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After responding to a question about the media, that in a non sequator reffered to jews, made the comment "jews huh?" reffering to why it was necessary to include them in a unrelated question.

One of the other answers commented on my responce....

Thats is when it hit me, the Liberal Media Conspiracy, i remembered that people would make the racist remark that "jews" owned the media or ran Hollywood or ran the media.

I have never understood how the Liberal Media proponents could proclaim that there exsist a mass media conspiricary.
Untill i just put two and two together...

My question is....

Are proponents of a Liberal Media Bias, in some way using it as a euphemism for the racist "jews" run the media claims?
Is the Liberal Media Myth along the same lines of Jew own the Media Myth?

2006-07-05 15:03:45 · 7 answers · asked by nefariousx 6 in Politics & Government Politics

correction I made the comment "jews huh?"

2006-07-05 15:04:32 · update #1

7 answers

There is a seed of truth to the Jewish thing. Remember back in the days that the current media giants were forming the Jews and Irish were just working thier way into mainstream society. The Italian Mafia had supplanted them in many organized crime activities and gambling was the most lucritive of this. The Irish and Jewish gangs still held strong in the Gambling front and the Mafia provided the collection muscle and many of the bookies on the street. The Jewish crime syndicate provided the bankrolls and also developed the wire services. This way the bookies knew long before the betters on the east coast the results of a race and thus could fix the odds in thier favor on bets. That the wire services also carried news was almost a pure front initially. Eventually the news became more lucritive than gambling and the associations drifted as Jewish gangs went legit and became normal businessmen. The Irish went the same way leaving the Mafia in almost sole possesion of organized crime by the late 50s. Just as many Mafia organizaitons have gone legit leaving the street crime to Hispanic, Russian, Vietmese, Chinese and Black gangs.

The liberal aspect of this was more of an accident. The Irish and Jewish gangs used politics as a stepping stone into legit business. Bribery and corruption bought votes. Politician A would given all the contracts to Irish and Jewish contractors and these groups made sure that Politiician A was both well rewarded and voted into office every year. So street crime was just petty crime as these guys now were playing in the big show. The Democraptic party happened to be more suceptable to such bribes at the time than the Repugnican party. The constant rah rah for the party by ethnic leadership actually instilled the platform into these groups to an extent.

Another factor is culture. Irish culture which has had a strong inluence on Decmocraptic idealogy has been one of hating the man. Thousands of years of British invaders created a deep seated hatred. Irish were not able to rise above thier station because they were Irish and considered sub-human at times by the English. Too devided to ever effectively run the English out of Ireland for long it created a culture that belived in sticking it to the man rather than dreaming of being rich yourself. This taint survived and became a core foundation of Liberal thinking as so many 2nd and 3rd generation Irish were involved with the Democraptic party in the early 1900s on. JFK was kind of the peak of Irish power and influence in the Democraptic party. After the 60s it's cohesiveness outside of Boston, New York and Chicago waned and all but disapeered. There is no Irish vote in regional and national elections any more. Stumping for the the Irish vote was crucial in elections as late as the 60s.

So the echoes of those times still reverberate though usually they are regurgitations of things said by parents and grandparents as the Irish and Jews no longer have a great deal of influence in the Democraptic party any more nor do they dominate the media any more. Jews still have a strong prescence in Hollywood but this was not intentional or cohesive. Jews in the east grew up in enclaves. They lived in Jewish neighborhoods and held true to an extent the ways that helped them survive years of persecution in Europe and the midlle east. Persecution that followed them to America for a time. So when one got an opening in Hollywood they would network with other Jews who were already a major part of the play writers. So they had the skills and were in the right place and time. The Hollywood studios hired people who could do the work the best they felt and a abnormal number of Jews were qualified compared to the general population. Just as Irish and Italians then later Blacks and Hispanics made up an abnormal number of sports stars for a time.

During the 20s the Comunist party in America was a strong and dedicated movement. Many Americans returned from Russia where they fought for the Marxists. In the 30s they found ready fodder as the great depression wiped out so many. However the 40s proved to be the beginning of thier downfall. Patriotism was at an all time high. Later in the 40s the way the USSR crushed Eastern Europe stained the cause of Comunism, especially after America found out how cruel the Comunist system was to it's own people. The dedicated Comunists undeterred spurred on by KGB agents in the US sought to take over the media and education. It is a classic first step in KGB tactics used all over the world. So a large number of Marxists flocked to the media at this time. The 60s furthor encouraged this movement with the take the country from the inside movement which encouraged activists to work in the Gov, Education and media so as to spread "enlightenment".

So combined with the Democraptic taint by the association with the political machine at the time and with a surge of Comunists joining in the Media steadily took a slant to the left as older journalists retired and the new activist journalists gained more control. By the 80s the slant was clear as day. By the early 90s it had peaked and by the late 90s it was already starting to ebb as the activist journalists aged into more conservitive views and the influx of activists slowed significantly. Outcry over the slant of the news had media companies searching for a bit more objectivity and the sensationalist attitude of the media sickened many liberal and conservitive alike.

Today there are still hold outs in the media with a strong liberal bias but also now you are seeing conservitive bias in almost as many media outlets. The Conservitives rankled by years of biasied reporting were now dishing out the same hypocracy that the left had dished out for years. The sacred concept of objectivity and respecting one's audience long since left in the dust. As long as it brings ratings which bring money anything goes. If an individual goes to far they can fire them and thus gain full deniability.

So today the media isn't left or right slanted it's just plain slanted. What should be a core part of the curricium in college and what should be enforced strongly is the attempt at unbiased reporting. Tell it too us as truthfully as possible and let us the people decide what to make of it. To slant the news is to insult the intelligence of the audience. It is to tell us we are too stupid to know the significance of an event or to tie two and two together. I personally think it should be a low grade felony to intentionally distort a news report or to not do due dilligence in researching a story. Editorials are of course exempted as they are by nature slanted and intentionally so. Editorials do have a place in our media. Many great and evil deed have been spawned by editorials. They are a tool like any other. To be used or misused.

Next if news is shown to be intentionally slanted or there are a number of problems such as the NY Times has shown it's time to arrest the management. Just report the news! Leave it to us to figure out what to make of it. Fox, CNN, most major newspapers, it's hard to find an objective source for news any more. I give zero credance to any headline today. Far too often the second I research it I find out that the headline is often misleading. Facts quoted in articles are fabrications or exagerations. Yet people make day to day decisions on such garbage. Our leaders are elected on the basis of such garbage. For example the way the Bush administration changed the unemployment reporting. It makes it look like the economy is going strong when it's going under fast. This change benifits nobody yet the press is quite happy to regurgitate it and act like Americans are doing well economically. The fact is unemployment is a big problem in the US today. Meaningfull job growth is almost non-existant. The jobs created are service industry jobs for low pay, the jobs lost are high paying technical, engineering and manufacturing jobs. The standard of living is declining fast and do you see even a mention of it in the press today?

2006-07-14 21:34:12 · answer #1 · answered by draciron 7 · 1 1

No, not by a long shot. Those who believe in an overarching Liberal Media Bias are, naturally, conservatives, but "conservative" is a very, very broad label. "Conservative" applies to many evangelical Christians (the "Religious Right") who are the reason America is Israel's greatest ally in the western world and who view Jews as God's Chosen People, as well as to the ultra-right-wing white-power groups who are behind the idea that Jews own all the media. If anything, since the Religious Right is much more mainstream than any white-power group, the belief in a Liberal Media Bias stands in opposition to the Jew Myth.

2006-07-08 12:56:15 · answer #2 · answered by Tim 4 · 0 0

To answer your question, NO. In fact your question isn't very straightforward (it's kind of rambling and incoherent). I don't see where you are going or the point you are getting at with your question. But here goes:

When ugly right-wingers like Rush, Sean or Anne attack the "liberal media", they're attacking a perceived bias against conservatives or religious people on the part of all news organizations. Not the religious persuasion of news staff.

The media isn't run by "Jews" as you so put it. Most of the media is run by faceless, giant conglomerates like Time-Warner or CBS-Viacom.

And most of these corporate men (yes, they're nearly all guys) tend to be of the WASP persuasion. I know, I used to work as an intern when I was in college at one of these huge media conglomerates.

2006-07-18 07:19:22 · answer #3 · answered by Ed A 3 · 0 0

Yes Yellow Journalism

2006-07-16 02:35:23 · answer #4 · answered by CrzyCowboy 4 · 0 0

liberal Media bias ? has nothing to do with Jews
it has to do with information

For instance its illegal to price fix commodities products or services
price fix in concert with your competitors to stick it to the consumer

For the same reason the liberal media NY Times - LA Times
Washington Post - Boston Globe all have the same agenda
NPR goes on and on
day in day out

they do not cover two sides of any issue
its all ways their side (LEFT)
instead of reporting they become propaganda officials

they and they alone decided whats best for the American public to read or hear

its scary but what they deal in is pure information control

2006-07-16 04:32:06 · answer #5 · answered by tanner_1122 5 · 0 0

CONSERVATIVES ARE EVIL,,,, go away Rush, Ann-ti-christ,,, Hannity,,,, you are spreading your American hate values,,,, to our children,,,, ,,

2006-07-05 15:07:53 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


2006-07-05 15:07:25 · answer #7 · answered by Vagabond5879 7 · 0 0

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