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I know it would be hard to anyone who,s spouse has cheated. But I may tell you things now that you dont agree with but as I guessed you are willing to try new things I want to tell you now. Respect yourself that is number one. Believe in yourself that you are a great person lives here on earth. Then you need to decide, do you want to keep your spouse or not. I will not tell you what to do but know this when your spouse know that you are so kind hearted and can forgive him or her at anytime he or she did it, he or she may lost respect in you. Respecting yourself by not allowing your spouse doing it again and again bring him or her to a hard place and he or she either stop it or continue. Then let your healthy social life continue. Have some friends around you, those who really care, you dont need frieads that is just there when the good times, you need freinds who hears and feels what you been through even you never tell them the details. Go to church if you have one ask a pastor to pray for you, if you dont have start attending one. And make a journal of your feeling, start to forgive your spouse, I never say go back and start all over again. Forgiveness is just releasing that feeling bottled inside you. There is nothing wrong with you know that. Yeah I never say you are perfect what I am saying here is that you may have a weakness but you also have strenght. Go on, Move on.. If life have cease because of the pain they been through then the earth cease to exist now. Get some new hobbies. And the last but one of the best thing you can do is watch Ophrah show. She always have something for everyone. God bless youn and hope this would help you.

2006-07-05 18:40:11 · answer #1 · answered by edith m 2 · 0 0

If he or she was really your soulmate there would be no cheating!!!! No matter what!!!! Its very hard to cope when someone hurts you this way.To me when someone cheats that is the most painful thing they can do.It breaks the special bond of intimacy and it will never be the same,no matter if you try to work it out it will always be in the back of your mind.Maybe you need to look for a new soulmate!!!! Good luck and as the saying goes time heals ,it does ,it takes alot of time ,but it will fade away eventually ,the broken heart you have right now.

2006-07-06 01:32:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You take some time for yourself and asses the situation. Dont try to talk to your soulmate until you are calm and collected. Ask them why, tell them how you feel, and discuss what comes next. My grandmother once asked me a trick question. "If you truly love someone, when is enough enough? It took me until my soulmate cheated on me to figure it out. I was so mad and all these things were running through my head, and i came across that day so long ago in my grandmas kitchen. Then i knew the answer. If you truly love someone, it will never come to that point. If they truly are your soulmate, you will be able to overcome any obstacle, including one of the majors; infidelity. Just remember to take that time to figure yourself out. You dont want to say anything you might not mean and make the situation worse. Chances are, they are feeling pretty sh*tty rught now too. And remember that guilt eats holes in the soul. They probabably need that calm discussion and the laying out of cards as much as you do. Good Luck!

2006-07-06 01:46:46 · answer #3 · answered by rednecksurfer_roxy 3 · 0 0

IMO, if you do not learn how to make a relationship work and keep it clean and happy, then your next 'soulmate' may be as bad or worse, and the next, and the next, etc. it's all about knowing how to keep love honest and alive so that the dirty little lies and cheating do not creep into your relationships. if i were you, i'd go to a library, book store or counseling and learn how to make a relationship good, clean and HONEST. then when you finally do meet your 'soulmate' you both may have a chance at making things right if they start to go wrong (as most do!). the techniques and skills for a loving, faithful relationship are easy, fast and obvious - much better than what we were taught at home by ignorant people. if both partners know and use good relationship skills there will not be any cheating or other 'common' negatives most folks just put up with until the bitter end.
good luck,

2006-07-06 03:20:01 · answer #4 · answered by jimrich 7 · 0 0

I don't wanna sound mean, but the fact that he cheated makes it likely that he's not truly your soulmate. I'm speakin in generalities of course. It boils down to that bitter one always gets in these predicaments: "It was'nt meant to be.. .blah" It's scant comfort. (I know.) If you're willing to go on with the relationship, you'll have to examine what it was that caused him to cheat. It could be he's a punk, a horndog, or simply can't keep it zipped. In which case, I'd boot him cuz it'll happen again. If it's something else...... Whatever the reason, it's a character flaw on his part for infidelity. The best response if he's got issues is to bring them up. His not doing so shows at the least, disrespect towards you.

2006-07-06 02:17:04 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You remember that even tho that person is your soulmate, they are still human. You remember that everyone makes mistakes. Just because you love eachother doesnt mean you are immune to hurting eachother. People do stupid things, and cheating is one of those things. I know its hard, I've been there. If it was just a one-time mistake and that person is sorry, try to forgive them. Or at least move on. If its been an on-going affair, than that person was knowingly hurting you and you have to think about whether they really have your best interests in mind.

2006-07-06 01:27:51 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well first you should think to yourself ? Is this guy really my soulmate ? Because if he was he wouldn't have hurt you like that ! Second I know alot of people are telling you leave his sorry butt, well the whole thing is you need to do what you think is right for you , and make you happy first ! If a second chance is in your heart see where that goes , but tell him LOOK I have no trust for you right now and you need to earn my trust back ! Also if its to much for you to take you better leave him , because its no good to stay with someone if you can't forgive them .

2006-07-06 01:30:10 · answer #7 · answered by Stormy W 1 · 0 0

Please don't listen to the people who tell you to end it. Life is far too complicated for that to always be the answer. The fact that you refer to him/her as your soulmate shows me that you're willing to or already have forgiven him/her for the indiscretion. That obviously doesn't mean everything's hunky dory though. That stupid cliche that time heals all wounds is probably actually right in this case. If both of you are willing to work through it, things CAN go back to normal, and one day, trust CAN be restored. Other than that, cry all you want, eat icecream, take long baths, and listen to Norah Jones.

2006-07-07 02:29:34 · answer #8 · answered by elizabeth_ashley44 7 · 0 0

Been there, and was pregnant at the time. Believe me, once a cheater, always a cheater. Never,ever thought it would happen, but it did. Do yourself a favor, and save yourself a lot more heartache and move on. Sometimes the hard thing to do, and the right thing to do are the same thing. There is no way to cope, the mistrust and suspicion will always linger, destroying what you had. Don't do it to yourself, honey, don't.

2006-07-06 01:27:04 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That is when you realise that the person is NOT your soulmate.No one hurts their soulmate...it would be hurting themselves too.

When a person we care for cheats on us, the person actually breaks the trust and that poisons the relationship.It is difficult to earn back trust that has been broken.If the person regrets and wants to continue the relationship......the person has got to work on gaining the trust back again.

Be carefull, do not let the person break your heart again.
Take one day at a time.
God bless.

2006-07-06 01:30:53 · answer #10 · answered by Firefly 4 · 0 0

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