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2006-07-05 21:51:56 · 47 answers · asked by \ 5 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

thats my sister thinking of abortion becAuse there is high risk her babby can born with severe birth defects.. and live vegetable life.. her first child born mild efects only anemia.(she is rhesus negative husband positive so babys and mothers blood mixed and damaged baby.. i dont know what to call that),doctors said her second baby would born with more damage... also she used depo injection and didnt know she was pregnant...

2006-07-05 22:20:47 · update #1

47 answers


2006-07-05 21:54:07 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm answering this as if it is a personal Q for someone who needs help!

Unfortunately - only the mother (and father if there) of the baby can make that decision.

It must be the single biggest decision in your life!

At the end of the day, you will never know if you abort, what might have been. And if you do abort, you will always wonder.

What is your situation at the minute? I don't know much to be able to comment properly - For example if you a re in a loving relationship you and the father need to make the decision together. If you have a loving family, they will support you, whether you abort or keep the baby.

If you keep and the baby is disabled or whatever, I know it will be EXTREMELY hard, especially if you are alone (no partner) however, you will always love that child more than life itself!!! And will never regret having it.

I've not got an ill child (thankfully), so i won't pretend to know what your going through, but I am going through a separation and I now realise that the reason my Ex and I met was so I would have my son! And if he were ill I'd love him just the same.

So for me it would be a no - not because I don't think it's rite (everyone has a choice). But YOU need to be the one to make that choice, and do whats rite for you and that little person inside you.

If this is personal I really feel for you and I will be thinking of you.

If you need to chat. Contact me.!


2006-07-05 22:12:31 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is an impossible question to answer unless you are in the situation yourself.

If it's all just theory I would say I would never terminate a pregnancy no matter what.

But I have known people in this situation and it causes a lot of heartache and you need to think very carefully.

I would not even CONSIDER a termination if there was a "high risk", only if I knew 99.9% for certain that the baby would be very seriously ill or not survive.

However, I still don't think that I would be able to go through with a termination. That is just me...

If you really are facing this dilemma then I wish you all the best and I hope that you make the right decision for you. No matter what anyone else says, this is a decision that only you can make.

Take care

2006-07-05 22:07:03 · answer #3 · answered by dashabout 3 · 0 0

With the medical technology today there is so much that can be done for almost any type of ailment.
Then you have to remember that the human body has a way of recognizing severe fetal developement problems. If there is one your body will naturally abort the fetus.
You can always get an amniocentesis to determine any defects too.
Whether or not the baby is born with defects and you still choose to not want it you can always consider adoption. There are many couples that are unable to have children of their own. You could even set up the adoption before the baby is born to assure that she or he has a good home to go to.
Good Luck!
Considering your added message she may have to take a doctors advise. But doctors aren't always right. Last year I was told I could not have children. I am now 9 months pregnant with a very healthy baby girl.

2006-07-05 22:28:29 · answer #4 · answered by lovingfeathers 3 · 0 0

This is a difficult moral dilemma, one which I have been through myself.

I was told that my baby would almost certainly have mental and physical problems when it was born. It was really hard and I didn't know what to do.

In the end, I did abort. I already had a child of 1 year, and the thought of bringing a sick baby into the world after having one healthy one was terrible for me. How would this baby have felt when it was older, looking at his/her perfect sibling? Also, it sounds selfish - but, could I have coped with one young child plus one who would need constant care? Would I have been able to find the time to give the sick baby all it needed? Would I have found time to give my first child the attention he needed?

I decided that I didn't think I could. I had the abortion 3 years ago, and every year, at the time when the baby was due to be born if I hadn't aborted, I cry, think about it and remember... It's hard, but I don't regret the decision. I don't feel guilty, just sad that it had to happen that way.

2006-07-06 00:14:04 · answer #5 · answered by Krissyinthesun 5 · 1 0

I was told my daughter might have Down's Syndrome (false laboratory reading). I decided not to have any more tests and accept what happened. She was fine. My friend had a termination at 7 months because her baby was so deformed and brain damaged. It was dreadful - scarred her for life. She sat there sobbing while we could see the baby kicking in her stomach. Truly awful experience.
I worked for a handicapped charity and it distressed me to see how some people were actually tiny babies in adult's bodies. I don't believe they would have survived without medical intervention at their birth. However, my grandson was born during the 6th month of pregnancy - we were desperate to save his life.
This is a question only you can answer. Certainly I'd never abort for something like a club foot or a hare lip. Depends on the level of "unhealthy".

2006-07-05 22:01:30 · answer #6 · answered by True Blue Brit 7 · 0 0

My sis-in-law had the RH factor in her pregnancies. They discovered it in her first and although her daughter had problems at first, she is a perfectly healthy 7 yo, her second child died when she was 5 months pg with her because they wanted to do a blood transfusion and when they went to do it she died instantly. She then got pg very shortly after her second daughter died and it was very scarey. She could have decided to abort because of what might have been, but now she has a healthy 4 yo. I also knew a girl who said that the lab tests came back and the dr told her that her son was severly deformed. She considered aborting and then found out they had given her the wrong test results. She says she cringes to think of the abortion even if there had been something wrong. I am so sorry for your sister and your family. I will be praying for strength and peace.

2006-07-06 04:01:55 · answer #7 · answered by leeloo11400 1 · 0 0

yes, i think i would. actually yes, i know i would! Termination isnt always an easy option but sometimes, i think its an only option.
You say that the chances are high that the baby would be born unhealthy, in that case, i would definately terminate it- parents want the best for their children, and if the baby is going to born brain damaged, i dont think its fair on the parents, other children in the family as well as the child itself. What quality of life would the child have?? My heart goes to your sister...she has to make the hardest decision of her life, she'll know if its the right decision or not.

2006-07-06 00:23:21 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You don't say what "unhealthy" means.

Downs Syndrome, for example is not "unhealthy" it's just inconvenient, imperfect by some nonsensical standard, bothersome, hard work, maybe even embarrassing.

My wife and I had to ask ourselves this question. All I can tell you is what we thought.

If I had a kid who became unwell, I would love him and look after him forever and make his life as happy as I could. If the kid was born unwell, I don't see the difference.

If I had a kid who was suffering, in pain, facing agonies every day with no prospect of getting better, I would try to find the courage to end that suffering. Both would be loving acts, carried out for the good of the child.

If you are in this situation, you have to ask yourself what is in the interests of the child, not what's convenient for you.

We didn't do it. The kid was fine.

2006-07-05 22:06:46 · answer #9 · answered by scotsman 5 · 0 0

Oh what an awkward question and one that a lot of people will change their minds of the answer when they are put in that situation. Its easy to say yes but it totally depends on the severity of the handicap.
My personal view would have to be YES if it was professionally proven to me that my child would never be able to lead a life without suffering or would constantly be in a 'vegetable state' (if that's the right way of saying it)with no hope of improvement.
Then again, I have never had to make that choice for real so I don't really know what my answer would be.

2006-07-05 22:03:47 · answer #10 · answered by ADRIAN J 2 · 1 0

It is a tough choice to make & a very personal one. In this case I would terminate. What life will the parents & the baby have? The child will need 24 hr care & will never be able to do anything or be aware of anything, it's not fair to the child or the parents! The parents will never have a life & any other children may feel neglected in favour of this very dependant child. Where's the enjoyment for anyone?

2006-07-06 00:02:45 · answer #11 · answered by Mummy 2 · 0 0

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