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Sometimes I feel like a stranger in my own country... Time to bring out the ethnic cleansing gun. And just for the record; I am not racist in any way...

2006-07-05 22:19:09 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

For all who have observantly picked up on my avatar...it's caused by the sun and is called a suntan...And let me just establish that I am British through and through.

2006-07-05 22:59:35 · update #1

26 answers

You are right. I am not a racist at all like you - but when I see signs outside my tube station which say 'This is a polish magazine for Polish people only - do not bother if you can't read Polish' I kind of think - hey should these people not be learning English?

That is the thing that gets me most - if I was to move to another country, I would learn the language and the culture of that country - NOT just expect everyone to fit around me....

I have no objection to people coming here to be safe etc - but PLEASE have some manners as a guest!!!

2006-07-05 22:29:49 · answer #1 · answered by Lupee 4 · 3 2

Define immigrant in the UK? People who are in the UK but not born in the UK? Well that accounts for just above 8% of the UK population in 2001 (http://www.statistics.gov.uk/cci/nugget.asp?id=1312). Considering that figured only doubled from 1951, I can't imagine there being more than 10% of the population now.

That's 10% out of about 60.4 million people, UK wide. That includes students, professionals (ie: doctors, lawyers, etc.). That includes immigrants from Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the US.

So in what sense does 10% of the population take over the country? For all the contributions that these immigrants make (again, doctors, lawyers, even students), you say that you want to take out the etnic cleansing gun?

What portion of the immigrant population do you have a problem with? Be specific.

Chances are, you are walking down your High Street and see people of other ethnic backgrounds and immediately think "bloody immigrants!". Doesn't that make you a racist?

By the way, I am an immigrant. I work, pay taxes, contribute to the community, and lead an honest, decent life.

Go on then, point your ethnic cleansing gun at me.

2006-07-05 22:36:38 · answer #2 · answered by 6 · 0 0

I can't speak for the UK, but in the US, the issue is a hot topic right now.

I don't agree about the ethnic cleansing gun comment either, but you have a right to your opinion.

In any case, an immigrant coming to a new country should at least make an attempt to become a productive citizen. It's hard to see floods of people coming into our countries that refuse to "learn the language", get a job, and become part of our society.

That being said, I think it is totally possible to retain their own "culture" but still embrace their new "home" cultures as well.

It would be really nice if everyone could just get along. At times, I've also felt like a stranger in my own country. I've made the effort to meet my new neighbors with some success. I guess you could try that. See what happens.

2006-07-05 22:37:35 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


You are falling into the Government's trap!

Problem Reaction Solution!

the Government want to tag us and track us like cattle.

That would be unpopular.

So... they deliberately allow hundreds of thousands of illegals into this country. they allow the immigration service to become an incompetant mess of buruecratic ineptitude and then wait for the public's (YOUR) reaction.

OH MY GOD! "Time to bring out the ethnic cleansing gun" you cry!

"Good!" thinks the government. and then they say,

"Well it has got so bad, the only thing that will work is the ID card!"

but guess what? it's not infallible, so then they say, We need to have contactless chips implanted!

foolproof system. YAY we all cry, but then with the back end database tracking us all, building a constant, real time picture of what we are doing, and building a threat profile on all of us.

Why do you think the ID card was first called an entitlement card?

When it is introduced and in full manditory use, the government could flag any individual and restrict their use of transport, money, ability to gain employment, etc etc at the click of a mouse.

I am not just talking about what you might think of as terrorists here though, because all it would take for your entitlement to be restricted is, you visiting the wrong websites, buying the wrong products, or even writing something on an internet bulletin board that a person in the government may disagree with. hey presto, your entitlement to travel has been restricted. etc etc.

This Government have already tried to introduce indefinate detention without charge or trial. YOU could be detained for your question under incitement to racial hatred laws.

the government will decide what is terrorism and what is not. their illegal action in Iraq is not, but their definition of what is, could be extended in future to "anything that any individual or non governmental agency or non corporate agency could do which could pose a real or potential threat to another person."

You could be detained and all anyone would know is that "The police have detained an individual in a dawn terror raid." Congratulations, you have been 'disapeared'.

The current balance of government being the public servants that they are meant to be, will be switched 180 degrees. We all will instantly become slaves to the state. They will have complete CONTROL over ALL OF US!

It will be like a high tech version of Nazi Germany. any government then could destroy any opposition or dissent at a stroke. we will be living in a despotic nightmare.

You are falling into their trap. YOU ARE PROVIDING THE REACTION for their FINAL SOLUTION against all of us!

they are doing the same with deliberately increasing congestion through so called traffic calming measures that actually increase journey distances and journey times create MORE congestion and MORE pollution.

Do you see more or less traffic lights? are there more or less lanes available on roads?

are there more or less speed bumps?

Now people have had enough, the government (to calm congestion) are introducing spy in the sky taxing. so they will be tracking wherever you go, and charging YOU for the priviladge of being spied on.

Problem, Reaction, FINAL SOLUTION!

2006-07-05 22:41:45 · answer #4 · answered by kenhallonthenet 5 · 0 0

Without "immigrants" our streets would be dirty, our offices would be untidy, our food unpacked. You name all the jobs that you do not want to do and immigrants are out there making sure that this country runs from day to day for about the same money per week that you earn in a day!!!

But you are probably unemployed, so is anyone out there sick and tired of people like him taking over this country using up all our tax monies on superbrew and lambert and butler? Time to bring out the racist cleansing gun and just for the record I am anti benefits!!

2006-07-05 22:35:21 · answer #5 · answered by steven b 1 · 0 0

If you brought out the 'Ethnic cleansing gun' Im sure you would be zapped too, or some of your family members. Im sure if it wasnt for immigrants you would'nt be here today, cos I know that somewhere along your bloodline someone immigrated to the UK.

I think everyone deserves a chance at a better life dont you?

You say your skin colour is because of a tan, let me tell you one thing honey, if you were a Brit through and through, you wouldnt tan that dark, infact you would be rather red. So you are most definately not a Brit through and through.

2006-07-05 22:26:06 · answer #6 · answered by Angelus 1 · 0 0

I only wish you were a stranger in our country - unfortunately there are a lot of ignorant people like you who share your point of view - as you can probably tell I am not one of them.

I would like to think that if a fascist government - which is essentially what you are vindicating with your comments (god forbid) ever got into power in this country that I would be able to seek asylum in another country where I would not be persecuted for my views and opinions - which are this - every one has a right to a life free from persecution or prejudice - be that racial intolerance, religious intolerance etc.

My opinion is not that immigrants are the problem in this country - I would point the finger directly at the white people (of which I am one) who bleed the benefit system dry - if you enter any of the sprawling council estates in this country you will find any number of pasty, overweight faces who feel that the country owes them a living, while claiming every benefit and freebie they can - they are also the social demographic most likely to share your point of view. You generally see very few people of colour in these estates - I'm not saying there are none - but the vast vast vast majority of immigrants of ANY nationality are to be found working in the absolute worst and poorly paid jobs in this country that the British are too lazy to do - either that or the Brits have worked out they could 'earn' more on benefits.

As for other comments on this post - the world gets smaller by the day with the internet - couldn't anyone be converted to any religion with access to the internet? It only takes a second on google to get information about any religion you can think of, whether in a pure or extremist form.

Please rethink your comments - millions of people died at the hands of Hitler in the second world war - their crime simply to be the wrong religion/race - how would you feel if some nutcase did the same in this country against a particular section of society?

I don't normally get involved in questions like these but I just had to provide another point of view - if only to prove that Britain is not a xenophobic country. If we improved the way that we deal with asylum seekers in a similar way to Australia perhaps we could ensure that these people don't feel marginalised and are helped to become productive members of society like many of their peers.

(And yes, I know I won't get 10 points for disagreeing with you!)

2006-07-05 22:39:30 · answer #7 · answered by Emma T 4 · 0 0

Please give it a rest! I'm sick and tired of hearing fascists like you going on about how we're being 'swamped' with illegall immigrants! Look up some statistics - migrants are a tiny minority in this country! Most of them work (some doing the shitty jobs that fat, lazy dole-scrounging Brits refuse to do!) and contribute to the general well being of the country's economy. We're all immingrants in this country - are you directly descended from the ancient Britons? Let's have a bit more tolerance and less hatred.

2006-07-05 22:42:04 · answer #8 · answered by Roxy 6 · 0 0

I don't agree with you if Britain was as dangerous as these countries wouldn't we be begging everyone to take us in and /or help us? I live in what used to be a white working class area and we have a new community of Somalians which does seem to have "taken over" I don't feel part of where I live in that part of town having to walk on a busy road as they don't move while chatting with 5 of their friends. There are grants given for them to have Somalian ladies day trips etc but would we be allowed a white woman's day trip? Would it be the same attitude if they had all moved into the posh areas. I know people who have waited 15 years to move from a flat to a house and they have given them after 5 years or less. It's easier to be PC when you don't have groups of men spitting in the street pushing in and shouting throwing money at whoever is serving in your local shop every day? It might be worth giving advice on our traditions for new people coming here for instance the fact we love to queue! Also some of the worst racists i have seen in my area are black! Notice that emma is very shallow when it comes to council estates as well. a hell of a lot of people are in these places ar there because of domestic violence and some other pretty good reasons although anywhere you go in Britiain you will find benefit cheats! my estate used to be white in the past but now is very mixed and people get on well there are a lot of mixed race and indian people who get on fine. From what I can see it's fear of the unknown that gets people upset. Funny how most pc people and racists seem to come from mostly white areas!

2006-07-05 22:43:45 · answer #9 · answered by mrsbadcrumble21 1 · 0 0

currently a very small percent of the population are of another ethnic origin so we are hardly innundated. however i see your point as people i.e immigrants are usually shovelled into already bursting at the scenes areas which are then ghetto-ised. these immigrants are refused the right to work; many of them are experienced workers in their own particular field, this puts a strain on the benefits system and tax payers have to pay more to support an ever increasing population of non workers. the government needs to allow them to work when they step on these shores just to start with.

secondly; housing. the government need to allow more houses to be built. around 90 percent of the population live on around 9 percent of the land in this country. the rest of the land is taken up by the rich landowners who obviously want to keep it intact. not very practical though is it? we may be a small country to start with but we're seemingly smaller than we actually are as most of the land is going to waste. people are currently stacked on top of each other like rats in cages which then leads to anti social behaviour and mental health problems. some areas in this country, mainly the cities have more than their fare share of population problems whilst those in smaller towns and villages live relatively peaceful lives. the inner cities suffer the most with councils, nhs services stretched to snapping.

i agree there must be many more controls in who to let into this country but to disallow them full stop is not very helpful to those who need to flee violence or make a better life for their families. what we need is government intervention. let these people work and help the economy and build more houses to house both us and them. free up some of the land that the government won't allow us to build on, this should help ease some of the problems we have.

2006-07-05 22:33:31 · answer #10 · answered by stingub40 4 · 0 0

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