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6 answers

We (Americans, by birth?) are not very 'accepting' of the differences we perceive in others...in general. However, as is the reason and purpose of the founding fathers, America is a melting pot of all who come here. It is unfortunate that some (not even most) of those who chose to come here are not respectful, i.e., have forgotten that by choosing to come to the U.S., they will need to take citizenship seriously, if they expect to be treated in kind.

If those newcomers (and not-so-new-comers) are to be integrated into the U.S., as citizens...and truly 'melt' into the 'pot'...they will need to modify their attitude as to their 'home' country. Part of the citizen process is to swear allegiance to this country, as I re-interacted when I was sworn into the military. Most of the 'citizens' of this country...those who have citizenship by birthrate...have never had to swear allegiance, except by inference when reciting the "Pledge" to the flag in school. I'm not even sure how many kids who recite this (daily?) are even aware of the words they speak...food for thought, eh?

So, if you are questioning "US" about our acceptance of these 'outsiders', perhaps it may be more appropriate to question yourself about the reason you continue to think of citizenship, in general, and immigrants. My thought is that if you live and work in a country...any country...you should respect its rights, and privileges, otherwise you should consider choosing another country that can elicit your respect.

2006-07-06 04:56:49 · answer #1 · answered by Rev Debi Brady 5 · 0 0

Are you so accepting of those who choose to come here?
Really? You're sure about that?

People come here to make (what for them is) a lot of money. That's it. They're mostly here for just that and that alone.

Money, money, money.

They don't want to make a new life here, they don't want to assimilate, they want to make their money and get the heck out.

One question you might want to ask yourself is, "how come there isn't any money where they come from?"

Well, there could be a lot of reasons, some of them the fault of themselves and their countrymen, some of them the fault of decisions that are clouded by our own culture.

In Mexico, there's very little foreign investment because it gets stolen and usually the local police are on the take. It's pretty tricky to get foreign investors to be excited about sending money to Mexico when there's such a low chance they'll get it back. The people who live there are smart enough to not confront the crooked cops and get shot, so they migrate to where the money is.

Another reason why there may not be a lot of foreign investment is because of the idiosyncratic, racist attitudes of investors in the US. Take a look at the culture of Singapore. These people have practically turned their country into a police state so that they could be seen as trustworthy enough to accept a lot of foreign investment from the UK. You ever wonder what an Asian Nazi looks like - visit Singapore.

So, Adam Smith was wrong. Markets aren't really as free as he had stated. Capital doesn't flow to a state of equilibrium (purely), it's pushed in various (possibly) inefficient ways to favor certain countries and entrepreneurs. We all pay the price for this, by the way.

So people who come here, often do because getting shot isn't an appealing option, and neither is starving to death. They resent us sometimes because we have so much more than they do or than their country does. Sadly, their country is run by short-sighted little monsters who ruin it for their countrymen. And sadly, our investors don't look hard enough for opportunity that's available overseas and rely on blanket explanations and stereotypes instead.

So yeah, after all that, it should be easy to see how some people come here to make money and not want to assimilate, or "respect our culture." It's partially our culture that's to blame for the lack of opportunity in their home country.

2006-07-05 16:56:15 · answer #2 · answered by Good Times, Happy Times... 4 · 0 0

I think a lot of the children of immigrants don't see America through the rose-colored spectacles of their parents because they didn't choose to come here, they got teased for being different at school, scolded by their elders for acting too American, and so on.

Then there are those who thought America would be just like the movies and are disappointed to learn that America has problems just like anywhere.

We accept them because except for Native Americans, all our ancestors were immigrants, and we like to eat at different ethnic restaurants.

If you are talking about the anti-American demonstrations in Downtown L.A., well, California used to belong to Mexico and they're never going to forget that.

Part of it is also that America as a whole is divided and doesn't like itself. Just look at the whole red state-blue state thing. I'm from California, and let me tell you, 95% of the AMERICANS I know hate the Bush regime. So when foreigners see disrespect for the Bush regime, they think its a ticket to disrespect the country as a whole. We need to tell them yes he's an idiot, but he's OUR idiot, only WE can disrespect him!

2006-07-05 17:02:48 · answer #3 · answered by Baddest_Bandulu 2 · 0 0

My parents immigrated to America. I love America with the bottom of my heart, I would die for my country if I had to. But maybe you are mistaking disrespect for something else. I love America but I too would like to see changes made to make this country the perfect place to live in. Not just sit back and say "well if you dont like it, then leave". Make changes so that we can improve what is already great. Like they do with cell phones, yeah they're great, but can they get better?

2006-07-05 19:20:24 · answer #4 · answered by ddiscostu 2 · 0 0

Good question. I also wonder why people who have no respect for America choose to come here!!!

2006-07-05 15:58:01 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because we the people of America is selfish and greedy and well we vote for the dumb as president

2006-07-05 16:06:43 · answer #6 · answered by jcleann13 4 · 0 0

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