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I pretty sure i'm a Liberal, I belive in abrotion, gay marrige, equal rights, hate Bush, so any way I need so more pros and cons on the Two??

2006-07-05 16:08:59 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

22 answers

Liberals believe that the government should be BIG and cover all welfare needs of society.

Which basically means that you can lay around on your fat *** and draw unemployment...food stamps...medicaide...and anything else that the dem's want to hand out to keep you from getting off your lazy *** and actually working to make your living instead of someone handing everything to you...that don't build dignity or pride...that breeds a world of everything is ok..no matter what you want to do...it's ok...and generally they DO hate Bush..because he actually has BALLS !!!

Conservatives believe that smaller government and lower taxes keeps more money in the pool for growth.

Which actually means...we believe you work for what you get...you don't lay around watching the tube and eating up your food stamps..!!

It also means that we believe in "CORE" family values...do you remember when a family was a MOM...and a DAD...and children...that were borne out of wedlock to a MAN and a WOMEN..!!

And I would really like to know if any of you have ever watched an unborn child...a creation of GOD...being murdered in an abortion...!!

Maybe you should...it MIGHT make a difference in your feelings about abortion..!!

We are now akin to Sodom & Gomorrah...we are full of sin...slapping GOD at every turn...! The core values that our great country was founded on are disappearing before our eyes...we are in BIG trouble .. as a nation...as a society...as Americans...we have become too much like the FRENCH...whatever you want to do is ok with mel..!!

I worry for my children and my grandchildren...that they won't know the difference !

Liberals = Destruction of family and country
Conservatives = Salvation & the improvement of family and soul and financial security !!

2006-07-05 16:21:33 · answer #1 · answered by txgirlgkc 1 · 12 9

You don't need a label unless you want to decide which groups to join and let them tell you how to think.
In general current thinking, Liberals are those who want to use the government as a tool to liberally distribute resources to help make the world a better place. This includes liberal use of the government for social programs, etc.
A Conservative is someone who thinks the government should be kept small and out of people's lives (also see Libertarianism: might be under "marijuana").
Unfortunately, the people making decisions in both cases aren't what they say they are. Today's government is filled with 'Liberals' who only act compassionate when it's time to get a certain group to elect them, and 'Conservatives' who only want to limit government when it comes to things that limit corporate profits, since corporations make all of the really big contributions to campaigns. In the current state of affairs, there are few people in either party who will stand up to the status quo, which is the money, the money, and the money. All the debates about wars, abortion, gays, flag burning, immigrants, etc. are just hot air to pretend something is actually being thought about. The bills that get proposed into Congress are written by corporate lobbyists, the media is controlled by corporate advertisers, and the schools are built and run to groom everyone to accept competition in the corporate world as the only way to think and exist.
This is fascism. Also known as Corporatism. It is alive and well, Mr. Mussolini, thank you very much.

2006-07-05 16:21:11 · answer #2 · answered by auntiegrav 6 · 0 0

I also endorse abortion, gay unions (although not under the name marriage), and equal rights, but I consider myself squarely Conservative. Here's why:

Conservatives believe, first and foremost, in a compact, cost-efficient Government that takes as little from our pockets as possible to run; the concept is that the individual is a better judge of how to spend his money than a committee is.

Liberals believe that the Government should act as a parent, and create laws to govern as many aspects of life as possible. They also believe that most people can't be trusted to make donations to the public good, and therefore tax money must be compelled from us to be distributed to those in need. As Liberals define need broadly, this requires quie a lot of tax money.

Another important difference between the two attitudes is the size and nature of the military; Conservatives want it strong and well-provided for, and Liberals do not agree.

You might want to do as so many of my friends do: when you vote, vote on a one-by-one basis, not the straight Party ticket. I often cross party lines when I think the other guy has a better idea!

Thanks for an interesting question.

2006-07-05 16:16:34 · answer #3 · answered by silvercomet 6 · 0 0

Your beliefs are more on the liberal side. Try looking at it in the sense, Liberals believe in things that are more open, and Conservatives are more old fashioned and militaristic. Hating Bush maybe a common thing among Liberals but there are also Conservatives that just don't like him either.

2006-07-05 16:14:05 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Liberals believe government should solve the problems and support hte people; conservatives want to minimize governmental influences on commercial and personal life. But this is a very broadly painted definition. Not all libs/cons will fit nicely into any one box.

2006-07-05 16:11:18 · answer #5 · answered by biosafety_level_4 2 · 0 0

Conservatives believe in the strengths of persons, not feeding the weaknesses. Conservatives remember on classic relatives values. Conservatives have morals, and a experience of difficulty-free decency. large question, well known human being time!

2016-11-01 06:52:52 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Conservatives and Liberals are basicly the same thing, RICH! The only diffrence is liberals throw a few pennies to the poor

2006-07-05 16:12:24 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Liberals are concerned about the environment, more social programs to help people on the community level, More value toward the arts and humanities than scientific advancement.

2006-07-05 16:13:24 · answer #8 · answered by martin h 6 · 0 0

Liberal = pretty much what you described yourself as being......People come first.

Conservative = Bush....more money focused than caring about the people....they don't seem to realize that people make the nation. But the people oddly follow. Think capitalism.

2006-07-05 16:14:42 · answer #9 · answered by evildunsparce@verizon.net 1 · 0 0

Conservatives are ruled by fear and in turn use fear to rule. Liberals think and seek solutions. Liberals see shades of grey and Conservatives refuse to use any crayons but the black and white ones.

2006-07-05 16:24:33 · answer #10 · answered by slipstreamer 7 · 0 0

There are a lot of difference, but to summerize;

Pro choice
against death penelty
slower to go to war
Against unions
Usually seen as younger and liberated, college (not always true)

against life
pro excecution
quick to war
pro unions
usually seen as older and weathlier (not always true)

2006-07-05 16:12:48 · answer #11 · answered by I can see you... 6 · 0 0

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