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Lets face it, pets are just domesticated wild animals. They cause trouble to owners for many reasons, pet owners have at least 1 of these problems if not all....1)they stink up the house...2)they tear clothes/ furniture apart.....3)they need constant supervision....4)they incurr medical expenses.....5)you need to dish out thousands of dollars for their food/accessories....6)they make noises at the weirdest hours....7)they will defecate, vomit, and urinate where they shouldn't....8)they make guests feel uneasy.....9)they live short lives, so they will die and break your heart everytime......10)they'll make a mess, then you have to clean up after them.....11) you have to feed them and walk them which is like a full time job.....there are tons of other reasons why pets should be in the wild. I would give up their friendship over all the negative things they bring on to a family.

2006-07-05 22:12:01 · 10 answers · asked by chris 2 in Pets Other - Pets

Another huge reason....they shed like crazy....wouldn't want anyone inhaling hair and fur all day. One can lose a lung...especially develop allergies

2006-07-05 22:22:00 · update #1

10 answers

You have many valid points from your perspective. Yet you don't mention how much "interspecies socialization" has a part in animal/people relationships. This is more than friendship, it's necessity for a social animal to interact social in various arenas. I would argue that many pets ARE family members in every sense of the word. Humans are also animals with social needs.

Many pets live longer lives as pets than they would in the wild. I would suspect that they have vital and wonderful lives in many of these cases. IMHO of course. As was mentioned, they increase the health of their owners as well.

As I read this I couldn't help but think of raising children as being comparable to these same difficulties. I suggest you should probably not have children either. Sounds like you have a full plate already. This isn't an intentional jab- just an observation/opinion.


2006-07-05 22:30:31 · answer #1 · answered by Form 3 · 1 0

That's a matter of your own opinion. Personally I agree mostly with what everyone else said.

Animals are living, breathing beings with a concious and feeling. That also means that they deserve to be treated ethically.

You said:

1) They stink up your house -> I won't downright say that there isn't a difference with odor. However, if you take the time to bath your pet properly, you can keep that down to a minimum.

2) They tear clothes/furniture apart -> Again, if they're properly trained, you don't see problems like this occur.

3) They need constant supervision -> So do kids, along with most idiots in the world/workplace .. Same complaint, different subject title.

4) They incurr medical expenses -> Well what doesn't these days? As I said before, animals have feelings as well. Don't tell me you wouldn't go to the hospital if you had a broken limb/some other life rendering disease would you? Why should you put the living, breathing animal through the same miscomfort.

5) You need to dish out thousands of dollars for their food/accessories ->>
Frankly spending thousands of dollars is a little obscene. If you're not willing to pay for the vet, you don't deserve the pet.

6) They make noises at the weirdest hours -> I don't know what kind of pet you're referring to, but unless it's a bird, I've never heard it. My dog woke me up everyday at 6am for his daily walk, but like all pets they all have their own personality.

7) They will defecate, vomit, and urinate where they shouldn't -> If your pet is vomitting .. chances are it needs to see a vet so you can .. you know fix the problem. Generally this type of thing wouldn't happen if again: A) you train your pet properly B) You walk them on a regular basis.

8)They make guests feel uneasy -> That sounds more like a paranoia then an actual statement as to why pets are more trouble in the home.

9) They live short lives, so they will die and break your heart everytime -> If you take care of your pet .. they live fairly long lives. Death is also a part of life, and if you're not willing to deal and accept that part of life, then maybe again that's a personal issue.

10) They'll make a mess, then you have to clean up after them -> Honestly this just starts to sound more and more like you're too lazy to care for anything. Don't take this personally, but with a statement like this I have to wonder if you take care of yourself honestly..

11) You have to feed them and walk them which is like a full time job ->

Overall this just sounds like you're not really a responsible person. Frankly, if that's how you feel about pets, don't get one - but don't sit there and make excuses. You just sound like a lazy individual who doesn't like to work for anything in my book.

2006-07-06 00:31:57 · answer #2 · answered by mroof! 6 · 1 0

A dog can make a cancer patient live up to 40% longer.

A dog or cat can make an elderly person live an extra 5 yrs.

Having pets during your life can lower your blood pressure and stress levels.

Watching a fish tank for 1 hour every day will lower your stress level.

Insomnia can be cured by petting a purring cat, puts you right to sleep.

An animal can be comforting when we are hurt or in pain.

A dog can save an owners life, and many have.

The way you speak of animals and the problems they have...I pray to God you never have children. Cause children are far worse then any pet. A pet is like a stepping stone to having a child. If you can't handle a simple pet don't even think of a child.

I would also have to say you are not a pet owner and probably haven't owned a pet to understand why you own one. Unconditional love.

2006-07-05 22:18:56 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You bring up some good points, however I dont agree that domestic animals should be left outdoors. My best example is cats who will completely rid a neighborhood or all wild species of animals and dont even eat them, they kill for fun... So im sorry but I dont agree with you. Yes, they are domesticated wild animals, but many dont have the adaptations to live in the wild anymore either.......for example, what the heck would a pug do on its own, or a yorkshire terrier.....they would not survive very long. Breeds like that are too far removed form nature by selective breeding to ever be turned loose. Now reptiles, amphibians, fish and arthropods should be let loose (IN THEIR NATIVE REGIONS) because many of them are simply picked out of the wild and have 39.95$ taped to their heads. It unfair for all animals other than cats and dogs to be in domestication. The others are all well suited and perfectly able to survive on their own and will not cause unneccessary damage.

2006-07-06 05:10:52 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Here are some of the ways dogs can benefit your life.

- Heart attack survival. Pet ownership has been found to be the second best predictor of survival following a heart attack. The best predictor, not surprisingly, was the amount of damage to the heart, but pet ownership was found more important than all the other physical, social and economic variables.
- Lower blood pressure. Dog owners have been shown to have lower systolic blood pressure than non-owners. Petting the dog lowers blood pressure almost immediately.
- Lower divorce rate. Couples who own dogs report closer relationships, more satisfaction in their marriages and respond better to stress.
- Counter depression. The company and fun provided by dogs lessens feelings of sadness and depression.
Lower cholesterol and triglycerides. Dog owners have lower levels of both low- density lipoproteins and triglycerides, both of which are associated with increased chance of developing heart disease.
- Make friends. Research has supported the idea that having a dog increases the likelihood you will make friends.

2006-07-05 22:16:26 · answer #5 · answered by brand_new_monkey 6 · 0 0

1. If you don't like to have a pet, then don't. We find much more advantages than disadvantages
2. They are not wild animals. Human breeding has created races that can never survive in the wild and never have.
3. Humans have altered the natural environment and habitats so much, in city areas but in the wild too, that it is impossible for this sort of animals to live without human care any more.

2006-07-05 22:23:50 · answer #6 · answered by cpinatsi 7 · 0 0

Sounds like you are describing kid's. I Love animals, and have many happy pets, that give me nothing but joy. I HATE KID'S, JUST A MATTER OF OPINION I GUESS....LOL

2006-07-06 00:03:04 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

When did wild poodles roam the earth?

How about wild potbellied pigs?

2006-07-05 22:16:31 · answer #8 · answered by billybetters2 5 · 1 0

You must be with PETA

2006-07-05 22:29:09 · answer #9 · answered by Mommadog 6 · 1 0


2006-07-05 22:16:42 · answer #10 · answered by mjfluffy420 3 · 0 0

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