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Are the Iraqi people on the road to a better life now that the raping, torturing, murdering regime has been taken out of power?

If you say No, please explain why you don't think they are.

Please not straying from the question. I'm not interested in hearing you tell me that is not why we went there. That is not the question. The question is very straight forward, even you simple minded liberals should be able to answer.

2006-07-05 16:15:11 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

LEAVE IT TO YOU LIBERALS to bring up one sick piece of crap soldier, and try to compare it to the rape rooms. Saddam's son used to rape women on their wedding days. And you want to discredit the good our military is doing by citing an isolated incident. NICE JOB LIBERALS! WAY TO STAND UP FOR YOUR COUNTRY!

2006-07-05 16:22:51 · update #1

I did not call every liberal a simple minded one. I said, 'even you simple minded liberals'. Even the simple minded ones should be able to answer. So if you took offense, you are saying you are simple minded.

And I have talked with tons of soldiers, and the vast majority think we are doing good things over there.

2006-07-05 16:28:50 · update #2

g trying to twist things around again. Imagine that!
It is not a broad question. It is simple. Are the Iraqi people better off because of the U.S. military? ]

why is it so hard for you liberals to say yes to that question?

2006-07-05 16:38:00 · update #3

nefarious, so you think it is better to live under a tyrant than to fight for your freedom?

2006-07-05 17:08:51 · update #4


2006-07-07 20:30:05 · update #5

19 answers

One torturing, raping, murdering regime has only been replaced by another regime.......The US Military and the coalition forces.
This is another attempt by you to bring up a FOX news bullet point. And once again I have no doubt that you ask these questions right after you pull your head out of Sean Hannity's a$$.
When will Americans wake up and stop listening to propaganda and use their brain to do their own thinking and do their own research instead of letting their heads get filled with lies and propaganda by either the right or left (as you like to phrase it). One final point to you, you hypocrite! The truth of the matter is that when the rapes and torture were being committed (with the approval of our government) the American people did not care nor were our lives disrupted by that. So to say now, like you are, that "isn't the world a better place without Saddam" is hypocritical of us. Its a better place for those that were in the rooms and no one else. That rape room question is right out of the Roger Ailes playbook (Prez of Fox News). So please do yourself a favor and stop repeating like a puppet the words and propaganda of Fox News and your buddy Hannity...it shows your ignorance of the truth. AGAIN!
One Final Point - Stop thinking of America as Left and Right / Republican or Democrat / Conservative and Liberal. Start thinking like our founding fathers thought.....its not the people against people its people against corrupt government.
P.S. I dont do my research by watching the mainstream media and neither should you.

2006-07-06 13:25:44 · answer #1 · answered by Charlooch 5 · 0 0

Its all relative. If you happen to be one of the hundreds of thousands of Iraqies that lost a child, spouse, or parent during the occupation then you may well think that things for you would have been better with Saddam. If you're George Bush and you believe that God told you to take out Saddam, you would probably say the Iraqi people are better off now. Or, if you're Dick Cheney and your company Halliburton has made hundreds of millions in profits from the occupation, then you might also say, yes the Iraqies are much, much better off today.

Oh, and just like you enjoy asking questions that you don't really want to hear the answers to, we liberals get a kick out of rattling your cage! xD


Nicholost: you talk about fighting for freedom and all of the terrible things that Saddam did. Well, terrible things continue every day in Iraq, most people, where ever they live, just want to have a chance at a good life, security, enough food, economic opportunities, even at the cost of some freedoms. That is not the current situation in Iraq.

Also, terrible things happen in countries all over the world. Do you support the U.S. invading and occupying Somalia, or Miramar, or North Korea? Or does your support for such action only extend to counties with huge reserves of oil?

2006-07-07 21:35:04 · answer #2 · answered by W.L.O. Global 2 · 0 0

To answe your question again...what is the point
of fighting tyranny the wrong way, if you end up with
a system that is even more tyrannical.
For example, if you want scrambled eggs for breakfeast, you could open the egg a million diffrent ways but
only a few will serve your purpose.

Iraq is opening an egg by throwing it on the ground and hoping you can pick up enough of it for breakfast.

Only time will tell.

The US took out the Sadam Regime.
Again whether they should or shouldn't have or wether it was legal or illegal is not the question. The question is are they better off because of the US mililtary....

1)The military did not choose to go to war there, policiticans do. so that is a non issue with regards to the military.....this leaves us with the question are the iraqi people better off because of US poliiticans decisions.

right now NO. there is a civil war going on. Those Iraqis that survived the US shock and awe campaing now have to deal with terrorist like Al Queda trying to kill off all the Sheites, Sunnis causing political instabilty,

Common People having a huge unemployent. The country is lawless, because police are ineffective,

Iraqi soliders and law enformencment owe thier alleigences to tribes or local terriroty, and our soliders don't speak Arabic or know the areas or niegborhood poeple.

Civilians are dying in the thousands, much much more than our brave troops.

Ecomonically beside unemployement they went along time without electricy and water, and i am sure the water will soon be privatized. Povery causes crime....and desperation.

Are they better off, right now they are not........
depending on how thier civil war turns out it may very well turn into an islamist theocracy rather than a democracy....
is that better or worse is yet to be seen.......

in the future i hope to god they are better off,

with regards to your evidence that Sadams prisons no longer rape, torture, or kill.
I don't have to tell you that still occurs, same prisons diffrent managment. It is not treacherous to say this if it true, it is treachourous not to tell the truth and not set it right, and fix the problems.

2006-07-05 23:56:14 · answer #3 · answered by nefariousx 6 · 0 0

They are NOT on the road to a better life. Whacko Muslims are threatening women to wear head scarfs (all you have to do is read the intercepted cable form our Iraqi embassy). They are threatening women and their families for going to school. The Christians have to hide when they drink alcohol and Christian liquor stores are being bombed. Barber shops that give western style haircuts have been bombed. The electric power is now down to 2 hours a day. Sunnis have to move out of Shiite neighborhoods and vice-versa.
You think they're better off now? Probably if all you watch is Fox news.
As far as news reporters not getting the "good stories"? They can't leave the green zone for fear of getting killed and the embedded ones can only see violence. And reporters are asked by the coalition to NOT report on something good like a school being built because the insurgents will target it the next day for a bombing.
Unless you're so blinded by right wing BS, you must see that overall, these people were better off under Sadam.

2006-07-08 03:12:12 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In the long term, I believe that removing Saddam from power absolutely will improve the lives of Iraqis, as well as increase the safety of the region and the world at large. However, in the short term the stability of Iraq has been drastically decreased, and the Iraqi people are in great danger from insurgents bombing random areas. These attacks occur daily. Moreover, the debate over establishing the rule of law has led to sectarian strife, with Sunnis uprising agaist Shi'ites, and vice versa. Civil war seems to be imminent, and the violence has just increased. So, they may be on the road to a better life, but there remains much work to be done, and many battles remain to be fought.

2006-07-05 23:26:19 · answer #5 · answered by netshark2005 2 · 0 0

IWhy are you calling me simple minded? If you disagree with me for some reason being a Liberal means I will listen to what you have to say, do research, and then form an opinion based on your statement and the research. I do not believe people are better off in Iraq at the present time. For the record I do not believe we should be involved with Iraq at all, no I do not think this war is a good or helpful thing, nor am I simple minded and I take umbrage with you saying that I am.

I have seen no evidence of them being better off, unless you refer better off as a war zone. My mistake was thinking you asked a question when all you really wanted was to sit back and insult people. I'll bet you're against abortion, because you don't seem to mind killing young men and women. Must suck to be you.

2006-07-05 23:24:00 · answer #6 · answered by curious115 7 · 0 0

Absolutely Not Mr. Idiot! how could you say that? don't you read the daily news? where have you been Mr. ignorant?
Iraqi people are in trouble, in fear and totally devastated because of your moron buddy Mr. Bush. Many Iraqis are being killed every day, many orphan kids have no homes to sleep in, most people don't have electricity, food or clean water. Many innocent Iraqi civilians are being tortured, massacred and raped by different fractions, including our troops (support our troops anyway). Yes I agree Saddam was bad news and I am glad he is gone forever. However, Saddam did not kill 100,000 Iraqis/Kurds during his lasting regime. Please next time before you ask such a question, do your research and think about it...OK???

2006-07-06 02:07:10 · answer #7 · answered by Mr. J 4 · 0 0

I love how the liberals on here tell everyone to "do your research" before spouting off about the war. I find that funny because the "research" they are doing is listening to the main stream liberal biased media as well as using liberal talking points. Maybe they should try talking to some soldiers. After all, THEY are the ones that are there. I have talked to dozens of soldiers form the 4th ID out of Fort Hood, TX. EVERY ONE of them says that we are doing a good job and that the Iraqis WANT us over there. As for no power and water, my brother was over there for a year and he would tell us about going to houses for searches and having the families invite them for tea. He sat down and had tea with them several times. He said they had power and water. And that was in the northern part of Iraq. He and the other soldiers I have spoken to are tired of hearing all the lies that the media and people who listen to the media tell everyday. So if you REALLY want to know the truth, go talk to LOTS of soldiers!!

2006-07-06 15:12:47 · answer #8 · answered by Amanda 3 · 0 0

Yes... but the same could be said of Darfur, China, N. Korea, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, half of Africa and a big part of southeast Asia...

but while we're focusing on Iraq... who knows where Osama is... but oh, I forgot, he's not a threat... hahaha

this is the type of logic in questions like "Was Germany's economy better under Hitler than it was just after WWI? Yes or no answer"... and use it to prove how great Hitler was...

there is little that is simply black and white... that's the major difference between liberals and conservatives... conservatives paint with broad strokes and are then confused when their art comes out looking like crap...

2006-07-05 23:35:47 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No, sorry, they are not better off. They've exchanged the repressive treatment of a dictator for the chaos of a complete breakdown in the infrastructure and the additional threat of death and destruction by insurgents. The dictator was not a good thing, but neither is civil war and chaos. shiites are killing sunnis are killing kurds are killing americans are killing american sympathizers, etc etc etc. And what is it doing to our brave men and women who are permanently damaged as a result of what they are seeing and doing?
And think about this......even if they were better off, the end NEVER justifies the means.

2006-07-06 01:32:15 · answer #10 · answered by pigletann 2 · 0 0

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