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Marriage has been defined for centuries as b/t a man and a women. Should the US just ban gay marriages all toghether. I for one would support such a constitution. Let the US set the example and show the world that gay marriages are unmoral.

2006-07-07 04:30:30 · 72 answers · asked by Anonymous in News & Events Current Events

72 answers

Yes I agree in that we should ban gay marriage. That is just sick and digusting to even think about that. you are right in that marriage should be between a man and a women. And to all you gay people out there, you all are complete sickos.

2006-07-07 04:31:28 · answer #1 · answered by TJ 4 · 2 7

Yes. The purpose of llegal marriage is to provide

1. A stable environment for children to grow up in. Gay people cannot have children by normal means. Although they can adopt them, that is unusual and is an exception to a normality.

2. Religious union between a man and a woman. This is the one we usually focus on. Let's be honest, people. The Bible, Koran, and Torah (I think that's the Jewish holyy scritpures, but I might be wrong. If so, I'm sorry.) all command their believers not to commit sodomy. It's written down. Our government is secular, so this shouldn't effect their decisions, but it does. Homosexuality has been a taboo for a long time, and only in recent years has it begun to lesson a bit.

3. Tax relief and other benefits fo having kids. Same as no. 1.

I have gay friends, so don't call me a bigot. I just don't think gay marriage deserves legal recognition, as I've explained above. There are instances where a spouse is the only person allowed to see someone, and unfortunately, gay couples don't receive those benefits. Perhaps we should create a different sort of legal union for homosexuals.

2006-07-07 04:48:55 · answer #2 · answered by chas_see 3 · 0 0

Don't be ridiculous...of course "We" should not ban "gay marriage". This topic is such a waste of time. Remember when buying and selling alcohol was immoral, remember when rock music was immoral, remember when dating someone of a different race was immoral? Ooooo, those were all such scary things. I am sure there are those of you out there who still believe all of the above, but the times they have changed. And the times will change with this topic as well. Eventually those who can't accept the idea of a loving marriage with someone of the same sex (oooo, scary) will come around. Until then, they can just sit back and continue to enjoy their loving heterosexual relationship, sipping on lemonade, and listening to Pat Boone records.

And the believe me the last thing the world needs is the US setting anymore examples in the area of human rights. We have such a rich history of peace and understanding.........right?

2006-07-07 05:02:27 · answer #3 · answered by carolinadawg01 1 · 0 0

Gay marriage is unlawful and immoral. Why then has marriage been defined as between a man and a woman for centuries, yet people are now starting to find more definitions for marriage? Gay marriage should definitely, definitely, be banned. And yes squirrel, I do mean immoral. The definition of immoral is something going against established moral principles. Gay marriage is immoral because marriage has been established for centuries as between a man and a woman, and thus it is going against that principle. The definition of unmoral is that which is neither moral nor immoral. If you're saying that gay marriage is neither moral nor immoral then what is it?
Not setting boundaries on things like marriage will allow even worse things to spread and be widely advocated.

2006-07-07 04:34:42 · answer #4 · answered by eriscool 1 · 0 0

No..we shouldn't ban gay marriage but nor should we ban poligamy, either. Both the Mormon religion as well as Islam, advocate a man having more than one wife. If we aren't defining marriage according to traditional moral codes, we have no right defining marriage at all. Everyone should be able to marry whoever they want until it gets to the point that the whole idea of marriage and family is a quaint, old-fashioned notion.
And the far left with finally be able to celebrate the destruction of whatever remains of traditionalism - which is the main goal, anyway, as well as the end of any sort of basic moral values and social constraint.
And then Nero can play his fiddle!

2006-07-07 05:46:19 · answer #5 · answered by msgene61@sbcglobal.net 2 · 0 0

No. The state has no business defining marriage-by-gender. That two adults of the same gender can fall in love and have fulfilling, caring lives is not a matter for debate. Preventing them from enjoying the benefit of access to the same legal protections afforded heterosexuals is mean-spirited and unnecessary.

The quality of a heterosexual marriage is not weakened by the co-existence of homosexual marriages any more than faithful couples are threatened by the infidelity of other couples.


Our law-book need not be ammended
Though some folk out there are offended
By those that take vows
Amidst all the rows.
Their bravery should be commended.

--Willy Da'Bard

2006-07-07 04:39:06 · answer #6 · answered by © 2007. Sammy Z. 6 · 0 0

Try to be real about it and understand marriage is to form a union and raise a family. Instead of applying our standards without reservations to things our knowledge is less than complete about we need to live and let live. Today more people get married just for something to do and the marriage last a few years and off they go again. At least with gay marriages the only children exposed are those adopted and that could be restricted. I've known lesbian couples that have been together for 20 years and wish I had the love they shared.

2006-07-07 04:38:18 · answer #7 · answered by mr conservative 5 · 0 0

People, this is common sense. men are created for women and women for men (Adam & Eve) not men for men or ....

The purpose of marriage is reproduction, all other things are the means not the end.

Have you ever seen a He-goat chasing a He-goat??? No! Never! Even dogs don't .

However, if some men have chosen to be below the level of lower animals, then let them be !

But whoever has chosen the means(pleasure) over the end(reproduction), he or she should be contented with his or her choice, they should not be allowed to adopt or anything of the such! - period .

This is no Bible thing, this is common sense.
Try a current ( positive + positive) and see how it works .
Gay marriages should be banned by all countries!.

2006-07-10 03:57:06 · answer #8 · answered by afaqinfo 1 · 0 0

No, we should not ban it. In the United States, we permit much that may be easily considered immoral, yet is legal. So that is the real question: Should Gay Marriage be legal?

We say we want to "save/protect marriage", but we live in a time when it is not uncommon to be married more than once in one's life. If we are so concerned about marriage, by what justification do we allow the majority of society to end marriages whenever they want, but deny marriage at all to a minority of society?

I have yet to hear what the prevailing interest of the state is in denying marriage to gay couples. Read the IX and X admendments in the Bill of Rights, and you will see that while there is nothing explicit about marriage rights in the Constitution, the state must have a good reason to deny economic and political privileges it grants to others.

Again, I ask you, how may we deny to two mutually consenting adults, regardless of sexual orientation, what the rest of us can create and destroy on our whim?

2006-07-07 05:01:18 · answer #9 · answered by sennorikyu72 1 · 0 0

No! People think about it, gay people have existed since the begining of time, they are not simply going to stop being gay simply because you make it illiegal. It is not a lifestyle choice, it is like asking a straight man to to stop being straight and only choose men. It is not going to happen. People say that gay folks are immoral, blah, blah, blah, of course they are when you make it illiegal for them to be be moral. If you have two wonderful people who promise themselve to each other forever don't you think that would be a great think and a wonderful example that every relationship is sacred and should be hornored? Many of you will not listen but hopefully you will never be forced to understand. A child, a relative or a friend of yours may one day come out to you and what will you tell them then? I no longer want to associate with you and I refuse to valiate your feelings and existence because of my beliefs? Will you tell that they are immoral and their is no way you want to see them in a happy relationship? And as for the children part, many gay couples take in the children that are not wanted by society through the fosters system or adoption. Many of these children have serious emotional problems or physical disabilities and are considered freaks in our society. Gay couples have a real understanding and grasp of how it feels to be an outsidered and at times are better equipped to handle such situations. In the long run isn't better for them to be married and raise emotionally stable children (by the way studies show the children don't become gay, you can't fight biology people) than to let those children go through the system, grow up angry an populate our jails at a cost of $400,000 per year? Let people be together on paper, they are going to do be together whether you like it or not and they are not going away. Peace, love and harmony for everybody.

2006-07-07 04:50:50 · answer #10 · answered by knowitall 1 · 0 0

No, no one should tell another who they should marry. I believe that the structure of the world is such that Gay marriage is necessary. After all spousal benefits, death benefits, etc. Are all geared toward the family. I believe if two people of the same sex make up a family then so be it. I believe that Gay people do not have a choice, they are born that way. Leave them alone and go along and live your own life. More power to freedom of choice.

2006-07-07 04:35:27 · answer #11 · answered by sindylindylouhoo 2 · 0 0

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