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The greatest breakthroughs in history have been made by men, to name some personalities: Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas A. Edison, Stephen Hawking, Albert Stein, James Watson etc and women participation is mainly in charity events. Are we more intelligent than women? in my opinion...Yes, we are. what do you think?

2006-07-05 16:04:22 · 20 answers · asked by mrgsan 2 in Science & Mathematics Other - Science

20 answers

I beg you also to look at the time periods for many of the men you named. Social rules dictated women were not worth educating, or were less worthy of education than men. As this trend has changed, so too will history and its innovators. You forget some well known females who have lent themselves to the change of history, such as Susan B. Anthony and Marie Curie, just to mention a couple. Also, to pigeonhole women into "only participating in charity events" is stereotypical and narrowminded. Intelligence is not dictated by genitalia.

Also, might I add...if you are asking a question, it would need to be phrased "Why are men more intelligent than women", or" Are men more intelligent than women." I'm sure you know that though, being the highly intelligent male that you are.

2006-07-05 16:13:36 · answer #1 · answered by Jadeba12 2 · 2 0

That's a convenient assumption -- and as anecdotal evidence always proves to be, it can be refuted by actually examining the entire picture. Keep in mind that women didn't gain the right to vote until 1919 in the US, an example of a society which was holding onto some archaic and unfounded ideals of gender roles. Women were not encouraged to pursue livelihoods that would take them away from the kitchen and the cradle until in recent history. I'm frightened to see that some girls are still raised with the mindset that their most important goal should be "snagging" a man. That's another story ...
In any case, women were quite often not taken seriously and not allowed into education institutions. On a side note, a recent survey reported the number of women undergrads to be larger than their counterparts ...
While this conversation can obviously go on for some time, here some names you might be interested in :
Marie Curie (think uranium), Hellen Zenna Smith, Elizabeth Blackwell, Karen Horney, Susan B. Anthony, Margaret Mead, Maya Angelou, Flora Tristan ... if you need more, feel free to ask.
"Ignorance renders the masses turbulent and ferocious" - Francois Guizot

2006-07-05 16:25:15 · answer #2 · answered by not amused 2 · 1 0

I think both men and women have the ability to be very intelligent, but that societies of the past did not allow women to be intelligent thats why you think there were no intelligent women in the past, but now we allow women to get education and many women perform better in schools than men. By the way I am a man. However, I think it doesn't matter how much education either has, what matters more is wisdom, often those with too much knowledge are arrogant, evil, selfish, etc.

2006-07-05 17:21:39 · answer #3 · answered by S0C1AL1ST 3 · 1 0

I don't think men are more intelligent than women. Men had rights long before women and were seen as superior to women back in the day. Women have evolved and made great progress, but we are still paid less than men for doing the same job. And no, it's not because men are more intelligent. I think it is because the stereotype still exists that men have to be the "bread winner" of the family. You can't group an entire gender into one and say that they are smarter than the other gender. I know some stupid men and some stupid women. I think we are about equal on stupidity.

2006-07-05 16:11:33 · answer #4 · answered by rockinout 4 · 1 0

Women were largely disallowed from participation in the sciences with the odd exception. Since that changed, women have been responsible for countless breakthroughs, including M-theory, medicine, mathematics, computer science, materials science, and architectural design. Please do your research before you ask such an question... it can be seen as contrived and intentionally incendiary. Consider women equal to men and in some ways superior. The complementarity between the sexes is an absolute essential to the species' survival. You do this inherent union a diservice by undermining the relationship through such trite pieces of inquiry.

2006-07-05 16:29:03 · answer #5 · answered by cherodman4u 4 · 1 0

All right, some of the people you have mention were from long ago when women where not aloud to vote! This is still a mans world no matter what people think, what am trying to say is that its hard for women with great ideas to get them notice because men can cut it down its not easy believe me I know. For example just 13 years ago many companies would not let women use there computers I met a teacher that said when she was in the military women were not aloud to use computers. Many banks still will not give a woman a chance to open a large company because we are a bad risk! BAD RISK! For God Sacks we live longer then men. It is a known fact that MEN only use 50% of there Brain! It does not mean men are smarter then women it just means you have more CLOUT!

2006-07-05 16:27:19 · answer #6 · answered by Ms Pollyanna 6 · 1 1

No, men are not more intelligent, women are. It's been scientifically proven. All the men you listed are from a time before women had rights, if women had the same rights as men back then, we would probably be better off, because I'm sure there were plenty of brilliant women, they just weren't allowed to speak their mind.

2006-07-05 16:47:15 · answer #7 · answered by purple_monkie96 1 · 1 0

First and foremost there are many different forms of intelligence, and up until the 19th century women were excluded from science and couldn't get the resources needed to experiment and research ( money, books, tools), not to mention there research wasn't given any credit. Your question only praises those in science and women have discovered and brought many things to the forefront. But since you are discussing science I will name some women worthy of recognition in the science arena. Marie curie famous in chemistry and physics. Rosalind Franklin helped discover the double helix. Maria Goeppert-Mayer She researched and wrote a thesis on the "shell-model". She discovered that atomic nuclei have shells that are similar to the electron shells of atoms.

2006-07-05 16:22:58 · answer #8 · answered by Axiom 3 · 1 0

I am going to assume you are very young and not an idiot....woman were not allowed into the arts of male dominated society, for centuries. In the United States for example their worth beyond chattel is marked as about 100 years. In case you're young and not a total idiot let me tell you there are societies that still act this way. In spite of the handicap of being less that a mans cattle woman have still made contributions to society, and science. In that regard you can do your own home work.

2006-07-05 16:14:02 · answer #9 · answered by curious115 7 · 1 0

Your gonna "draw some fire" from this one. Generalized statements like that will have the "exceptions" lining up at your door.

Good luck.

Personal opinion... generally speaking, men think mechanically while women are more in tune with emotions. Women are incredible communicators and guys work on cars.

Who the h#ll was Albert Stein??? Didn't he start Stein-Mart?

NOTE TO "COFFEE": Thanks for mentioning our extra "little brain" I forgot all about it!

2006-07-05 16:10:55 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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