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I want to have children and iam 17, I have been on the pill for 3 years will that reduce my chance of becoming pregnant?
When you are pregnant how dose morning sickness work?
Im scaird of the pain I will feel......
Is it rare that something will go wrong?
please tell me as much as possable and the best info will get the best answer.

2006-07-05 18:50:42 · 14 answers · asked by tamilia4u 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

14 answers

Having a baby is not a picnic.
The pain of childbirth is primal and overwhelming. It is a pain soon diluted when you see your child for the first time.
You don't realize how much your mother loves you until you have given birth.
Morning sickness sucks... you feel nausous. A lot.
BC pills will not reduce your chances.....at your age.
I would advise to wait until after you are 21 to have a baby.
I was a teen mother, and yes I would have waited.
It is rare that something can go wrong in a pregnancy and with a baby
But it does happen
I have 4 children now and I'm 30
Yet I've been pregnant 9 times...
Hope this helps
by the by, I love my children with all my heart, and I wouldn't change a thing; those commercials on tv are right: "having a baby changes everything"

2006-07-05 18:59:30 · answer #1 · answered by Halo Rayn 2 · 1 0

You are 17 years old, and being a mother of 2 girls and another girl on the way, I would say live your life first, find a good man, get married, make sure you have lots of money and then think about children. Why rush into things when you do not have to? Ask your mom she will tell you the same things. I think you need to sit down with your parents and discuss this matter because you seem to be wanting to grow up too darn fast. Good luck and blessings~

2006-07-06 08:41:36 · answer #2 · answered by Coast2CoastChat.com 5 · 0 0


please wait, wait, WAIT to have a baby. At 17 shouldn't you be playing with dolls or something like that? Damn, you are way toooooooooooooo young for that journey. Kids are a life changer and at 17 your life hasn't even begun. Even if you don't have plans for college and even if you don't have alot of money to travel and experience the world, still wait. There are still alot of roller coasters you can ride before the kiddies come along. I'm 42 and our youngest is 16 months. As much as we have experienced prior to kids, there are still days when it is tough being a parent.

Now get that thought out of your head and go do something fun!


2006-07-06 09:58:52 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

wow, it is great that you want to be a mother. But at 17 is really hard. stay on the pill. It will not hidner your chances of getting pregnant in the future. You need to live life as an adult more before you have a child to take care of. I had one @ 19 and it was hard. There are lots of things in life that you will be alot harder once you have a child, no matter how much you love the baby. PLEASE Wait!!!!

2006-07-06 01:55:52 · answer #4 · answered by singitoutloudandclear 5 · 0 0

Sweety.. at 17 .. just one question and im sure many older MOTHERS out there will agree with me .. ARE you Nuts?? no offense but you can have no idea how having ababy at the PRIME of you FUN life you will b putting on hold.. i personally think you should rethink this.. bc if it happens u end up preg .. WILLyou really b ready.?? or is there a underlining cause like peer pressure mayb from a BF or friends. Like other people will say .. every pregnancy is different. my 1st child i had at 18.. i was lucky ihad morning sickness at the last 2mo of pregnancy.. my next 5 kids.. as soon as i skipped my period I was up constantly sick.. at your young age.. Just due to your age alone.. you are likely to have Premies,miscarriage along with many other things that can go wrong. my 2nd and 3rd kid were very very early and to this day they dont know why. they sent me to specialist to check my cervix shape and Found NOthing.. pain.. every lady is different some at 4cm THEY think they are gonna die.. cause their pain level is so bad.. me i had natural labor with all mine. it all depends on you, HON. but serioiusly if i could do it all over again.. and i love my LITTLE rugrats.. I woulda waiting. financially, emotionally.. you just arent ready .. and i know i probally sound like everything your mom has told you.. but once u become amother.. YOU will relize.. you mom was right after all about MANY THINGS :) if i can help if with further stuff.. pls feel comfortable to email me at elyel7@yahoo.com
my children are 9,6,5 3,2,1 so i have plenty of good info :)
good luck hon .. and think TRIPPLE b4 you decide to b a mother.. Motherhood is GREAT.. but it can also wait..until it is safe and right for you.

2006-07-06 02:42:26 · answer #5 · answered by Erica Y 1 · 0 0

im 23&im 31wks pregnant. this pregnant **** is no joke 4real if i were you id wait until i was older i was on depo for 5 almost 6 yrs it took me over a year to get pregnant & now that i am i wish i wouldve waited. morning sickness is terrible(but not every1 gets it) i threw up everyday a couple times a day for like a month in half i even had to change toothepaste it was makin me sick i couldnt smell any kind of meat period!!!!!! so to cut this short the pill will not reduce your chances it will just take awhile to get out of your system, morning sickness is terrible & being pregnant is not just about your belly getting big YOUR WHOLE BODY&LIFE CHANGES!!!!

2006-07-06 12:48:38 · answer #6 · answered by Misty M 1 · 0 0

im 14 and havin a baby.. i am scared as hell.. yes its rare that somethin goes on it aint the pain u gotta worry about... its takin care of the baby. my fiancee and i are just now gettin a place to live and im 37 weeks pregnant... you gotta get diapers clothes wipes pwder WIC food stamps medicade for you and baby it is alot to be worrying about. the pill is only effective if you take it at the same time every day. and ur ob visits thoes are real fun... gettin pap smears and what not... id wait a little longer until u know you are ready.. i ot pregnant cause i wanted to get away from my parents now i am and i wanna stay at home w/ them but i cant so think before you get pregnant what i shoulda done

2006-07-06 02:22:35 · answer #7 · answered by baby angel 2 · 0 0

You have 20 good child bearing years ahead of you. Don't be in a hurry, enjoy your life now. Do all the things you want to do, travel etc. The pill will not hinder your chances of having a baby later, no matter how long you are on it for.

2006-07-06 02:27:19 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You are only 17...why worry about having a baby now.......enjoy your life for a while...find a husband....and then think about a baby...

I never had morning sickness...but I could not brush my teeth in the early morning...and I did not like the way some people smelled it would make me nauseated.....

The pain of childbirth is horrendous..but I would do it again for my child....

As with all births there are chances that something could happen....

2006-07-06 02:01:32 · answer #9 · answered by destine4_69 4 · 0 0

just a moment...did u say u r 17?? if u feel u r ready so early! there are plenty of websites for ur help. u cud check them. amazingpregnancy.com is gud.
and honey pain is the party and parcel of pregnancy and motherhood. surely until u r ready to take lots and lots of pain..don't try to get pregnant!!! talk to someone close like ur mother or any other elder who cud help u

2006-07-06 01:53:58 · answer #10 · answered by pearl 2 · 0 0

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