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Do you think we should get out of the middle east and stop fighting over there? Is it bad enough that we already killed thousands of inoccent people over there?

2006-07-05 17:49:15 · 35 answers · asked by Gothic Girl 4 in News & Events Current Events

I think that we have been there for too long.

2006-07-05 18:02:17 · update #1

35 answers

In my opinion we should have never went over there in the first place. The only reason we are still there now, is because Bush doesn't want to admit that he is a Dumb-*** and he just went over there to avenge his father. So We will probably stay over there for a long time. My cousin is over there. I just pray for him and all the other troops that are over there because of Bushes stupidity.

2006-07-05 17:54:06 · answer #1 · answered by The_Answer_Man™ 4 · 5 1

I agree that our priorities were mixed up - we know our enemies but choose to ignore the threat. September 11th was a wake up call for America; terrorists will not stop and they have no problem taking innocent lives. There is no way that we can combat terrorism; it exists on too many fronts. The biggest problem I have with our continued presence in the middle east is the political and media involvement. If we want to make a statement, we need to leave it to the military. In 1991 we had every opportunity to resolve the problems in Iraq but we stopped. We had every opportunity in Korea, yet we stopped. Police actions do not work and we cannot police the whole world, arrogant as we are. War is a terrible option but we should have retaliated with full force and eliminated as much of the threat as possible without any limitations. We will see another attack on our country because we have not proven any point Bush made in his speech after 911. If we are going to play with the big boys, we need someone who isn't afraid to use the big stick. I only pray that we will not choose to become involved in the current situation between Israel, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Iran and a cast of terrorists. Unfortunately, our presence in the middle east may draw us into the conflict.

2006-07-16 22:49:49 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

During the American War in Vietnam and the Cold War, the US government and supporters of the government used to make its people believe that...

1. if it didn't stop the Vietnamese, then the world would be dominated by communists and that the next battle would be fought in our own backyards.

2. The government said that this was a war fought for freedom vs. oppression, with the Vietnamese being the oppressors.

3. The US had to do what it had to do for freedom and liberty over there.

4. Even if the war was wrong, the US was there and could not retreat without the rest of the world thinking it cowardly. With its post-WWII attitude that the US is the best country and freest country, America could not stand to lose a war.

5. Communists were out to take over the world, and the US had to put its foot down somewhere. As long as there were still communists out there, the US could not rest in its defense of the free world.

Now, read what supporters of the present war say and ask yourself if the Bush administration isn't making people in America think and act exactly the same way as it did during the American War in Vietnam. (all quotes taken from previous answerers.)

"no or else the battle would be fought in our own backyards;" (speedyjr28)

"The battle we are currently in (freedom vs. oppression)... There is no retreat." (Aztec276)

"we need to do what we need to do" (nieder)

"we have started something we can no longer walk away from without the rest of the world thinking we are cowards." (tweety)

"There are still more terrorist over there wanting to harm us" .(cottonpatch)

The American government's propoganda machine hasn't needed to change much over the years. There is an enemy and the government daily reinforces in American's minds that the enemy is still there and quite powerful.


2006-07-14 11:22:21 · answer #3 · answered by homo erectus 3 · 0 0

What about the thousands of people we are saving? Why is doing
such an awesome thing like "freeing people" such a bad thing? I
think a lot of people are selfish and need to have their head examined! If you followed the Bible you would know why this has
been going on for years. It isn't going to stop either until you
take out all the extremists (terrorist groups who believe that
killing people with buy them there ticket to heaven!). I don't know what we are waiting for! I think we should take out syria and Iran
for supporting the terrorists. Why do you think Bin Laden is still
alive! These countries are harboring terrorists, That and the fact
that Clinton let him go several times when he had the chance to
bring him in.

2006-07-16 17:10:17 · answer #4 · answered by sally 3 · 0 0

I think we could have been out of Iraq a very long time ago. The war was conducted by politically and shows major failures from the start. If we start drilling for Oil in Alaska it will be more than enough to make up for what we import from the middle east. There fore decreasing a major deficit in Terrorist budgets. although we cannot afford to abandon Israel since a large part of Americans see fit to abandon them along with a majority of Countries. Yes we should be out of Iraq and start using our own oil. Then we can see a serious decrease in Terrorism and anti Americanism.

2006-07-18 07:05:34 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Actually, almost the entire bulk of "innocent" people killed has been done by the Islamic fascists, because they are trying to make people like you ask, "Do you think we should get out?" Really you could make a valid point that it is because of the global media that so many people have been killed. The terrorists are trying to win the PR battle, and they know that CNN and most of the other networks are on their side.

The battle we are currently in (freedom vs. oppression) has been going on the entire history of the planet. Only the names have changed. There is no retreat. Fight them over there or let them set off bombs in your home town. Those are our only two choices. I choose the former.

2006-07-05 21:41:06 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Long before.US is just stuck there because of there president and everyone knows that, because ,comeon now, the US people are also human and as everyone loathes fighting they also naturally do.US president is the one who is to be blamed.He's not understanding the fact that the middleeast doesn't need his "terrifying" help.Just because he doesn't have any one in the millitary doesn't mean that noone else has.He cant even realize the pain that the m-east people are in and the pain which the families who have sent there men who r in millitary there have to bear.That's why he's acting stupid.The US army should have long gone back from m-east.

2006-07-13 06:52:06 · answer #7 · answered by interesting 2 · 0 0

yes we should but it will not happen until osama has been captured or killed. we have started something we can no longer walk away from without the rest of the world thinking we are cowards. id rather be a live coward than a dead hero let me tell you. but our government is too concerned over what the other nations think about us. it is a macho thing i guess. that is what war really is - it is basically a measure of their manhood - if you know what i am saying. always gotta have something bigger and better. never wating to settle for average. it is really tragic that so many people are suffering because these guys are playing tidlly winks with one another.

2006-07-12 15:36:06 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It depends:

If you love the people & their right to live freely & Peacefully, you'll side with USA.

If you're worried about the State Heads denying Freedom to their own People & rule as Tyrants, then you like the State Heads & not the Populace.

I'm for Freedom for all & for Democracy where People are Masters. I approve of Americans bringing Civilization to the Brute Autocratic Regimes!

Let the Heads Roll & People live in Freedom & Happiness.

2006-07-16 10:34:37 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Of course, the troops have been there for too long...they should not have went in the first place. Yes, they need to be pulled out, but the lovely (and this is said with all the sarcasm I can muster) man at the top -Dub, that is- just needs his ego stroked a little bit more, so he sends others to do his dirty work and then blames it all in the name of God and freedom.

2006-07-13 09:31:40 · answer #10 · answered by nc_strawberry 4 · 0 0

I think we need to get our people out of there. Too many men have died both Americans and Innocent Women Children and men. Its bad enough that we cant even stop fighting in our own country...why go over there and do it.!?

2006-07-15 14:20:46 · answer #11 · answered by Bored 4 · 0 0

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