where they are needed. Good luck with those problems.

The best answer is education. The old saying is true: "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a life time."


Now for those of you that want a answer from "left field": Legalize cannibalism. After a while we will eat each other and no one will be around to be hungry.

2006-07-07 06:56:17 · answer #5 · answered by Gregory B 3 · 0 0

1. Reduce the birthrate so we have fewer people to feed.

2. Stop relying on animal products for food. Devoting resources to producing beef, pork, poultry, and dairy products is a huge waste of food and water that could go to feed and sustain people. Furthermore, production of animal products creates a tremendous amount of pollutants.

3. Take a close look at what the governments in the nations with starving people do with the resources they have. You will find that they could support their populations in many cases, but the land is owned by a privileged few or the government. Lack of knowledge of land management practices is also a factor. People cut and burn wooded areas for non-sustainable agriculture, grow crops there for a couple of years, exhaust the soil, and move on. Our planet is quickly becoming a wasteland of deserts where fertile lands once existed due to global warming, drought, and poor agricultural practices.

2006-07-07 06:56:01 · answer #6 · answered by s_house61 1 · 0 0

Witness the destruction of an Urban Garden in California to make way for a "new" development. No thought about how many people the gardens fed. Helping and teaching people to grow and capture basic food supplies is the best start. If you think about survival and the many things that are edible, yet people starve with these things near them. Help people understand what near them is edible, what will grow, and how to grow and preserve food. Even edible flowers can produce beauty and food. If community gardens could be cultivated anywhere there is vacant land for the next 20 years, many communities and people around the world could plant and produce enough food to feed themselves. Stop paving over industrialized countries, and help less fortunate societies learn how to produce their own foods from small gardens. This is step one. Once they see they can become independent from needing money for food, they can begin to grow their communities.

2006-07-07 06:51:42 · answer #7 · answered by Oliver 1 · 0 0

I think that there are several ways to approach ending world hunger. But as we all know they have to include money in order for them to be successful. I propose that if estimates are correct and there really are close to 75m families in the US alone. That we all contribute $10 dollars a month to hunger relief. That would be 750m dollars a month just from the US alone (can you imagine what we could if we did this globally). When we have the money we can provide those in need with the food they need. The education needed to learn how to provide food and clean water and other necessities to make them independent.

2006-07-10 03:05:30 · answer #8 · answered by Chris S. 2 · 0 0

3 easy steps:

1.- Reduce world's population by encouraging birth control on both developed and underdeveloped Countries, no matter what the Bible, the Vatican, Mohamed, the Koran or Mr Bush say.

2.- Close the gun market in order to stop mobs all over the world controlling the food production and distribution systems.

3.- Share all the technology about agriculture with poorest Countries.

And that's it. The problem is a bunch of idiots make tons of money from poverty [quoting Chis Rock: "Only the white man can profit from pain"] and they would NEVER let this end.

Hope it helps.

2006-07-16 14:02:22 · answer #9 · answered by blkgator 4 · 0 0

Why is everything about starving people in Africa? I'm African American and I love my people, but we have people that are hungry here in the US, and a lot of them. Since Sally Struthers and other US celebrities like to get on TV and talk about sending just a dollar a day to places like that, do you really think that some celebrities from those countries are sponsoring American children and saying to their people to help save this American boy or girl by just send in a dollar day to help? Hellz no!! We have children here in the US that don't have homes, that are homeless and they eat whatever that they can find. Who's sponsoring these children? Why are there more foster homes with abandoned babies and children than homes with people here with no children at all? Why are there rich senior citizens who don't have children, but will leave all of their riches to a dog or a cat or other pet, instead of help building homes for these children, or even just being a foster parent to these kids. Why can't they pay for one college education for a less fortunate child then paying a dollar a day to someone that they'll probably never see. I have nothing against those kids from afar, but people we have the same problem here that is close to home. You see these kids everyday, and will overlook them. But as soon as you would see these children on TV with flies walking all over their faces and no one even has the decency to swat them away, what is that saying?

2006-07-07 07:05:23 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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