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Alot of people are just jerks when they eat out, I just want to know why they are rude and inconsiderate. Everyone should work in a restaurant for one week and see what it is like dealing with these idiots.

2006-07-05 15:59:58 · 16 answers · asked by jmark_hagan 2 in Dining Out United States Other - US Dining Out

16 answers

Because that is the only time in their sad little lives that they feel important.

2006-07-07 01:24:23 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Ughhhh the age old question. You can just bet the people who are jerks from the get-go aren't going to tip, you just feel it in your bones. Sometimes I am suprised, but most of the time instincts are correct. I do beleive that if you don't have enough money to give your waitress a decent tip that you should eat fast food or cook yourself something at home. It's jus rude and inconsiderate to run somebody amuck, when you know they work for a tip. It's getting tougher and tougher, especially today when we live in a "want it yesterday and my way" society. I love the people that come in and try to rewrite the menu like they are at Burger King. I mean I can understand if you are diabetic or something, but at leats explain that to the server so you don't come across as just rude and demanding and that you have to have everything your way and be in "control" all the time. If you want a healthier meal for you children because the kids menu doesn't serve anything but chicken nuggets and fries, you might want to order something off of the regular menu and split it between them, that's my solution, and what I'd do if I wasn't happy with a restaurants menu for my children, why make life more difficult for everyone else around you? Do you think that complaining and bytching really gets things done? Nope, you just get made fun of and pointed out to everyone else who works in the restaurant...and you look like an idiot in the end. I could go on forever on this topic!
I had one lady take the cake on year on MOthers day though. She had taken her mother out for lunch and on special occasions such as Mothers Day/Thanksgiving/Christmas we add 18 percent gratuity to the bill. Well this charming woman came up and started complaining about the added gratuity. My manager asked her if the service was a problem and she said "no" it's just that she didn't want to pay the tip because "she got bills to pay". I was astonished! I think her tip came to like maybe $10 that day, and I know they had a nice time and everything went okay because I served them. My manager though, bless hear heart told the lady that she wouldn't take the tip off and that she should think about going out to eat if she didn't have enough money to leave a tip. I doubt had we added anything that she would have left anything but a dollar if that. I think a few of us were blewn away by her attitude that day, if I were her mother I would have been VERY embarrassed!!

2006-07-06 04:50:21 · answer #2 · answered by dixi 4 · 0 0

I think some people were never taught the right etiquette when they go out to eat. They translate server into slave and think themselves better than others just because of the job. I have been a server for six years and I have seen the best of tips and personalities and the worst. I do not understand why people think that 15% is decent. The norm has now been raised to 20% and people do not realize that servers only make money off of their tips. The wage for servers is Kentucky is $2.13 an hour. My check always says "This is not a check." I like serving for the flexiblity of hours and when I get good people with good personalities I don't mind so much. I think good restaurant etiquette will come when the public is educated about tipping and good restaurant behavior.

2006-07-06 03:14:22 · answer #3 · answered by Renee C 2 · 0 0

Let me start by saying that I tip 20% about 99% of the time. I also have many friends and acquaintances in the restaurant business, from busboys to waiters to restaurant managers. With that said, I don't for the life of me believe that most restaurant staff actually earn a 20% tip. I have heard many waiters/waitresses ***** and moan and you know what they spent most of the night doing while their tables were waiting for them... they were bitching and moaning about the last tip.

To employees that complain about having to tip out the busboys and bartenders… get over it. You took the job. You knew the risk. Your customer is not there to tip you 20% for a half assed job just so you can go home with some extra cash.

To customers that think 5% is good enough for a hard working waiter… keep your *** at home. If you can't afford to tip someone what they deserve you don't need to waste their time.

To employees who think that they aren't servants… ummm yes you are dumbasses. Hence the title SERVER. See, when you take a job as a SERVER, you are there to SERVE your customer. Now, I will admit some people are rude but guess what, it is your job to SERVE them no matter what. They may be assholes but you still took the job. If you don't like dealing with assholes, get a job where you don't have to... oh wait, that doesn't exist.

Also, to Gina B., you said the following, "if you are one of those people who demand everything from hot water to clean your silverware". Are these irrational demands? I know for damn sure you wouldn't want to eat with dirty silverware. Hot water is not a huge request either. Again, you are there to serve. Granted, the other things you mentioned are definitely rude and unwarranted.

I will admit there are a lot of cheap people that go out to eat. I also know that the waitstaff pretty much lives off their tips so I always try and look out for them. But the bottom line is you chose the job knowing the risk you would take with tips. So grin and bear it or quit. No one is forcing you to work for crappy pay. I know many waitstaff that go home with anywhere from $500-$1500 a week and still ***** about the cheap tippers. Why don't you go cry to some guy who's mowing lawns or working McD's and making 250 a week and see how bad you really have it. Whiny asses.

2006-07-06 03:21:10 · answer #4 · answered by jdscorrupted 5 · 0 0

Listen Most People are inpatient. They Expect the chef to Have "The Jetsons" oven in the back . As far a a tip that's extra as far as I'm Concerned. You as a waiter are paid to take an order, bring the food to the table and fill the drinks when they get low. That's what your salary is for. You show us extra and more money is provided at that persons discretion. Customary, Yes.Mandatory NO. Another tip for you, If you go in expecting a tip every time your only setting yourself up for disappointment. Expect the least out of people and you'll be surprised every time.

2006-07-05 16:14:08 · answer #5 · answered by gabeurb 2 · 0 0

Depends, are you the server giving them all they want? Are you getting back to them on a regular basis? Are you making sure their food comes out in a timely manner? Are you refilling the drinks when they run out? if you answer no to any of these, then there is a reason your not getting tips.

I tip based on the server, If my food takes a long time or I am forgotten about, the tip drops. If my drinks are not filled up when they are empty, the tip drops. If I hear about the servers problems of the day, tip drops. I have not tipped because of all of the above, you want to make easy cash, Be on top of the tables all the time. if you walk by me more than 2 times and don't offer a refill. tip lowers, plain and simple. with out the customers you have no job remember that, treat every customer as if they were your last.

Now yes there are some stingy people who don't tip, then there are some who are on tight budgets but wanted to go out for the first time in months but can't really afford it, they might not tip.

2006-07-05 16:10:40 · answer #6 · answered by kcracer1 5 · 0 0

I agree... If you are too broke to tip, you are too broke to eat out. Especially if you are one of those people who demand everything from hot water to clean your silverware, to entrees served at other restaurants & allow your children to throw food at your server without. Yes, this has happened to me & that is not the worst. The worst is a white guy saying, "I'm glad your teeth are white other wise I would've seen you." Or when you have been serving your table and they look at you at the end of the meal and ask, could you get our server?" I say mam I am your server, oh all you people look alike." Or I think this tops the cake, "No offense...but could I have a white server?" Tip means To Insure Promptness and most places make you pay 3-5% of your tips for bussers, hostesses, & bartenders with 2.13 an hour. So when a person does not tip that means your server has to pay for you to eat. Sometimes I wish that I could get the tip before the meal before I break my back to serve someone who thinks I lack intelligence because I am a server. Don't feel bad. That jerk just didn't realize that probably one of the greatest people in the world just served their meal. Not ALL people are jerks though.....BE ENCOURAGED. WATCH THE MOVIE WAITING, it will make you feel better.

2006-07-05 16:52:20 · answer #7 · answered by Gina B 2 · 0 0

S'okay, you're not alone. My wife's college job was waiting tables, my stepfather owned restaurants for decades, so we have seen the bad side of restaurant patrons up close and personal.

As a result, my wife and I are always everyone's favorite customers because we are nice to the servers, we tip well, and the staff at the places we go to all the time know us and like us and remember our favorite dishes. Funny thing about how you treat people... it tends to get bounced back.

Where do you work? We'll drop in, say hi, and leave a nice tip. :-)

2006-07-08 14:57:36 · answer #8 · answered by Scott F 5 · 0 0

I know exactly what you mean. Don't ya just love it when they snap their fingers at you? I don't know why they're rude, but yes, they certainly can be.

It's like they think they're royalty or something. They like the idea of being "served". Wait staff to them are just their servants.

I agree, everyone who's a jerk in a restaurant, should have to wait tables for a week.

2006-07-05 16:07:54 · answer #9 · answered by kaschweigert 3 · 1 0

Because they think that the customer is King. And they possibly have egos the size of the African continent.

Some people just have to put other people down to feel good about themselves. When they make life difficult for other people they feel powerful and on top of the world. Usually they're insecure and small, and just plain annoying.

2006-07-05 16:06:10 · answer #10 · answered by amy_butterflyblade 2 · 1 0

I think people are jerks when they go out to eat because they have a concept that they are better that others.If they really knew what i've heard that can happen to thier food when its in the hand's of an angry waiter or waitress they would be a different person.lol No thank you no spit in my food today.

2006-07-05 16:18:10 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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