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I have a little black ghost cat that follows me around from time to time, no one else can see it. I have this ability to detect problems and stress across extreme distances, i have increased agility, i have the ability to see at night the way you see during the day, I have this thing where everything i do feels like it's happened before, i saw my great great grandfather in my basement, i seem really wierd i know. I want to know about you, I need to see if i'm the only one.

2006-07-05 15:44:50 · 20 answers · asked by Bryan K.S. 3 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

By the way, my great great grandfather is dead, has been since the civil war

2006-07-05 16:13:14 · update #1

20 answers

What you are describing is referred to as heightened intution.That all extra sensory perception really is.

2006-07-05 15:49:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Not me, but I know my husband does. He is definitely psychic. When we were playing canasta one time, which allows you to pick up the entire discard pile if you have 2 of the cards discarded before you, 9 times straight he held up a pair of cards and said "give me what I want". Each time I did, even though I couldn't see the cards! Also, many, many times he will mention something out of the blue, and within a day or so, something happens about that, or that song plays on the radio, even if it's decades old. Recently, he was daydreaming, and ended up thinking about the old TV show "Frasier." That made him think about the Jack Russell terrior that was on the show. The next day, Headline News announced that the dog had died.

2006-07-06 07:52:57 · answer #2 · answered by cross-stitch kelly 7 · 0 0

Dang, B.K. Smith, don't you know by now that you are what is considered "normal" and everyone who hasn't experienced wierd stuff is a wierdo!? The only difference between you and someone who says you're crazy 'cause they've never experienced cool stuff is...they are, literally, too dense. I don't mean it in a bad way, just a pitiful way. I can remember all the way back to two years old and experienced things that were way out. As I grew older, I got used to people young and old asking me for advice because I could "see" or forsee. They'd ask me, "Do things happen just because you SAID they would happen or do you say them because you KNOW they are going to happen?" Like what comes first, the chicken or the egg, right? If you believe in God Almighty, then you'll believe (according to the Bible) that the chicken came first, right? In the same way, you can only see and forsee because God gave you this gift. No one can really know the future to the minut detail except God lets them know in one way or another. I had these gifts before I knew there was a God and while I was rebelling against God BUT God knew me even before I was (the Bible says) and He chose to bless me with gifts throughout my rebellious life, all the while knowing I would come to Him. I took credit for my gifts (MY powers) yet, now I know they are not mine, they are God's...He just loaned them to me. Remember, He can take them away, too...or give you more...I believe it depends on how you use them to give HIM the glory.

2006-07-05 23:16:57 · answer #3 · answered by alicejohngib 2 · 0 0

First and formost you might be a creep. However that little cat that has been following you...not normal. Also I really hope you havent been keeping your poor grandfather in the basement, I hope you've been feeding him. And you say you can detect problems and stress at great distances..I can detect craziness and you might just be the craziest kid I've ever come across. Please seek some medical attention immediately. Oh and finally, you are the only one.

2006-07-05 23:10:23 · answer #4 · answered by B.Dahlia 2 · 0 0

I get premonitions in my dreams. They don't always come true but 80% of the time they do.
I can sense spirits in a room or house but I can't see them.
I can also detect problems or stress from people who aren't with me by getting some of the symptoms they are experiencing.
I can sense certain things about people, whether they are good or bad and certain situations.
I have been known to tell people that something will happen before it does.

2006-07-05 23:05:55 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No your are not alone , i get bad feelings like something is wrong!! sometI'mes i can tell who it well be, but sometimes just know something is going to happen.It always happens in less than 24 hours usually about 2 to 3 hours! Like family getting hurt even friends. Sometimes it really upsets me, cause i sit and wonder what? and who? it will be. And i think it is a gift from god , just don't know how im suppose to use it!!

2006-07-06 05:28:05 · answer #6 · answered by melissa w 2 · 0 0

Its so weird when my dreams tell the future. One night i dream that i took a pop quiz in science and the next day I really did have a pop quiz. One day I will be day dreaming about something and the next second it happens. I can't control it, it just comes I see it and it happens. I wonder if its just an accident or do I have some power.

2006-07-05 22:53:33 · answer #7 · answered by Star and Moon 4 · 0 0

You're not alone hon... The cats cute, my little dog scruffy hangs about from time to time. When someone I care about is going to die I start seeing little sparks of light which flit in and out of my vision, this happens for about two weeks and then i get the news. I never know who the unfortunate is but just recently it happened and my dad died in nz.

I've always been able to see ghosts and I feel suddenly, inexplicably, mindnumbingly ill when something happens to one of my kids when we are apart.

Does that help?

2006-07-06 06:13:16 · answer #8 · answered by kandy 2 · 0 0

i too have a gift i have powers i can talk to animal's i can read people and i can heal my self say if i have a headache or any pain i can get it to stop by thought having special power is so cool i am a natural witch was born with the gift also if i think about some think like rain it will rain i was told that i had to becareful for what i think about cause it will come true so i have to becareful not to think of some thing bad if some one does me harm

2006-07-05 22:55:03 · answer #9 · answered by white_wizard 4 · 0 0

Weird things happen to everyone. Some people just shrug it off. Others react instead of observing. To those who react, life is more of a struggle. To those who observe, life is more silent, less harmful. This is what I have noted. It seems as if there are those more powerful who try to make you stay in your place and if you are strong enough you can overcome them, but wisdom and knowledge are your keys.

2006-07-06 01:01:42 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

no, you are not weird, it's out of the ordinary, but, it's true! i have this thing that sometimes i dream comes true, and it's freaky 'cuz sometimes i dream really bad stuff and i'm afraid that it's going to become real, thank God it has not. Or like i get bad feelings about someone, or i actually start thinking about someone alot, and something happened to them, we might not know what it is, but, that does not mean that it does not exist!

2006-07-06 12:34:06 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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