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I am 13 and my cousin is 12. We've kissed alot of times and when no one was home and he was over(my mom was downstairs asleep) we kissed(tongue) and we almost had sex.
I stopped it as quick as I started it. I no longer feel comfortable with him.
And the thing is, we always kissed when I was upset over either my boyfriend or a boy I liked. I've always wanted to have sex but I know I'm too young and if I do now it will ruin my whole life. I can control myself, it's just that whenever I kiss a boy i get horny and can't stop. So I don't kiss my boyfriends anymore. But I told them that if we did ever kiss, to stop me if I take it too far. It works.
Is there something wrong with me? Since I can barely control myself with kissing and incest, should I just NOT kiss anymore?
Is this a coincedence? Or did I want it so badly, that I was willing to try incest?

Please help me.
And please do NOT judge me.

2006-07-05 17:23:51 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

21 answers

If this is a real email and not made up to entertain, you need to know what you are feeling is normal and healthy and the fact that you have self control is a plus. You also say you know you won't stop so you know not to start. But you need to know as you age you will meet guys who won't stop you when you are about to go too far; their idea about too far will be farther than you want to go. If you don't put yourself in a situation to get yourself into trouble, you will be very smart. Sometimes when you have allowed yourself to go pretty far with a boy, he will expect it next time. Males' hormones tend to speed out of control and not all of them have self control. Could be your cousin is using your sad feeling over boyfriends to "use" you. A desire to kiss is a natural act and you shouldn't be ashamed, but be guarded about your overly active hormones. You are in the experimental stages and you will probably experiment; however, first learn about safe sex and sexually transmitted diseases. Don't let any male talk you into something that you learn isn't safe and could result in pregnancy or disease. So many diseases are lifelong or result in death and you need to be educated from reliable sources. Other kids may try to educate you but often they just make it up as they go or they haven't been told the truth, so find a reliable source. I hope you can talk to your mom about your feelings, or an adult you trust. You may be surprised to know almost all young people experiement. Tell your mom you need to educate yourself and ask if you can go to the library to check out books at your age level and understanding ability. Don't grow up too fast and I hope you have a fun and safe growing up time.

2006-07-05 17:41:32 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 10 2

there is nothing wrong with you, in fact it shows you are just normal like anybody else. It is normal to get physically attracted and very exciting and adventurous to experiment with ones own body, after all the raging hormones lead you to it. BUT, incest is an outrageous act morally and scientifically. Why incest became immoral was because if brothers and sisters marry their kids will have genetic disorders of the extreme kind, therefore they made it a religious and cultural issue and thus incest became immoral.
What you must remember before getting into an incestuous act is that even animals abhor such a relationship, therefore when they reach their puberty they leave their respective groups and join other new groups for mating. If animals are so careful with this should you be careful too, especially when you are a civilized human being? It would be a life time of guilt you would be carrying with yourself if you get involved in incest. You are just 13, you have a whole life to enjoy sex, so dont get upset, take your time be cool make lotsa friends and enjoy your age like any normal person does and dont let anything become an obsession.
definitely incest is wrong, therefore if u have been involved in it, stop it right now because it isn't good for you at all and it will only scar your mind for ever.

2006-07-05 17:36:43 · answer #2 · answered by agnishul 2 · 0 0

Yeah pumpkin it's wrong and you know it is. Hormones are very strong at your age so if for now it's better for you not to kiss the boys so things get out of hand then that's the best thing to do. As you get a little bit older and more mature, you won't get so excited about kissing boys and it won't make you that horny. This is really something that you need to get in check now though before it does go too far and ruin your life. Don't forget that the younger you are when you start to have sexual intercourse the higher the risks of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, some that will cause infertility later then when you are married and want to have children you won't be able to. I know you don't think so right now because of your age you have such intense emotions...but that's only for the girls, for the most part the boys just want to have sex with you then run off and tell everyone in your school. Then you have to go to school those same kids that are going to be calling you some pretty nasty names for the next few years......not fun and it can make your life really miserable until High School is over. That's one of the better things that can happen from having sex way too young....you definitely do NOT want to get pregnant or end up with AIDS.

2006-07-05 17:30:04 · answer #3 · answered by Jennifer B 5 · 0 0

Your question is hard to answer--you don't have enough details posted--but my OPINION is as follows---you should not be making out with your cousin---all teenagers mature different ---mentally-physically and sexually---you have got a lot on your "plate" you need to seek someone out--an adult--if you're not comfortable with a parent-then maybe a Dr.---close family relative etc......I would say that these feelings you are having -have a lot to do with your hormones---and all the changes that a girl your age goes through---A family Dr. or gynecologist would be able to give you the best answers----meanwhile--stay away from the cousin--and being a mother myself---I'd say your too young to be having sex--sooooooo--talk to someone please----don't let it go any further---good luck

2006-07-05 17:37:03 · answer #4 · answered by suepooh 2 · 0 0

First of all you are way too young to have sex with ANYBODY...much less your cousin. And yes....it is wrong. If you have to ask if it is wrong...then you already know. You need help. You should really talk with your mom. It sounds like you need some parental guidance. If you cannot control yourself around guys, then don't put yourself in a situation to get into trouble. Only hang out with them in public places. Don't be alone with them. If you aren't prepared to become a parent, then don't have sex!

2006-07-05 17:27:14 · answer #5 · answered by #3ontheway! 4 · 0 0

Its okay hun. I use to be like that.. Well The kissing part. I have to say you dont want to have sex until your REALLY ready. Their is nothing wrong with you. If you want to kiss a guy and not get horny or think of having sex just, Think of something really gross..And you stop.. Well I hope I have helped.

2006-07-05 22:43:48 · answer #6 · answered by Syd 1 · 1 0

The human body responds to stimulation in different ways, and every person is different. This does not mean that you are bad for having these feelings and you at least recognize that it shouldn't lead anywhere that you will regret. I suggest sticking to just light kissing or just hugging until you feel ready to go farther. Try and wait until you are emotionally ready for the consequences of your actions.

2006-07-05 17:33:07 · answer #7 · answered by lifeinquestion 3 · 0 0

Not being one to pass judgement...I'm just going to say that lots of kids your age are just curious.......at least you realize it's wrong to make out with your cousin and you've put a stop to it. Besides, you're at the age when you're just finding out about yourself and your hormones are going C-R-A-Z-E-E-E!!!!!

And by the way...sex doesn't get good until you're at least 25.......not even worth your time @ the age of 12. You'll look back with huge regrets if you have sex as young as you are.

2006-07-05 17:27:42 · answer #8 · answered by formerlypth 2 · 0 0

"don't gimme no lines" and keep your lips to yourself. If you know your hormones are raging don't keep them in a state of excitement because if you do... you are asking for trouble! Take your mind off sex. get out and play sports, read a book or two. find some friends and definitely stay away from your cousin. You're not doing him any favors either.

2006-07-05 17:28:22 · answer #9 · answered by blkrose65 5 · 1 0

The thing is that you are 13. You are at a time in your life when your harmones are raging. Set boundaries, and make sure that you keep those boundaries. Kissing your cousin is only gross if it is a first cousin.

2006-07-05 17:30:38 · answer #10 · answered by q2003 4 · 1 0

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