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and i have not been brought up to be proud of my looks, i feel i would be letting my family down if i were to go into modelling. do you think this is a bad career choice? and what should i say to my family?

2006-07-05 13:18:59 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

30 answers

If you would enjoy modelling, there is nothing better than having a job you love (i know see later). Your family should be able to understand if you sit them down and tell them how you feel and how much you want to do it, they should be able to understand. However if they don't it is not worth falling out with your family over a job. You have to decide which will make you happy. If you do decide to go into modelling here is some advise.

I have heard a lot of bad thing about some modelling agencies and how they make you pay for photos and photo sessions before they take you on then never give you any work. My advise to you is if you have a friend who is reasonable with a camera (do not have to be a professional) Just take 100 photos of yourself in different poses, clothing and backgrounds then pick out 10-20 nice photos. You can then use this as a portfolio, and even better instead of printing them which cost you money every time, host them on a website and get some business cards print with the website address on and just hand these out instead. This is a far cheaper way of doing it and with no RISK.

However if you would like a personal portfolio site please contact me and I will set you on up for free. I can design you a fully personalised flash website with as much or little information and then host it for you. This site can contain a gallery of your photos, personal information, list of work, contact details, etc or if you prefer just a couple of photos and nothing else. It can be password protected and all images will be protected as is humanly possible, or the photos can be available to download.

Examples of work can be provided on request. Just message me here if you want, I am a professional website designer but have lots of free time (and enough money) so I am currently doing free sites for small bands, small artist etc, basically anyone who could not afford them otherwise. I have my own hosting server so can offer hosting servers or you can host the site yourselves. No images sent to me will be used for anything other than your site and I will not give anyone your detail or link to the site. You will have complete control and the site can be removed or changed at any time. This is not a scam and I will design a site for FREE, I do not need the money, and enjoy working. If you do want it message me you can tell me what you want and how you want it done and I will help.

Remember family is important as is your happiness don't rush into anything think about it and talk about it, and then make a choose.

2006-07-10 00:54:52 · answer #1 · answered by indieboy 5 · 0 1

On the plus side, you may be able to make scads of money through modelling, and if you're smart, save most of it, so you can pay your way through college, or travel, whatever you want.

On the negative side, you may be asked to do things that you may not be comfortable with. If you look at magazines today, many of the shots are provocative and involve little clothes, so you will have to ask yourself how you feel about that. If you are seventeen and you are being asked to model, you must be skinny now, but as you get older you will probably put on weight, so there is a real danger of developing an eating disorder or other problems- many models get hooked on drugs to keep their weight down. And finally, it is a very superficial world where you will never be appreciated for your brains.

Since you're concerned about what your family thinks about it, why don't you ask your parents for their opinion. Not if they think you "could" model, but if they think you "should" model, given that you have already been approached by scouts.

2006-07-05 13:35:35 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Modelling is not a bad choice. But know your limits.
Given the fact that you are still 17. I would encourage you to wait at-least until you are 19. This will give you the time and opportunity to mature yourself and consider if this is what you really want to get yourself into.

From my own understanding, I can easily guess that models are tempted through money and fame to over expose themselves.
This can be very tempting when you think about the money you may be getting to expose yourself. But as I indicated in the beginning, "Know your limits."

Going to much beyond your comfort zone, you may one day look back and think, "Should I have really done that. Did I do something wrong, what are people going to think of that. My Family, my kids, the people I meet.

Your family may not approve of your choice, but if you really (and only if you really want to be a model) bring forward to them the advantages of being a model, learn the disadvantages as well and then make your choice.

2006-07-05 13:30:16 · answer #3 · answered by synapse 4 · 0 0

GO FOR IT!!! But please do your homework. Seek help from reputable agencies, throw some of your fav pics into a nice photo book and send it to some top agencies (even Tyra now-a-days) asking what they think of you. Modeling is nothing personal!! Nevermind of being proud of just your looks, be confident in who you are as a total package.
You will be viewed as a walking bilboard, a fit model, or a muse for some of the most talented people ever. It can be a great career if you make yourself aware of the industry realistically.
Scouts are simply walk-around telemarketing employees....it would be useless to take that route.
Being shy can be a positive attiribute...use it. Better yet, WORK IT, GIRL!!

2006-07-05 13:31:46 · answer #4 · answered by himselfswife 1 · 0 0

model scouts do approach a lot of ugly people (not saying you are.. i dont nkow what you look like) so that they pay all the money to get their profiles made out.. and then they never hear back from them again.... modeling is a very hard industry and you are very lucky if you make it big... I say go with a different career choice to make your family happy and im sure you will be more happy in the end

2006-07-05 13:23:27 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I think maybe you should ask the people that you feel you would letting down this question [your family] get some feedback from them before you make any sort of choice ! you might be surprised at the reaction you get .so find out the feeling at home first ! my son is the same age as you and he has been asked if he wants 2 be a model he was scared 2 say anything 2 me cos he thought I might think he was a f*g ! which hurt me a lot ! but he was so surprised at my reaction we ended up going out 4 a celebratory beer together in my local pub I was so proud of him we cant under stand where he gets his looks from cos both his mum and I r both bloody ugly that's why we got together I think !

2006-07-05 13:48:54 · answer #6 · answered by PARADOX 4 · 0 0

Well follow your heart! Everyone has to leave home at some point in their life and parents will disappointed about your life choices but its not your fault because they have to learn to let you go, just like my mum has to. Its life and i bet we'll experience it when we have kids on day...
I think its great you have been approached by a modelling scout, not many people get that chance, its like one in a million. just talk to your parents about what you really have decided to do and why.
maybe you want to carry on studying part time to sport your modelling in case things don't go to plan.
I don't think modelling is a bad career choice because of the money, you get lots of deals and you may even get the chance to try other careers like TV shows like Tyra Banks, have a clothing line or establish a business of your interest

2006-07-05 13:42:14 · answer #7 · answered by bluestar 4 · 0 0

A neighbour who owned the first boutique in my town in the late fifties approached my parents with a the view to sending me to modelling school in London.

I neither liked the guy (he was leery) and he kept following me and even harrassed me at my place of work. My manager was an older wiser woman and she saw my fear of him and threw him out with a warning to leave me alone.

I had no intention performing on a catwalk, since I was very shy despite being a tomboy and outspoken at times, I was not at all sure of myself and was decidedly the least forward kid with lads.

And he was whispering about me working in his boutique and staying late for training!!! At fifteen, even I knew what he hinted at.

I knew this guy was only after me for one thing. But my parents fell for his charm and they actually thought I was ungrateful, stupid and ignorant, to turn down such a wonderful opportunity.

And it isn't the only offer of wealthy living I turned down either, but I wont go there now. While I thought myself quite plain, I was actually quite pretty. A 'stunner' so I'm told by lads who knew me then, but a 'snow queen' too:-) ha ha ha!

It's due to insecurity, this down on yourself. I'm sure you're very pretty too. It will pass and when you're thirty, you will know and feel good! That's the best age for a woman;-)

What I'm saying is, there is always a catch, or someone who has a vested interest in 'helping' you get into this area of life.

If you WANT to do it, then make enquiries and put yourself forward for discussion/interview, or whatever they do these days, with a reputable agency.

Just because people tell you you should do something, doesn't mean you should, think for yourself about what you would really like to do, then go for it.

Don't try to please others to court popularity, you'll fail and get hurt in the process. Do only what you feel comfortable with doing.

Good luck.

2006-07-05 14:10:00 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i was offered many many times and my family wouldn't let me....i wish i had my friend models and she makes great money and she is happy doing it....plus if ur shy it will give you more confidence....explain to your family the "real" reason that you want to model they should understand and if they dont then model anyways and do it for yourself!! Good Luck

...i would suggest finding an agency that doesnt make you pay anything up front...where i live they pay the models to work there starting out and they get a discount price on their clothes if they want to buy them.....after they work and learn how to be a model the $$ will change!

2006-07-05 13:23:34 · answer #9 · answered by ~jessi~ aka....mommy 5 · 0 0

Don't let shyness hold you back. I'm shy, but if an opportunity like that came my way, I would jump at it! Also, it will only be a bad career move if you do what Kate Moss does - cocaine. Oh, wait, that made her career better, silly me. The point is, don't become to big for your boots, don't be a crackhead, and don't be a horrible b*tch, it would be a breath of fresh air to see a NICE model.

2006-07-05 14:25:07 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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