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Other species have become extinct. Why not ours? Even though are minds have grown, the way people seem to process the information doesn't seem to click just right. Even though way long from now. The sun will become a condense star and the earth will be sucked in. Do we have what it takes to make it long enough to progress to that level of travel. Yes we are rapidly multiplying(also to say over population detroys) We are also rapidly dying. All seeming to be stuck in a time that hasnt happend or has already gone, skipping the moment. There for not really progressing anywhere. What is in store for are future. Will negative and positive ever balance itself out in order to help us? Will the need to belong override most, sticking themselves in a society that has formed a restraint on personal freedom and exspression? Or will eventually people gain control of themselves and life and become the wiser?

2006-07-05 16:54:54 · 21 answers · asked by angel d 1 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

21 answers

Material wise we are going upward. Mental wise we are going downward. At some point in the future these two paths will meet and something bad might happen if nothing is done about it.

2006-07-05 16:56:37 · answer #1 · answered by Simmy 5 · 0 0

The greatest Hoax of man certainly would make you think Humans were on the decline..but it is all based on the conscious mind. The ability of Humans to know what they are and how to use their lives for productive Human values is and has been, for 3000 years, kept in check by the false belief of higher powers controling Man. This belief is unproven, without real evidence.
Existence is proven and new real evidence is uncovered dailey. It is also true, although sometimes hard to stomach, Humans are constantly advancing and with greater knowledge comes the possiblity of deception for profit by those who really don't get it. because we have fallen into a good, bad...heaven and hell way of thinking it is increasingly difficult to say.."hey, this is what I'm doing because I'am me and I can. No one owns or controls another human by nature only by deceit. Deciet that began 3000 years ago when men discovered the voice in their mind was actually their own and not a higher power. When Bi-carmal man became conscouse the great Hoax began and now , today , you finally see some light and some darkness in truth. Those who believe an imginary , unseen, unreal entity as dictating thier thought are now being shown the truth. There are incredible Human advancements rising as we speak and as I write..this is the beginning of your awakening. What do you know of your physical self? How do you work? what makes your blood flow? Do you know? Most do not, but they do know someone told them to follow the leader...what we are starting to realize is ... each one of us is the leader of productive value towards all life..

2006-07-06 00:33:04 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Humans always pride themselves to be a higher species because of their ability to think and make decisions. In my opinion, the ability to think is starting to get in the way of our lives. Because people think, and everyone think differently, quarrels and fights are started. Because people think, their school essays get discredited; students are not supposed to think, they are supposed to 'think' like people of the past who had written some books or some form of evidence and include those in the essays. Because people think, those who don't think have to conform to the ideas of the former. Because people think, they cannot come to a decision about some things and it will always be there, never-ending, never gonna be solved. Because people think. Too much in fact. Wouldn't it be good if everyone just do things without thinking too much? Go for it. On impulse. On instinct. Would that make things better? Look what has all the thinking done to us. Yes, we have the technology, the entertainment and everything else which people of the past did not have but we no longer have the simplicity in people. I'm not saying that people in the past did not think but they were smarter. They don't think so much. What's the point of thinking so much and still no conclusion and decision could be made? Doesn't that make you feel worse?

Bottomline: we think too much. Don't k. To whoever this is applicable to.

2006-07-19 22:43:48 · answer #3 · answered by Princess illusion 5 · 0 0

Ask Socrates or Plato, perhaps, or the next mindless, drivel spouting pseudo-philosopher you come across on your apparent journey away from the real world. And please let me know if the haldol is working.
Allow me to apologize for the above response... not like me to be rude, just having a very bad day. Am truly sorry for being so insensitive; I honestly didn't understand the question as it was presented.
I think extinction is the ultimate fate of all species because the advancement of technology makes annihilation progressively easier.

2006-07-06 00:03:33 · answer #4 · answered by bobbyblitz48 1 · 0 0

With all the aid of the heads of every country I guess you could say that unless they all throw in the towels and throw away the keys to all their nukes and work for world peace, yeah we will all become totally extinct in far less time then you could ever imagine.
Material things really don't matter when it comes to fearing total extinction of the human race. But one real material thing that I myself would truly like to hold on to would have to be my life and the lives of all those I love as well and the rest of the world.
The only way people will ever gain any control of their lives is to do just that and not to allow any government take that away from them as they seem to be trying to do now. Do we really have "freedom of choice" anymore? Or has that too been taken from us along with the right to be governed by the person who promised to do everything in his power to protect us and to work for us and not against us as is being done now.
We all have the right to insist on impeachment of the highest office in this country and to demand it be done now and not when it's to late for us as well as for the whole world.
Think about all of this for a few minutes before to decide to shun my answer.

2006-07-06 00:08:55 · answer #5 · answered by fedupmoma 4 · 0 0

As the population of a species continues to expand out of control, such as ours, it begins to degenerate because of a weakening gene pool. We have not become extinct because we have not outgrown our habitat, which is the entire planet. We are the cause of the extinction of other species because of our aggressive behavior, greater intelligence and our ability to adapt to a wide range of changing conditions. Our ability to adapt is largely due to our ability to create and make tools and alter our habitat to fit our needs. The planet cannot our abuse forever, so we must make a turnaround in how we live. This will not be possible, though, until we get the population situation under control.

2006-07-14 16:57:58 · answer #6 · answered by Preacher 6 · 0 0

You sound like a very intelligent person.. To help answer some of your questions, Read: The King James, Bible: From: Matthew through, too, Revelations......And, I honestly think, alot of those questions, will truely give you answers, through this wonderful past & future history book... First, ask for Gods help to better understand the word, because, even some of the most intelligent people dont understand the King James, without the filling of the holy spirit.. Just ask God to fill you with His Holy spirit, so's you can better understand & consume it all !! Its an "Awesome" very educational helpful, book !!! Check it out !! You wont regret it, trust me, on this... PLEASE.. Atleast go and buy one, and look at it for a day or so, then, your curiosity, will overwhelm you, to pick it up !! Happy Reading !!! And God Bless you , for doing so......

2006-07-19 18:09:03 · answer #7 · answered by Hmg♥Brd 6 · 0 0

Human beings are facing a fabricated decline - a decline in the hands of lazy States and lazier citizens.
The actual decline will follow on from the fabricated decline for survival. When Man is too lazy to take interest in his own survival - too lazy for intellectual, social and political participation, too lazy in his relations with the State, Nature will force an actual decline that will lead to extinction of the species.

2006-07-19 16:13:47 · answer #8 · answered by blake 2 · 0 0

Looking around myself, and trying to think, I feel as if humanity had, at some point, reached it peak, and is now going BACKWARDS, and through the same stages, only this time much faster than before. I do in general believe that humanity is bound to become extinct and I keep swinging between pity and contentedness.

2006-07-14 12:13:36 · answer #9 · answered by Rachelgoose 3 · 0 0

I think that religion will bring people to the third world war, and it will be brutal. Than, what ever is left from humanity, since the nuclear bombs will be used, will stop talking about god and his rules that are now being bent from every religion in order to satisfy the irrational behavior. We will evolve into more considerate human beings, because you have to be brought down in order to go up.

2006-07-19 18:19:37 · answer #10 · answered by sheba 3 · 0 0

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