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i am 14 and i am 5 feet tall i weigh 144 pounds. my friends and family say that i don't look fat. but i just don't know who to believe.
what am i supposed to weigh at my age. and i also exercise almost everyday. so i am trying to lose weight.HELP ME!!!!

JusT kEepIN iT reAL

2006-07-05 17:41:24 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Women's Health

15 answers

144 lbs may be the right weight if you are muscular , do you lift weights ? Anything involving exercises ? Muscle weights more than fat. Depending on your body type too. Are you large or small boned ? Body frame ? Either way ...I would say you are safely within your correct weight ...because we all know that friends are often brutally honest...RiGht !!!!

2006-07-05 17:50:59 · answer #1 · answered by Jeannie 2 · 0 0

Hi, Nia.
First things first. You can bother yourself with all the weight and height calculations and all the health indices. But where is it going to get you ? You aren't going to lose any weight that way. Only get more and more worried.

See, the thumb rule is this. You are fat if you think you are. DOn't worry about what people think or say. IF YOU WANT TO LOST WEIGHT ,THEN DO IT. But not for any other reason. ( No heart attack and peer pressure crap. That's all crap, trust me. )

Follow these tips in losing weight
(They helped me lose 30 KGs. I don't know what that is in pounds. But lady, a 10 year old weighs 30 KGs. )

1. Drink water. LOADS OF IT. It cleanses your system. Don't be fooled by people saying that if you drink water excessively,you'll bloat. Well, maybe if you drink as if there's a fire in your belly.

Drink 5 bottles of water in one day, throughout the day.

2.Stay away from junk food. ALL KINDS. I'm not going to list all that now. But stay away, y'hear ? And no , don't go for the
"Let Me Reward Myself For My Self-Control" crap. I'll break down your resolve.

3.Try cycling.The more, the better. PLEASE forget about Gyms. They don't help. You need fresh air. The body is a living thing ! The Body and the Mind both need exercise. Forget about Gyms and Aerobics classes. ( In case they DID help,then keep at it. )

4. I'm mentioning this again because it's the biggest factor. Grab a cycle and cycle around in parks or open spaces for an hour everyday. ( YOu can break it into 2 sessions , one in the morning and the other in the evening. )

5. AND STAY AWAY FROM DAIRY PRODUCTS. DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING FOR THE DURATION GIVEN BELOW. If you doubt me, Google to see what the dieticians around the world have to say about milk.

Try the above points, EVERY POINT, for 6 weeks. Have a chart to monitor your weight and waist. Those things go first. Believe me when I tell you this, I lost my weight in 2 months. That's 8 weeks.

Best of luck !

2006-07-05 17:58:15 · answer #2 · answered by Sachi 1 · 0 0

I wouldn't go by a number on a scale.. those things are so crazy,,
I would go by how you feel, and look in your clothes.

The charts also say that I am suppose to way 144. Well, I am tall and if I when I got down to that size a couple of years ago (not there now! ) but I looked sick! I was being talked about,,,instead of saying how good I looked,,people were telling me , :You don't need to lose anymore" Well, i listened! lol

But, you are 14, that is the age where your body bloats up one week, and then you may lose about 3 lbs in the next week,, so forget about the numbers, and listen to what people are telling you.

2006-07-05 17:57:28 · answer #3 · answered by Paige 4 · 0 0

Boy, has this society really come to this? I'm 21 and you have more body hang-ups than I do.
I am "considered" overweight for my height...but I don't look it(well, not FAT anyway). I'm 5'11 and 220...but I do yoga almost everyday, I walk, I chase after my son, I'm constantly running up and down our stairs...I keep busy. I'm muscular and I'm also just a BIG girl...I come from a family of BIG people, not fat people, just BIG; i.e. presence.
When I was 16 and 5'8 I got down to 125lbs...My shoulders popped out of their sockets, my back would go out, my hips would go out of joint, and my ankles would roll. I had no energy, no stamina, and I was afraid to brush my hair because my shoulder might get out of place. Now that I'm 5'11 and 220, I feel great...I have more energy, my joints pretty much stay in place, and I can run around with my son.
Don't worry about the scale...worry about how you feel...and certainly don't worry about what others think of you. It has taken me years to figure out that I might not be a "supermodel" to the world...but I am one to myself. And how you feel about you is all that matters.

2006-07-05 20:58:36 · answer #4 · answered by Poppet 3 · 0 0

Ever heard of BMI it means Body Mass Index and it your results are: Based on the height and weight entered, the BMI is 28.1, placing the BMI-for-age at the 95th percentile for girls aged 14 years 2 months. This teen may be overweight and should be seen by a healthcare provider for further assessment.

This explains it:
What does this mean?
BMI is calculated using your child’s weight and height and is then used to find the corresponding BMI-for-age percentile for your child’s age and sex.

BMI-for-age percentile shows how your child’s weight compares to that of other children of the same age and sex. For example, a BMI-for-age percentile of 65% means that the child’s weight is greater than that of 65% of other children of the same age and sex.

Based on the height and weight entered, the BMI is 28.1, placing the BMI-for-age at the 95th percentile for girls aged 14 years 2 months. This teen may be overweight and should be seen by a healthcare provider for further assessment.

Overweight children are more likely than normal weight children to become overweight or obese adults. Overweight and obese adults are at higher risk for health complications related to overweight, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol.

The goal for overweight children and adolescents is to reduce the rate of weight gain while allowing normal growth and development. Children and teens should NOT be placed on a weight reduction diet without the consultation of a healthcare provider.

What should you do?
Regardless of the current BMI-for-age category, help your child or teen develop healthy weight habits and keep track of BMI-for-age.

Practice healthy weight habits
Encourage children and teens to practice healthy weight habits by:

Eating healthy foods
Participating in physical activity on most (preferably all) days of the week
Limiting television viewing
For more information, see
Tips to Promote Healthy Eating and Physical Activity for Children and Teens.

Keep track of BMI-for-age
Check BMI-for-age annually, or more often if recommended by the child’s healthcare provider. Tracking growth patterns over time can help you make sure your child is achieving or maintaining a healthy weight. A single BMI-for-age calculation is not enough to evaluate long-term weight status because height and weight change with growth.

But you're only 14, you're still going through puberty, if you're eatting right and exercising you should be doing good..if it gets worse...then contact your doctor..

2006-07-05 17:50:44 · answer #5 · answered by Jennaleigh 2 · 0 0

try going on google and typing in "BMI calculator for teens" try a link and follow the directions for your height, age, and weight. it should explain a bit and will give you comparisons to other kids your age. like me! i am 14 too and 5 ft 8 inches and weigh 130 pounds if that helps!

2006-07-05 17:47:47 · answer #6 · answered by flippingfrog1 1 · 0 0

Dear Nia,

Don't be so engross in weight. Weigh is just one indicator of health.

Mucles weigh more than fat.. if you are tone, and you are fit, that is more importnat.

Your health is more important.

You are still young, so you don't worry too much. Just eat a balance diet, cos your body will need it to grow.

Best wishes

2006-07-05 17:47:19 · answer #7 · answered by rick 3 · 0 0

Do you feel comfortable with your weight? That is the real question. Go to weight watchers ( or any other weight loss site) web site and do a body fat test.

2006-07-05 17:49:53 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you was to go to this web page you can do the figuring out yourself. You would have to enter some information that you only know and it give you good advice. I am also including some other links to help you. I hope this will help you out.





2006-07-06 14:12:42 · answer #9 · answered by winnie.pooh4u 1 · 0 0

NO u r not overweight that is very normal for a fourteen year old. never think your fat, you have to look at the true beauty in yourself, dont call yourself fat! it brings you nowere! i used to call myself fat but im not, it got me nowere. plz dont say ur fat because if u werew overweight u would have had weight problems in 1st or 2nd grade.

2006-07-05 19:37:04 · answer #10 · answered by I Give Advice 1 · 0 0

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