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22 answers

No not even close!!!
Yes women have come a long way, but need to Quantium leap it to be just equal. this all needs be done before the world ends which will be in the next 100-300 years tops!!!
A lot of jobs that women pick to there mental & pysical make-up also do to having children are under paid & NOT valued as much which is CRAP!!! If it was taken more serious or valued with equal eye then things could be truly more equal.
Women truly think differently than men, this is fact. We have different values due to this (general statement). We see the world differently and feel it differently too. Our skin is more sensitive too and the list goes now & now...
I feel that real change will happen when MEN, YES, Men can show their feelings openly in public, not be ashamed to raise their own/others children by staying home & can wear skirts & truly express their own true style instead of the cookie cutter clothes that they wear today.
Being someone that i've dated both sexes (BI) I feel women need to grow up a bit. I feel that they are more shallow due to what society tells them to believe (which less than 1% of women) I but into it in the 1st place??? Tioo many women play to many head games which underminds them as a whole.
Women truly have the buying power right there when the shop, they hold business (white men) by the balls if you know what I mean. Start shopping elsewhere besides "Wal-mart" which keeps women out of Management. You hold the keys to true POWER use it!!!
Women need also embrace all walks of women and to
"agree to disagree" is in there best interest. When you can look at a "Hooker" "Street Walker" or other people you thought less than with the same respect as your self then we all win!!! Men will always be "PIGS" as a heard one too many times, but they're not that but doing what they are wired to do.
Yes you (women) can raise them different to change them to be better parents of the future
Ex) Giving your son a doll will not turn the boy into a gay man!!!
It will teach your son to love his children and being more loving this way too will teach him to see the world a little bit different which is a wonderful start???
Stop giving your son's toys that are violent and for his self-esteem don't give him GiJo type stuff. No play guns, less violence on TV (the avg child sees more than 18,000 murders on TV/Film before they're 18!!!

2006-07-05 13:39:52 · answer #1 · answered by mother_t_of_wpg 2 · 0 1

How can anything be equal in all social aspects? No two people will be totally equal in all social aspects. But I believe that for the most part, sexes are as equal as they can be. Nothing is one hundred percent, but I feel that we have come a long way and in all practicality both genders are equal.

2006-07-05 12:54:10 · answer #2 · answered by sangsou_strykejern 2 · 0 0

No two people are, or can be, equal in all social aspects. To be truly equal they would have to be interchangeably identical, which not even the most egalitarian would not say of all humanity. What we should work to achieve is, instead, a society where everyone has an equal opportunity to compete, with success going to most innovative, industrious, or persevering. After all, we must have, in a truly free society, equality at the starting gate, but not at the finish line.

2006-07-05 14:39:26 · answer #3 · answered by rich k 6 · 0 0

Yes and No... In some respects women are equal, in some respects women have an advantage and in some a disadvantage.

If a man wants to enter a traditional female job (nursing, childcare, cleaning services, etc.) he'll be looked at funny, mostly by his male counterparts. It is still assumed that women are more caring and nurturing, which is nonsense.

On the flipside, I've always held traditional male jobs and had to deal with things such as: "I don't need no goddamn woman run my Army" (obviously an idiot redneck, but still, this attitude exists).

I ran a successful consulting business for years. As such, the fees charged were identical to those of my male contemporaries with equal experience, knowledge and qualifications. However, I have heard from female friends in the banking industry that they earned less than male counterparts for identical jobs. The problem is that nobody is allowed to talk about their salaries and therefore it is hard to find out about such discrimination in the first place. One woman I know managed to find out, sued and won. I think that in "conservative" environments, such as banks, law firms, etc. there's a greater likelihood of gender based pay discrimination, but hopefully that'll change as the old guard retires off and younger, more progressive thinkers take over their jobs.

2006-07-06 02:35:43 · answer #4 · answered by scubalady01 5 · 0 0

I feel very strongly that while the sexes are close to equal, they are not equal by any stretch of the imagination. Women get paid less than men, are less likely to be hired for certain jobs, and more likely to get passed over for promotions. With this said, men are also slighted in this day and age. Men are more likely to be charged with sexual assault when women are just as likely to commit the same crime. Men are more likely to be accused of preferential treatment when hiring and dealing with co-workers. Men are even less likely to get certain jobs because they are in stores geared towards women. All in all, the sexes are not equal in any aspect, I believe, but it isn't always the men that will come out ahead.

2006-07-05 13:03:50 · answer #5 · answered by Shaz 1 · 0 0

No of course not.
society has always put men first and I believe it will stay like that for a long time unless more women start taking a stand and do things like run for president and men step aside and let women take their rightful position in society.
The world a we know it today reeks of women being over powered by men.
I think the U.S. of all countries should step up because it is the role-model of other countries. The fact that women had supposedly had free rights for decades and yet there still hasn't been a female president is just pathetic.
I don't think men earn more at all.
I think men just get treated better.

2006-07-05 16:32:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They should be, but unfortunately they are not. In my Eyes Woman are equal and if I owned my own business they would have the same chance for promotion and the same rate of pay as my male employees.

It is slowly but definately moving to this in business, it will take some time. However a few women do set back the effort.

Those women who frivously sue employers for harassment where none has occured. (Kind of makes bosses not trust female employees)

Women dressing in a non profesional manner in the workplace, Having it does not mean it is profesional to flaunt it. It does make you stand out, and not for your talents in business. (it actually can hurt your chances for promotion)

Women preassuring employers to give them promotions they have not earned nor have the experience for. (yes they have the same right but they still must earn promotions like men do)

Some women are slowing down the process of equality in the workplace for all women. Once women stop trying to bully themselves into positions based on equality and actually earn them based on their work. things will move alot faster.

If I were an employer I would promote based entirely on work and skill. not on race religeon or sex. It is the most economical way to run a business.

2006-07-05 12:59:30 · answer #7 · answered by lovpayne 3 · 0 0

I dont believe that the sexes are equall I mean there are obvious differences between men and women. In the workplace, well, thats another thing, we should be pay equally I mean we do the same thing.

2006-07-05 12:52:07 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I trust you, and had difficulty coping with an severe feminist (male) professor at school. As a lady, i do not choose particular therapy even as making use of for a job!! How is that equivalent therapy? If i'm getting the pastime because i'm a lady even as a guy changed into extra qualified, it would not seem to have resolved some thing. each and every thing you stated I trust, as a lady.

2016-11-01 06:37:36 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I believe they're equal. In social aspects yeah. but in pay HA HA HA HA HA HA. that's funny

2006-07-05 15:47:53 · answer #10 · answered by Baller 2 · 0 0

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