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they treat me like i am anerexic! and to tell u the truth i eat like a pig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i never gain any pounds!!! i gained that 7pounds when i went bike riding everyday! im guessing that is muscle!! please dont make fun of me cuz i already get enough of it at school! is something wrong with me!

2006-07-05 12:42:32 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Women's Health

9 answers

Oh Sweetheart, my daughter went through the same thing. At 12 she weighed 60. She was made fun of too. You have to remember, people are ignorant when it comes to things like this. Children are the worse. It seems to be in their nature to tease those different from themselves. My heart goes out to you. As long as you are eating, don't let it bother you, If you feel terrible than ask your parents to see a doctor. I want to tell you something, I got so tired of my poor daughter coming home crying, that I went out and bought one those giant subs and asked her to take it to school and bring it out at lunch and start eating it. She was more than willing and you know what? Kids started telling her how funny it was and they didn't know she actually so much. She ate a lot of it. i could not have eaten that much. Bring a huge lunch to school and stuff your face in front of all those teasing brats. Good luck, By the way, my daughter models in her spare time. Good will come out of this, I promise you.

2006-07-05 13:27:35 · answer #1 · answered by Memere RN/BA 7 · 3 0

If your doctor says you're healthy, then don't worry about it. I used to get made fun of because I was really thin when I was younger too. People would always ask, "why are you so skinny?" and I'd get really hurt and embarrassed. The people who are making fun of you are probably just jealous because you can eat all you want and won't gain weight. You'll also probably start gaining more weight in the next couple years. Now that I'm 21, I feel like I'm pretty much a perfect weight. And I don't have to count calories like many other girls my age! It's the girls with your body type who usually feel awkward and left out when they're young, but who become models later in life. So keep eating healthy foods and hang in there. I hope that helped. Take care!

2006-07-05 19:55:53 · answer #2 · answered by Natalie 1 · 0 0

I think that would be a great thing to discuss with your parents and your doctor. When I was your age I was really skinny too. People made fun of me a lot and said that I was anorexic and bulemic because I didn't gain weight when I ate like a horse. Don't worry about the other kids. Discuss the issue with your parents and your doctor and I'll bet you that your doctor will be able to help you figure out why you're not gaining weight. Good luck sweetie and nevermind those mean kids.

2006-07-05 19:48:10 · answer #3 · answered by jshepard17 5 · 0 0

Nothing is wrong with you. Most pre-teens from age 10-13 go through different horomones and developmental stages, all of us do this at different rates. You're a growing young lady, your metabolism is high, keep eating healthy and making sure you feel full and have energy throughout the day, drink plenty of water and stay active, try and focus on the good things in life, as your emotional and mental health affect your weight as well... it's all tied to hormonal release. Let your body grow on its own pace, I know it is difficult to have patience, but you will fill out your womanly frame. Several women don't fully get their curves, not just breasts but hips and butt, developed until well into High School even college years.

2006-07-05 19:50:29 · answer #4 · answered by curly_qt2005 2 · 0 0

Probably not. If you feel fine and are not losing weight, then you are probably just fine. It is mean of people to call you anorexic. I know that junior high is a really tough time because a lot of kids think they should make fun of everyone they can just to make themselves feel cool. You should just eat healthy foods and make sure you get enough exercise to be strong and healthy. Your body will do what it needs to do as you grow. Just do your best not to listen to them and know that you are healthy. Hang out with friends that won't make fun of you, and if they do, don't be their friend. My experience is that when you get into high school, people pretty much lay off of the teasing and leave each other alone. Know that you are beautiful the way God made you, and as long as you are healthy, you are just fine.

2006-07-05 19:49:10 · answer #5 · answered by cucumberlarry1 6 · 0 0

A lot of girls/women would kill to have your problem! I know that's not very helpful to you right now. As long as you're healthy, then I wouldn't worry about it too much. Kids can be very cruel and at your age, they'll find something to make fun about....if it's not your weight, it would be something else. Just keep eating healthy and exercising (not to lose weight, but to keep healthy) and you'll be fine. Most kids start gaining weight a little bit in their teen years anyway. You have a very small body frame which is fine. Everyone's unique in their own way....it's what makes you special.

2006-07-05 22:02:37 · answer #6 · answered by First Lady 7 · 0 0

okay well first of all honey GOD made u the way he did b/c that's how he wanted u! u r unique and special to God in his eyes and no1 Else's opinion of u matters! and honey I'm sure there is a logical explanation 4 ur weight, well we all have something called a metabolism...ppl have fast metabolisms and slow! looks like 2 me honey u have a fast 1, which basically means, ur food does not just sit, u quickly digest ur food, and girl 2 most ppl that's a blessed thing,b/c they're dying to be a size 3...ppl such as me! lol...well talk atcha u latta! much luv!!N!god bless

2006-07-05 20:11:50 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

no i dont think so .go to your docter and ask him mayb its because your 11 and still a kid im pretty sure once you become a tennager you will gain some weight and who cares if they make fun of you at school dont listen to them.kids are stupid they dont have anything else to do except make others feel bad .dont be sad you will gain weight

2006-07-05 19:47:18 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sounds like my daughter.
She's 11, tall and skinny, eats like a big hog of a pig!!
Keeps getting taller and stays skinny.

Guess what...That's what it was like for me too!

Enjoy eating and eating and staying skinny while you can ...

2006-07-05 19:45:57 · answer #9 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

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