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It was at the end of my third year of college, there was a big ceremony for the people in my class. My parents and grandparents and boyfriend were there. I had a new digital camera which we took several pics on. In the recent past, I had let my boyfriend take some naughty photos of me on the camera. They were all deleted... Or so we thought.

After the ceremony, we all went out to eat in a neighboring city. After that, we went to walmart to use the self-service digital photo machine. At this point, it was me, my dad, and my boyfriend there. My mom and grandparents waited in my parents van. I put in my memory card, only to find that the pictures were still on the card!!! They're only TRULY gone if you format the card. So up on the screen, with my DAD to my left and my BOYFRIEND to my right, pops my nudie body!!!!

So then my dad made some surprised reaction, and then quickly shut up... But neither of them walked away!!! Rather than looking through ALL the pics trying to find the normal ones, I hit PRINT ALL, just to get the screen to change. So then I had to stand there for what seemed like an ETERNITY, while ALL the photos printed, and we had to buy them all!!! On the way out of the store, I walked in the back, sorting the photos, and threw out the naughty ones in the trash on the way out.

My dad later told the WHOLE FAMILY, including my goodie-goodie grandparents... So now everyone knows! Soooooo awkward and embarrassing.....

2006-07-05 16:58:33 · answer #1 · answered by Mary S 3 · 7 1

I once went to Hershey Park and had a bathing suit top on and a very very thin white top. The bathing suit top tied around my neck and, because I had gone on a few water rides already, the white shirt I was wearing was wet and almost completely see-through. Which didn't matter, of course, as long as my bathing suit top stayed on...

So, I was riding on the newest roller coaster when I felt especially *cold*. I looked down and my bathing suit top had come completely undone around my neck - which means anyone who looked at me could see straight through my sheer white shirt to my breasts underneath!

Not so bad, right? I mean I was on a roller coaster, who was going to see me?

Except they took pictures.

Yes, as the roller coaster car went down the biggest hill, there was a flash and the ride automatically took a picture, a close up, of every individual on the ride. Including me. Not only was I sitting there with my completely sheer top, but the picture was taken just after I had discovered the bathing suit top was untied. Thus, the picture was of a very very shocked me staring down at my chest, which was practically bare for all to see.

And that's not all - it gets worse.

The pictures were each shown on a rather large tv screen above a counter, so that they could try and get all the tourists to buy the photos of their kids. So, there I was, in front of ENTIRELY too many tourists, topless. And my picture got STUCK on the TV. And NOT ONLY was it stuck up there for much longer than any other picture, but the people working at the counter didn't know what to do, so they kept yelling to each other about my picture. Mine was number three, or something, and all the people working there were like 'HEY GET NUMBER THREE DOWN! WHAT SHOULD WE DO WITH NUMBER THREE? BLAH BLAH BLAH NUMBER THREE!'.

Embarressing enough?

2006-07-05 17:03:36 · answer #2 · answered by Mary 6 · 3 0

Well personally, I would talk to your mom about it. Just because she is genetically similar to you and probably went through the exact same puberty stages you did. But if not then just send your neighbors a nice e-mail saying that you are not close to your mom and are not comfortable talking to her about puberty and you were just wondering if they could help you out through it. But if you have any more questions you can put them up on Yahoo Answers and see what other people have to say. But the closer the person is to you the easier it is to talk to them about these types of things. Maybe you could ask a relative or friend that has already gone through puberty.

2016-03-16 21:47:24 · answer #3 · answered by Virginia 4 · 0 0

I was walking in the grocery store and all of a sudden I felt very wet...like I had peed my pants...my water broke in the middle of the isle and It was quite obvious...Of course you might say that delivering the baby on the grass at the hospital is worse esp with all the pearing eyes and the exposed me...course the next one was born in the elevator...not much luck with those babies

2006-07-05 16:57:57 · answer #4 · answered by EmmaGee 2 · 1 0

This might sound mean, but really I wasn't trying to be. There was a blind boy in my fifth grade class and i was his guide. We were walking outside and I turned to see something and I made him walk straight into a wooden pillar on a pavillion. All these people came running over and I felt so bad!

2006-07-05 16:55:31 · answer #5 · answered by LisaMarie* 2 · 0 0

I was at a concert a few months ago and as it ended, people were everywhere and it was crazy. I was trying to lead me and my boyfriend through the crowd, so I grabbed his hand and started walking really fast. About 30 seconds later, I realized I had the wrong guys hand. My boyfriend was laughing his butt off.

2006-07-05 16:55:52 · answer #6 · answered by joyfulnoise83 3 · 1 0

Well, I was at this pe night once and we were playing this game .
the rules were that if you get tagged you have to go to the side and do 5 jumping jacks. And we were playing this game in front of millions of people. But, there was this other game that i got mixed up with, so when i got tagged i stopped put my hand over my head and stood there when i was supposed to be doing jumping jacks and this was in front of millions of people.

2006-07-05 17:01:56 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Mo-o-o-ost embarassing - losing my "phony"tail in the middle of Michigan Avenue's magnificent mile while crossing it (Chicago).
I tried to play it off & just kept walking, but my bf at the time ran back, picked it up & handed it to me - by then the traffic was at a red light; did I have an audience? Bet your sweet a-s-s!! Talk about embarassed!!

2006-07-05 16:57:34 · answer #8 · answered by Borinquena 2 · 0 0

hmm... my most embarrassing moment...(when i was 13) well once i was walking through the school cafateria.. i got my lunch, and i headed for the lunch tables. someone "spilled" their milk as i happened to walk by, and i spilt all of my lunch-my meatball sandwich, my jamba juice, and my orange all over myself! plus i slipped onto the ground, infront of the whole cafateria!! the teachers and all!! it looked as if the meat-ball sandwich was an overloaded period stain, my strawberry jamba juice went down my shirt, and the orange...well it was still an orange. my most embarrasing moment ever!!

2006-07-05 16:57:27 · answer #9 · answered by ♥Shannon♥ 2 · 0 0

When I was like ten years old, my best friend & I went to the park. And we were going down the slide on wax paper (so we could go down faster) and my friend's piece of wax paper blew away. So she's chasing it and running down this big hill bent over and waving her arms around to try and catch it. And it was so hilarious that I peed my pants. So we're on our way back to my house and my mom's cousin (who I barely knew) happened to show up at the park with her little girl and she wanted us to play with her kid. And I'm like, ummmm, no, we can't, and trying to hide my peed-in pants. It was awesome.

2006-07-05 16:57:20 · answer #10 · answered by Lindsay 4 · 0 0

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