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The whole "equality" thing seems to be fair. I know there are disadvantages to communism, but what are they?

2006-07-05 15:43:45 · 9 answers · asked by jose 1 in Politics & Government Government

9 answers

actually, communism has never been tried so we don't know if its good or bad, there are only theories. The soviet union was an oligarchy with some few token communistic aspects. But it was never anything other than an oligarchy. Oligarchies and totalitarianismis whats bad, nobody can make a cogent case that
communism is bad.

If they do, they are generally misdefiing what a real communnism
is or how one works, or labeling a totalitarian government communist when it isn't.

2006-07-05 15:48:56 · answer #1 · answered by kucitizenx 4 · 0 0

there is no market motivation, if you make the same wage being a waiter or cashier as you would being a doctor, its hard to get people to go to school and stay legitimate. As well corruption is more wide spread due to the lack of policy enforcement by an UN-motivated workforce. Many communist governments regulate all types of communications, media, production, and restrict freedom of the peoples choices and lifestyle decisions. without a free market and society, people become unmotivated and lack any professional enthusiasm if there is no perceived rewards.

2006-07-05 15:52:50 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It ruins the economy. Since everyone works for a common cause and communal pay, people do not have incentive to work. Also, communism, like most absolute governments discourage religion because they demand absolute fidelity to the government. Living in conservative countries, this characterizes communism as evil.

2006-07-05 15:56:09 · answer #3 · answered by lyz 1 · 0 0

The idea of communism is theoretically "good", i dont think that humans are programmed to live in such a way, such that the countries that try to implement communism usually have to force it on the people. If youve worked hard and built a business, youre not going to want to give it up to the government... and so forth.

2006-07-05 15:48:24 · answer #4 · answered by DEvLZ_advoc8 2 · 0 0

Communism, itself, isn't bad.

The bad part comes with the changes necessary and if you don't cooperate those changes are imposed by the "will of the people" which can include "re-education camps" and jail for "anti-social behavior."

It's like anything else. It's like being forced to be a Catholic, or Muslim or Jew or Scientologist. You do it, or else! There are no other options. There is no ACLU or court to block them from imposing things on you. So, if you are forced to be Catholic, you MUST make the sign of the cross. You MUST kneel at certain times. You MUST go to confession. Failure to do this and they send the Catholic Police out to get you and take you off to Guantanimo Bay where you will rot in a prison for 5 years learning the evilness of actions.

This is no real lie. Go read a book: "Prisoners Of Liberation" it's written by a husband and wife who were in college in China when the communists took over and they were sent to prison for spying. Go look at what they did! They took pictures in the town square of public events. They told American officals what was going on in town. Image if you reported to England about what is going on in your town and the FBI arrested you for tell the English people about our 4th of July celebration.

The big thing with communism is that eveyrone has to move backwards, except for a few. Bums on the street and people on welfare get to move forward a hair, but everyone else moves backwards.

No more going going to the store and buying a steak. No more Starbucks. There is "meat" (rationed and generic). There is State Coffee. You don't own your own car or house anymore, it is the People's car and the People's house. If your house has too many bedroom, then you WILL be taking that bum on the streets in and giving him a bedroom.

Get the point!

If everyone can't get a TV no one will or they make it so expensive that it takes two years to afford to buy a TV set.

ANd work, it's not a job it's your life's passion!

If you are a city worker and something breaks on Thanksgiving day right in the middle of dinner it IS your OBLIGATION to GO IN and fix it, without BEING TOLD TO DO SO.

You must be a RESPONSIBLE member of society, else you are ANTI-SOCIAL and MUST be corrected for the GOOD of the WHOLE.

China has a two child law. Anyone making more than two children has commited a crime.

There is NO welfare state in communist countries. Pregnant women work in the fields, have their babies at work, get a few hours off, then go back to working with the baby next to them in a basket.

There is no staying home, watching Dr. Phil and Oprah, collecting $550 a month in Aid to Families with Dependent Children for 22 years. No Food stamps (well, actually, EVERYONE gets food stamps and once your stamps are gone you get no more food, it's rationed among EVERYONE so no one goes hungry).

There is also no religion. You can't worship two Gods, therefore it must be Karl Marx!

My relatives in Romania couldn't talk about Easter in front of their little children, least the children report it or mention it at school, least the MAN COMES AND TAKES YOU AWAY.

Can't have parents teaching kids about silly things like God, Easter and Freedom!

When freedom of speach and expression become crimes you don't have a very good system to live by!

There are lots of dissidents in China's prisons. People's whose only crime was talking too loud about things that were unfair.

2006-07-05 16:05:03 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Genocide, slavery, totalitarianism, robbery, imperialism, lack of rights. For a small start up, yet you're making it abundantly sparkling you're in simple terms yet another traditionally illiterate useful fool who's in simple terms going to spout an same cliched lies and excuses for murdering over 100 million people and spreading oppression everywhere you bypass.

2016-10-14 04:10:25 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

The idea is great, but it just never pans out. Leaders turn into George Bush to the nth power i.e. Kim Jong il.

2006-07-05 15:46:53 · answer #7 · answered by will 4 · 0 0

Is there a communist country left?

2006-07-05 15:47:51 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

Its good in theory, but never in practice.

2006-07-05 15:47:44 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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