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My friend passed away 2days ago of cancer.Every one I love dies and I see no point in living any more myself. There is no reason for any one to be here apart from....no, nothing at all.

2006-07-05 22:36:39 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Psychology

25 answers

We are on this planet to procreate. And if this doesn't happen, to nurture those who need it, to care for and love, all living things.

Life is a precious gift, one we should respect and appreciate.

Everybody dies eventually, we start to die, from the moment we are born, we all follow the same path, but this earthly death is not the end, it is the start of the next life and for this reason alone, you must not throw the gift of life back at your creator.

We all suffer loss through death and someone else will suffer just as much when you die. Don't do that to them!

Your friend has not gone forever, please, please believe me on this one. I know this without a shadow of a doubt, because I've been made to know it by experience.

I too have lost many people in my life, and many friends, and have shared the deaths of children, now those deaths are the worst of all to understand, but who said only adults were wanted in heaven? It would be an awful place with no happy little children.

I lost three friends from cancer too. The most recent was in 2002 and she was not just a friend, she was my next door neighbour and an old school friend, and we were sharing cuppas every day. It was hard, yet as a Christian and a psychic medium, I alreaqdy knew for sure that she never really 'died'. And she believed that too. But my grief was like yours is now, inconsolable, for a whole year.

It was her who sorted that one out, she blooming well haunted me, she played silly games, the very sort she played in life, and by their very nature, I knew it was Sue. She quite literally decided to drive me out of living in that isolated place, all alone. I knew that she had willed herself to die,because her husband of 34 years left her. She likely knew I didn't care either, when she was not there to share my lost marriage with again.

She came back and really set about me, and i don't scare easily! She got seriously active and made me get out of there, and start again.

Your friend wants the same for you, she does not want you in the next life yet because she knows the time is wrong for you. That you have not fulfilled your purpose on this earth. You do have one, we all do. But for now, you have much to understand about yourself, the world you live in, everyone around you. And you have a life to live for you! This sad loss is merely a part of the plan laid out for you to make you grow stronger, you can't experience life without the loss of someone inside death. No one can, life and death are part of everybody's lives.

If you are in the UK you can look up CRUISE, they help you through the loss of a loved one, since they have all been there. Get their number online and call them.

Let the funeral happen, be poised and calm for your friend, you represent her on that day, not your own despair. Go and show her that you love her and be happy for her new life, talk to her inside your mind, know that she no longer suffers any pain and she is happy now, She is with her creator. Think about her family as well, since they are hanging on with their grief too, so, please do not let your intense grief upset them too much. Be supportive!

The death of someone we love, is the most serious testing ground for our own maturity, and how we handle this will determine much about ourselves as people. And will afford you a calm in other situations, when others can't cope, you will be amazed just how strong and in control you'll feel then.

Allow yourself to grieve, but also, hang on to the happier times before the cancer got too bad.

Me... I see Sue hanging out of her bathroom window, I hear her voice still, "You goin' ta the shops gal? Cuz if ya're, fetch us some fags back will ya." and even now, I hear myself answering out loud... "OK our kid, put the kettle on then, back in ten."

And that's what I expect, when my time arrives, a seriously much missed cuppa and smoke, with my mate and neighbour.

You are not disloyal either, to go out and find another friend... she knows you keep her in your heart, she wants you to have a friend and not to be so lost without her. So go on, go out there and smile and soon, you will have another best friend. Maybe someone else who loved her too is waiting to share their loss and fears not being able to replace her. You both have good taste already, by choosing her, so you have a head start there to make contact with her other friends at the funeral.

My heart is reaching out to yours and I am circling you with prayers of love... so please, please be strong, be safe... and know you are a specious life to God!

Don't give up friend.

PS... logged off, then remembered something I forgot to say...

I put that sentence in her obituary, "Put the kettle on our kid." and I had an unexpected visit from her oldest daughter a week later. The one I'd never met before, who lives in Spain (Sue and I had lost touch for many years, until I moved in next door to Sue after my divorce, we'd missed our children's births) and this girl hugged me so tight and cried and thanked me, she said my small obituary had been the only one that comforted her. "It was exactly how my mum was, you really knew her."

So remember what I said about that funeral, go and share that super friends reality, bring back those 'real' moments for her family to share.

2006-07-05 23:16:07 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

I am deeply sorry for your hurt.

The Hindu scriptures inform us that we are all eternal spirit souls who can neither born nor can be killed. The passing away we see and experience is nothing more than a changing from one body to another, as a person changes clothes.

The most amazing thing in this world is that almost everyone thinks they will live forever (in their present bodies) despite seeing everyone die. The Hindu scriptures inform us that everything around us is made from 5 essential elements (earth, water, fire, air and false ego). We can see every material around us is subject to decay and destruction. The same applies to the living bodies - they too are made from the 5 materials and thus are subject to destruction.

Our journey through each life is governed by our false ego that we can enjoy life separately from God hence why the continual transmigration from one body to another.

The scriptures also inform us that in this material creation we cannot get any lasting happiness. With every moment of happiness there will be a moment of unhappiness. We can only experience true happiness when we realise who we are and decide to follow God's guidance on how to live our lives.

God doesn't ask for anything from us, he is the creator of everything we have and see - he doesn't need anything. He merely asks us to live our lives in a way that will ultimately be beneficial for us.

Even if you don't believe in God, you should not lament for those who have passed away since this is a fact of life. If you do believe that all souls are eternal and do not die but their bodies die then you have no reason for lamenting as your loved ones have simply decided to move on to experience a newer life.

You are absolutely right that there is no reason for us to be here - we should be with God where we can enjoy unending happiness without death or disease.

Please look into the Hindu scriptures which will answer all your questions and many more you have not even thought about yet.

Please take some moments every day to sincerely pray to God asking for guidance - do not demand to know anything just ask for guidance in a humble state of mind. Relax your mind and be receptive to hear God's instructions.

I hope you find the answers you are need.

2006-07-06 18:37:19 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

im actually suprised at the lack of sympathy from the other people who have answered this question, what you need to remember is that although someone you love has died and it is a very difficult time for you there are millions of others dying every day, dying is a fact of life and i know it is difficult letting go of someone you love, especially when it happens more than once in a short space of time. With regards to why are we all here? that is a tricky one and i think we shouldn't waste our time asking ourselves that question as you have stated people do pass away so it is best we enjoy our time as much as we can and the end of it all maybe the question we should be asking is why was i hear, i believe the answer will be all to clear.

Hope this helps.

2006-07-06 05:54:58 · answer #3 · answered by andylegendoneill 2 · 0 0

No one can answer that question for definite why we are here, we just are. Whether you believe in a higher power or not, it still doesn't alter the fact we are alive.

We will always grieve over lost loved ones, but we need to find new people to love too. Please don't shut yourself away.

Would your friend want you to do this to yourself? Surely they wouldn't?

Maybe it's not the same as a person dying but my cat died 8 months ago. She was a close "friend" to me for 16 years of my life and most of my childhood too (as I was a really shy kid,) and I loved her even when she was weak and poorly at the end. It left a terrible hole in my life. It will always hurt badly, but a month after her death we found an abused cat in a rescue centre who badly needed a home, and we have watched her get stronger and healthier and happier every day. She will never be like my old cat, but she is as much full of life as my old friend was, she has such a innocent joy and friendliness that it has helped me to cheer up again.

And these things makes you realise that life is about loving, losing and grieving, but death is not the end.

I also almost lost my Dad last year to septicaemia, barely a month after my cat died. He was in intensive care for weeks and so ill. I don't know how we got through that month but we managed somehow.

Please, if you feel you haven't got anyone to talk to when you feel sad, then here's a link to the Macmillan Cancer Support website, talk to them, and keep in touch with people who will understand your pain.


And if you like animals, is getting a pet to love an option too? They do help with easing the sadness a bit!

2006-07-06 06:15:12 · answer #4 · answered by badgerbadger 3 · 0 0

Firstly, I am sorry to hear of your loss and i know how you feel but you must remember that you only get one chance at this life, regardless of how long or short you are here for, so you have to live it as best you can and make it as fufilling as possible and to enjoy it!
Try taking an intrest in something new like a hobby etc to help deal with the bad luck you have had recently, If you are happy it will be easier to deal with problems you are facing and you will more likey to deal with them rationally, instead of feeling sucidal. I know its hard but suicide is NOT an answer, dealing with it IS!
Have you tried talking to a friend or a counsellor if you find it hard to talk to people you know. I know it isnt easy but it helps and when dealt with, eventually the pain doesnt hurt you as much anymore as it does now!
Good luck with your life and i hope i helped you to realise that life is more precious and too important to throw away! You only have 1 chance, USE IT!!!
Good luck!

2006-07-06 05:52:05 · answer #5 · answered by dizzy geeza 2 · 0 0

We're here for reasons unknown. The science of life is built around theory, there maybe a greater purpose, there may not. Whether we ever discover we do not know. Only mathematics is a proven establishment. Someone loves you and doesnt want to feel how you feel. The person who can give themselves a hug truely has the arms of a gibbon.

2006-07-06 05:55:11 · answer #6 · answered by Burlap 3 · 0 0

.... why did you ask that question? ;-P You just did so that's that! I find this attitude stops me from going insane when contemplating the meaning of time. There will never be a sure fire answer in our life time so, instead of trying to work it all out, get on and ejoy it before it's over! Easier said than done, I know, as I ask myself that question every day ... but don't think too hard! Just live each day as though it's your last and tell all your loved ones that you love them as often as possible!

2006-07-06 05:57:10 · answer #7 · answered by lucyalicia1 1 · 0 0

There isn't any grand reason we're here on the planet, but the alternative to living well, sucks. Things look bad now, but only because you're so close. Time gives perspective. Seek professional help immediatly.

2006-07-06 05:42:37 · answer #8 · answered by adphllps 5 · 0 0

We are here to make a difference and be remembered for the lives we live.
I am sure your friend made a big impact on your life and keep those memories alive by taking about him/her and thinking of him/her.
You go out and make a difference in people's lives too.
Try to keep positive at this difficult time in your life.
Good luck

2006-07-06 05:44:27 · answer #9 · answered by fount_of_all_knowledge 3 · 0 0

the reason we were put here in this god forsaking plant was to live and to create life you see the world is what you make it it can be a terrible place if you let things get you down, you may be feeling low at the moment but in time it will pass think of it this way would your friend want you to be sad for her when my uncle died of lung cancer i know he would be turning in his grave if he knew i was sad. live is what you make it not what other people do. i hope i have helped

2006-07-06 05:44:25 · answer #10 · answered by chickenheadconvention 2 · 0 0

Listen, I know how much you are hurt and shocked. In such situation people doesnt see point of living and everything looks so bad and pathetic..But
the main point in everyones life is to have own children and watch them grow. Thats why we are on this planet, to leave behind descent.

2006-07-06 05:54:22 · answer #11 · answered by dolphin 3 · 0 0

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