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21 answers

We can stop robbing and killing each other. We need to educate our children. All we as a people see now is "the struggle" and it has been glorified to our detriment. And I hate to say it, but hip-hop isn't helping us, it's hurting us. Don't believe me? Consider this...Back in the day slaves got linched for reading and learning. Now we see that as 'weak'. Back in the day, white cops raided panther houses and killed our leaders. Back in the day our activists like X and King spent their days knowing they could get sniped at any minute. And they did. Well lemme ask you something....do you thing lil wayne is worried about that? Do you think mike jones is a threat to the white community? Have you not realized that we have much more freedom to live the hood life than we did to live the educated lives? Don't be fooled. They haven't gone easy on us because "times have changed" or "hearts have been softened"....NO, they ease up on us because they can just sit back and watch us destroy ourselves through drugs, violence, and disrespect for ourselves and our race as a whole. We need to educate our youth, cultivate a since of pride in their race, and reinstate our people back to our rightful positions as strong black warriors. Those who say "those days are over" and "it doesn't matter now" and "it's not as important as it used to be" are seriously dissallusioned. We need a leader. We need to focus our agression on rebuilding ourselves as a people. All this black on black crime HAS TO STOP.

2006-07-05 12:57:14 · answer #1 · answered by vthokie4ever 4 · 1 1

This is a question all cultures need to ask but sadly alot of the black culture do suffer opression. The family structure in the black cumunity is in terrible shape. Too many young people running around with no loving family guidence at all so all they learn is whats on the streets. Young people having kid's and fathers not being there causes a great deal of stress on a young mother. Kid's cannot grow up in a stressed filled way and learn anything about life so as they get older again they learn what's on the streets and there is nothing good to learn on the streets. Young fathers must use there God given right and help bring up there childern. A child that grows up in a healthy household is more likly to sucseed in life and childern are a reflection of how they were brought up. Sadly this is a problem in all cultures and in all lands. We all must give our best and make sacrefices in order to ensure that are kids are safe and well tought. Im not saying that single parents cannot rase there kids up right but it is one of the most if not the biggest single problem there is.

2006-07-05 20:25:52 · answer #2 · answered by BobbyG 2 · 0 0

Why isn't the black community on its feet? EVERYONE, and their mom wants to be black. Haven't you watched MTV lately. White isn't "In"

I think the black community has always been on their feet. They have overcome the obstacles they have been given the best way they knew how, for the most part. And they still had time to create, Jazz, R & b, Hip Hop, Rap, Reggae, and a good portion of rock n'roll

2006-07-05 19:51:03 · answer #3 · answered by the nothing 4 · 0 0

Work hard at raising each other up instead of dragging one and other down. Don't say crappy things about successful people that are just angry that you didn't even try. (Powell, Rice) Work hard, if you don't think you can do it alone, get some help, or get the tools. By tools I mean school, learn something! Love everyone! That's a big one too. And most of all, don't let anyone ever hold you down, you don't have time for that. And it's a lie! Go out there and get them, and you can't fail.


2006-07-05 19:50:25 · answer #4 · answered by fromdheart 3 · 0 0

From the standpoint of someone who is not black (and is in no way shape or form prejudiced against blacks), I believe respected black leaders need to speak out against strongly those few who degrade the race...people in entertainment like Fifty Cent, Randy Moss, Kobe Braynt, etc...Unfortunately they are in the news all the time (for good and bad) and people recognize them and associate, in justly, an entire race with these bad apples. Hence, a respected black leader needs to call for a change amongst those who are in the headlines to become positive role models and embassadors of the race.

2006-07-05 19:52:43 · answer #5 · answered by Canario92 3 · 0 0

What can any community do to rise back on its feet. Stop Crime, Stop Drugs and so and so on. ITs going to take everyone working together as one. Why cant the color issue be put aside and look at everyone as what god meant us to do...our brothers and sisters.

2006-07-05 19:50:37 · answer #6 · answered by Texas_at_its_best 4 · 0 0

i'm mixed with black and white, so don't take this as me being prejudice.

i don't see that the black community is not on their feet. they seem to be doing good to me. most of the movie and music entertainers are black, and you know they got more money than you and i. in the county i live in, alot of them have great big homes and cars and great careers. most of the people where i live own businesses, and have positions everywhere. doesn't seem like their doing too bad to me.

2006-07-05 19:52:00 · answer #7 · answered by Selena Jade's Mommy 4 · 0 0

Education. And stop making excuses for not having education. The entire "I'm a poor black person from the ghetto' just doesn't cut it. A lot of us are poor. We know where the library is, we learn to read and write, we learn to speak well. A person can be as educated as the next professor but if he/she sounds ignorant, that's how society will see them and treat them. Educate yourself, take responsibility for yourself, and teach your children the same. It starts in your back yard.

2006-07-05 19:50:31 · answer #8 · answered by ninusharra 4 · 0 0

From a british perspective, by seeing ourselves as one unit rather than going out of our way to distinguish what island or country we (or our parents) originate from because one thing is for sure, most non-Blacks cannot tell the difference anyway. Once we unite amongst ourselves, only then can we can more forward.

Also recognising that we can do more than run fast and sing good!

2006-07-05 19:54:46 · answer #9 · answered by Ms Bleu 2 · 0 0

Get the ****** in skool, and not follow the sterotypes. We need more smart ****** and no more gang bangin' hustla ****** ya feel me? ****** get ignorant and right now ****** is hungry, poverty stricken. These ****** need help from the gov't. Till then ****** gon' be on the floor. ****** alzo got to be willing to stop racism and take and give from the other races mainly white boyz, hispanics, and asianz. That's whut I believe being born to a black father and indian mother livin' in some bad projects in boston and now livin in middle class.

2006-07-05 19:51:57 · answer #10 · answered by San Fran Kid 2 · 0 0

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