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There are many agencies that help people have abortions, but don't tell them the truth. They don't tell them about the emotional scars that will follow them for years. They never mention the fact that the unborn fetus feels pain. The fetus will develop into either a girl or a boy. It's human. WIth the amount of people wanting to have babies and can't, why is giving a child up for adoption such a hard choice?

2006-07-05 17:23:03 · 28 answers · asked by Wise ol' owl 6 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

I am going to say this quite respectfully because for years I believed the lie like you did. When I say babies scream, i'm saying that they experience pain, cringe, grimace, contract and scream emotionally. A lot of things happen in the womb that the performers of abortions don't tell us. I am not persecuting women for having abortions without knowing the truth. I do have children, but also participated in the murder (abortion) of my first child many years ago. The mother is tormented until this day, and so am I often. It was over ten years before I had my first child, and I thought I would never have the opportunity. God is forgiving, and that is why I believe He has me spreading truth.

I will admit, the way I phrased the question was to cause a reaction. But, putting religion and politics aside, what is it going to take to see that we are killing our own children?

For the ones who are raped, I empathize, but half of that child is still from the mother. And it is still a victim!

2006-07-05 17:58:38 · update #1

28 answers

Why Do Women Have Abortions? a statistical breakdown
Social Reasons (given as primary reason)
- Feels unready for child/responsibility 25%
- Feels she can't afford baby 23%
- Has all the children she wants/Other family responsibilities 19%
- Relationship problem/Single motherhood 8%
- Feels she isn't mature enough 7%
- Interference with education/career plans 4%
- Parents/Partner wants abortion >1%
- Other reasons >6.5%
TOTAL: 93%(Approx.)

"Hard Cases" (given as primary reason)
- Mother's Health 4%
- Baby may have health problem 3%
- Rape or Incest >0.5%
I have given a lot of thought to the merciless killing of Babies. Those that have been brainwashed into thinking that an unborn baby cannot feel pain and think abortion is a woman's choice.I pitty you because your hearts are cold as ice.While you toss around mighty words to defend what you believe,do you realize how ignorant you actually are?Do you realize that only 4% of abortions are done to save the mother's life?Only 3% are done because the baby "may"have health problems.And 0.5% are done as a result of rape or incest.That's slightly under 7%.
Total Abortions since 1973........47,282,923

Something to consider:
Euthanasia is the intentional killing by act or omission of a dependent human being for his or her alleged benefit.
"... we must be wary of those who are too willing to end the lives of the elderly the ill and the unborn. If we ever decide that a poor quality of life justifies ending that life, we have taken a step down a slippery slope that places all of us in danger. There is a difference between allowing nature to take its course and actively assisting death. The call for euthanasia surfaces in our society periodically, as it is doing now under the guise of "death with dignity" or assisted suicide,abortion. Euthanasia is a concept, it seems to me, that is in direct conflict with a religious and ethical tradition in which the human race is presented with " a blessing and a curse, life and death," and we are instructed '...therefore, to choose life." I believe 'euthanasia' lies outside the commonly held life-centered values of the West and cannot be allowed without incurring great social and personal tragedy. This is not merely an intellectual conundrum. This issue involves actual human beings at risk..."
I see our world becoming a very dangerous and frightening place.When hearts are cold enough to murder a defenseless baby,have any of you "pro-abortion"given thought to who will be next on the list?Those that are too old,too sick,too white,too black,too poor. Where will it end?
Can't you see what is happening?You have your head so far up your intellectual rear end that you can not reason with the truth!

Instead of killing the innocent baby,why not push for a law that would execute the women who are careless and fancifree in their sexual desires they give no regard to the fact that they could become pregnant. In todays world of knowledge,ignorance is no excuse

2006-07-05 21:49:57 · answer #1 · answered by Jo 6 · 3 3

I have to agree with you! I've seen pictures of aborted babies, who were killed in the womb, and I don't care if it was done at 5 weeks, or 16 weeks, it's still murder! My poor friend decided to have an abortion about ten years ago. It was the biggest mistake of her life! Every year on the baby's due date, the child appears to her in a dream, crying, sad, and scared from the procedure, asking, "why mom, why? Why couldn't you love me enough to keep me alive?" She says that it is so frightening that on that date, she tries her best to not go to sleep! Abortion is a sin, plain and simple. I'm sorry for the 15yr old who is raped, or any other woman for that matter, but God does not put anymore on you than what you can handle. Being raped IS NO EXCUSE! I know that this is a touchy topic so everyone needs to remember to respect each others opinions. Only God can truly judge you, and with that saying, may God Bless You All.

2006-07-05 17:41:50 · answer #2 · answered by candy0813 3 · 0 0

According to my psych class about sexual behavior....abortion can actually have positive results with feelings of relief if the child was unwanted. Negative effects may happen no matter what, but they're much worse if the woman wanted the child and less severe for those who didn't want the child.

Also, think about the adoption option realistically. Pregnancy is very obvious, and part of the reason why they might choose to have an abortion is to keep the pregnancy secret. Not to mention, which emotional pain is worse? Knowing that you've had an abortion? Or knowing that you have a child somewhere in the world that you gave up? It's up to every woman to make that decision for herself.

I suggest you read this article on fetuses feeling pain:

2006-07-05 18:00:38 · answer #3 · answered by hellolacey 2 · 0 0

OK, first let's get something clear. The information that you are spreading here is pro-life propaganda, nothing more than pure propaganda. How can a baby scream in the womb? Where did you get this inaccurate information? How do you know the unborn fetus feels pain? Do you have any unbiased scientific information to substantiate that claim? No. Next, everyone knows that a fetus develops sex organs, what is your point in making that comment? Then, with the comment about infertility of people and the inference that giving up a child for adoption is the answer- what are you trying to say here, that people that do not want to have children should go through the pregnancy to give the child to an infertile woman or couple?
You are selfish, ill-informed, ignorant and irritating. Let a woman choose what is best for her. If you disagree with abortion, great, make sure that YOU CHOOSE to never have one, but DON'T TAKE MY CHOICE OR MAKE IT FOR ME.
You don't know me, you don't know my life, you don't know my situation. Make the best choice for you and only you.

Additional RESPONSE:
Wise ol owl, thank you for contacting me with email to spew more lies. I do not care about what you have experienced, what you lie to women about in your "counseling" or what regrettable choices you have made. If you regret a choice you made then dont make it for yourself ever again. I stand by my response. You are insulting basic human intelligence and continue to engage in promoting propaganda just because your girlfriend had an abortion. It is not your mission to brainwash people with scientifically unproven, medically impossible scare-tactic information.

2006-07-05 17:32:48 · answer #4 · answered by Simplystunning 4 · 1 0

I understand what you're saying and I agree with you. I personally don't think I could ever consider an abortion, but there are some situations which would make the birth of a child extremely difficult. For example, if a woman was raped, it would be hard for that woman to live with that "seed" in her for nine months and then live with the understanding that there is a child in the world that is half her and half horrible man. I understand that the fetus is human and feels pain. Honestly, I can't judge these women because I don't know their personal situations.

2006-07-05 17:30:44 · answer #5 · answered by *AstrosChick* 5 · 0 0

But you can say that this is true for everyone's case....I would hope that you wouldn't make that assumption. Couples don't just abort the baby because they don't want it most abortions are because neither the mother or the child have a chance at making through the birth, not to mention the other medical risks the mother could be going through. And all doctors suggest the counciling procedure also when you are deciding on abortion.

2006-07-05 17:50:05 · answer #6 · answered by Manda 2 · 0 0

I am pro choice- people who take away other peoples choices should be punished. Getting pregnant NEVER happens by accident- either you are raped or you consented- rape dshould be punished SEVERLY. If you get pregnant by any means other than rape it was your choice. Birth control is not 100% effective, in any form!

If a woman becomes pregnant because she was raped no one encourages her to kill the rapist- why do people encourage her to kill her baby? Its wrong! I am so sorry women get raped and sorry some get pregnant as a result, either way this is still a life!

As someone pointed out, Peterson was charged for killing his preborn- this society is so full of double standards its disturbing.

Preborn babies do feel pain, preborn babies scream with their body language- air does not come out but all the other muscle movement and reflex responses are there. Get over the denial- preborn babies are torn apart into peices from the womb of there own mother as she lie there and allow it- how could anyone?

If someone would pay me a billion dollars I would not rip apart a kitten like that! Anyone who chooses to believe that abortion is not murder is in denial!

Face the facts and start empowering women to take control of there bodies in healthy respectful ways- like understanding and taking responsibility for their fertility. Men too, I mean geesh- Its not really that difficult!

2006-07-05 17:55:12 · answer #7 · answered by Intuit Birth 2 · 0 0

Do you realize that everything you've said is nonsense?

Fetal lungs are solid tissue (no air spaces, no way to breathe let alone scream) for several months. Most abortions are before 12 weeks. And that's just the first of the many falsehoods you wrote.


You originally wrote "... so the mother won't have to hear the baby scream?", but then you backpedaled "When I say babies scream, i'm saying that they experience pain, cringe, grimace, contract and scream emotionally."  In other words, YOU LIED when you said there was even the possibility of hearing a scream, and YOU REFUSE TO TAKE BACK THE LIE.  You prefer instead to obfuscate and declare that you said something very different from your actual words.

If that's what "Christians" do these days, I'm very glad I do not call myself one.  I will not demean myself by associating myself with a bunch of people who refuse to hold themselves to even minimal standards of truthfulness and honesty.  I try to be better than that, and most of the time I succeed!

2006-07-05 17:28:00 · answer #8 · answered by Engineer-Poet 7 · 0 1

well some people dont think that they are emotionally strong enough to give a baby up after seeing it, so they decide to kill it before they get attached to it. others dont want to go through the embarrassment of being pregnant (although i DO NOT see how its embarrassing to bring life into the world, some people do) i think abortion is very sad, and the fetus probably can feel it, i mean it is a living thing and it is killed, that has to hurt. i dont know exactly what they do when aborting a child, thats something id rather not know, but i know that i could never do that.

2006-07-05 17:30:14 · answer #9 · answered by krystal 6 · 1 0

I totally regret my decision to abort or shall we tell the truth and say kill my unborn baby 12 years ago. If i could do it over, i would've been much more responsible. Now here i am having to go through Invitrofertization just to have a child. I blame myself, but I thank God for His mercy and forgiveness and I would never ever condone it or do it again. Unfortunately the saying is true, what goes around, eventually comes around.

2006-07-05 17:37:34 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because we live in a world where now there are no consequences to your actions. You can kill and its called a choice....its called a fetus and not a baby....its sad really that our society has become so numb to such things like murder, rape, and even language...go to your local elementary school and you can hear our generations mouths chattering with such horrid profanity....I have 8 children by choice...hence if you are to have sex you most likely will have a baby...anyhow I love all of them so much and I cant imagine anyone of them not in my life....also just to let you know they are now in some states to let the mother know that the fetus can feel pain and that they can chose to give the fetus a local anesthetic so that way the mom has the guilt free murder she so deserves....it makes me sick

2006-07-05 17:32:20 · answer #11 · answered by tinker143 5 · 0 0

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