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One one of my previous questions someone responded with "All blacks come from Africa...[whites came from Europe]" but in that logic isn't it true that all people came from Africa since it is scientifically considered the origin point of man?
So wouldn't all people be classified as African-[american] (for north americans)? At what point in history does the culture or race become part of it's inhabited contanent?

2006-07-05 18:00:23 · 28 answers · asked by honey_ryder62 1 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

28 answers

Blacks may have African blood in their heritage long ago,but now are inhabitants of many and varied lands.Once they were called Moors,long ago{Othello}.When ,the Romns ruled they were called ethiopians,dark people in other ancient cultures.The race is in your blood.the culture,is where U were raised.Cuba.,america,India.France.Wherever!as far as What continent people originally came from ,no one really knows.The scientists just Guess,on ancient data!

2006-07-05 18:22:11 · answer #1 · answered by xkss3 3 · 0 0

Remember Honey, that's just a theory that that's our point of origin. A lot of crazy stuff was going down back in the day, don't forget the lessons our ancient ancestors taught us. Just because they didn't have the vocabulary to describe what they were seeing doesn't mean they didn't see it. They described way more lightning going on than we see these days, on top of many many other things.

Anyways, the point in history when a culture is considered a part of it's inhabited continent is when they no longer remember being anywhere else.

2006-07-05 19:42:29 · answer #2 · answered by Tony, ya feel me? 3 · 0 0

The origins of mankind came from Africa. From there they branched out into other parts of the globe and evolved separately. Race is, biologically, little more than people evolving to compensate to their environment over the eons: How much sun? How much vegetation? What types of predators? What type of terrain? It's society and culture that make race into an issue: fear in the unknown or little understood.

2006-07-05 18:09:29 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You have a point.
We can't deny the human bean originated from Africa (Mother Africa) but we also have to face the physical's diferencies existed today in the humans race as its passed for a series of changes, called evolution. The history of our race is called Evolution.
Africa seems to be the birth of our race, much happened after that, we change from home erectus to home sapiens improving our ability of walking and spreading our race for anothers regions, areas and continents throu out the world. This change of space (geographic)seems to be responsable for the separation of one race on the others races we know today.
About the classification of african-american used here in the USA is incorrect under my point of view because this classification doesn't extend for the others races in USA.
Under american classification of race, if a balck person is classify
as african- american, the withe should be called european- american, asian-american and indian-american, which is not what we see at all. Classify people this way seems to me like creating a new race, an "usa race", mixin nationality with race.
The correct on my view, would be as europeans, asians, indians and africans. Race is used to specify a person's ancestry not a nationality as we can see by african-american for example. American isn't a race but a nationality compunded by the mixture of many others races in its geographical location. Race is the background or ancestry classification. If I say african, it can be for many parts of Africa, european many parts of european, asian same thing and so on.
If you think about the race purely, african would be the only race and the others races its originated would be subspecies because all comes form a major one, but this definition is incorrect because of the prejudice its meaning brings, than someone would come up and say: No, the races that decending from Africans are "an updated" version (or something like that) !. The discussuion on this matter are toltally incorrent and unbased.
A good question on my opinion would be: Why black americans are the only ones whom separated themselfs form african becomming african-america? For others race goes asian, caucasians, hispanics, and atin, but when it gets to blacks goes african-american.
I hope my opinion comes to help you.

2006-07-05 18:58:33 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Americans are people who live in America and America was founded in 1776 when we broke away from England so the colonists were American. :) Yay!
Now early Americans had slaves and they were mostly black and they were shipped from Africa (directly) so... for a long time, even after slavery was abolished, black people were given all sorts of names that were not nice and many were offended at even the widely accepted (now extremely offensive) names. In order to get rid of those aweful names and be more politically correct so that people would all finally be equal and get along, we've recently began calling black people "African Americans" even though white people live in Africa also.

So, it's not just that they're from Africa because people from France are not called "French Americans".

2006-07-05 18:08:23 · answer #5 · answered by Mama R 5 · 0 0

All people came from Africa. You know that whole. Moses and the Pharaoh thing. Well if you believe that. They were in Egypt. And where is Egypt? In Africa. So all people are originally from Africa. Or the Middle East. Whatever you want to say.

2006-07-05 18:10:46 · answer #6 · answered by The_Answer_Man™ 4 · 0 0

It is the environment of Africa that makes the physical appearance of negroes, it is the environment of Europe that makes the appearance of caucasians. We all might have come from Africa but our appearance shows exactly where we evolved and developed our appearance, abilities, history, culture and etc., and it shows that we are more adapted to the environment of the continent we evolved in, so we can't all just go back and live in Africa, because caucasians get skin cancer from the hot sun in Africa and other hot places.

2006-07-05 18:13:35 · answer #7 · answered by S0C1AL1ST 3 · 0 0

We're all human race, where we're born determines what you'll be called as in ethnicity. Most common people of dark skin who were born in Africa are called African, but get this the people from the Caribbean are also of dark skin and they're called Caribbean then there's Mexicans who are pretty dark skin but they're called Mexicans. So your skin color just because it's "black" which in reality is dark skin should not be determined as a person who came from Africa.

2006-07-05 18:07:50 · answer #8 · answered by claudia91701 3 · 0 0

ok...my boyfriend just explain all this to me yesterday and it didn't really stick but wat he told me was that Africa is the "motherland" in a sense which is where all mankind came from and that there are signs all over the world with a creature sticking it's tonge out like on that mayan calander...(i don't know if it's aztec or mayan) but anyway that that creature is supposed to be a symbol of that motherland....and that way long ago there way this guy i think his name was caurcacous or something like that and that he (like many ppl back then) used 100% of his brain...he was supposed to be like this inventor genius and he wanted to make a new race of ppl that were clear and could only use a small percent of their brains...but they were bad ppl and so he got in trouble because this new breed of ppl were reeking havoc all over the world...mainly the turks...and so they were put in the caucus mountain....which still exist to this day...that's why white ppl are called caucasions...well im sure i got a lot of this story mixed up but that's the main idea...u should read some books about it tho it's real interesting...i wish i knew more to tell u but that's as far as the convo went but yeah....hope no one got offended....much luv

2006-07-05 18:12:06 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Evolutionists believe that we come from Africa, however the Evolutionists are Ungodly people who Monkey around cause no Humans have any Monkeys in their ancestry.

I have direct tracing to Adam and Eve in my Family Tree and guess what the Garden of Eden was not in Africa, it was probably in either Iraq or Turkey.

2006-07-05 18:08:28 · answer #10 · answered by MrCool1978 6 · 0 0

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