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cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.

The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

2006-07-05 12:24:56 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

42 answers

It is a bit tough, but that is part of how amazing the mind is.

2006-07-05 12:27:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 7 1

Yes, I can.

couldn't believe that I could actually understand what I was reading. The phenomenal power of the human mind, according to a research at Cambridge University, it doesn't matter in what order the letters in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter be in the right place.

The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without a problem. This is because the human mind does not read every letter by itself, but the word as a whole. Amazing huh? Yeah and I always thought spelling was important?

Did I get it? Yes! Spelling is important.

2006-07-05 12:41:28 · answer #2 · answered by eehco 6 · 0 0

Couldn't believe that I could actually understand what I was reading. The phenomenal power of the human mind, according to a research at Cambridge University, it doesn't matter in what order the letters in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter be in the right place.

The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without a problem. This is because the human mind does not read every letter by itself, but the word as a whole. Amazing huh? Yeah and I always thought spelling was important!

2006-07-05 12:30:02 · answer #3 · answered by berkeleygirl 5 · 0 0

Couldn't believe that I could actually understand what I was reading. The phenomenal power of the human mind, according to a researcher at Cambridge University, it doesn't matter in what order the letters in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter be in the right place.

The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without a problem. This is because the human mind does not read every letter by itself, but the word as a whole. Amazing huh? Yeah and I always thought spelling was important!

Yup yup yup.

2006-07-05 12:36:50 · answer #4 · answered by ~*Bubbles*~ 2 · 0 0

yea... couldn't believe that i could actually understand what i was reading. the phenomenal power of the human mind, according to a research at Cambridge University it doesn't matter in what order the letters in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter be in teh right place. the rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without a problem. this is because the human mind does not read every letter by itself, but the word as a whole. amazing huh! yeah and i always thought spelling was important!
that's f***ing awesome!!!

2006-07-05 12:38:33 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is amazing, but I can read that even though the words are all misspelled. I heard that the human brain only focuses on the first several letters of the word, so if the rest are misspelled, it doesn't matter. Something like that. I saw something just like that on MySpace not long ago.

2006-07-05 12:30:54 · answer #6 · answered by JT 1 · 0 0

I was able to breeze through it without looking back and saying huh? (well, excluding phaonmneal, that one took a second glance) it is amazing what the human mind can comprehend.

2006-07-05 12:39:55 · answer #7 · answered by Asterisk_Love♥ 4 · 0 0

Yeah, I've done this before. Isn't it the coolest. I did think Spelling mattered. Why did we, In grade school, learn spelling if It didn't matter?

2006-07-05 12:28:08 · answer #8 · answered by Writer 2 · 0 0

yes can read it but gave me a headache. good job though. I have seen many of these and the brain senses the words perfectly.

2006-07-05 12:54:50 · answer #9 · answered by teambargain 6 · 0 0

I got an email like this once and it is really amazing that the mind is so powerfull huh?

2006-07-05 12:28:29 · answer #10 · answered by miz_viv 3 · 0 0

How mnay tmeis do I hvae to raed tihs "qsoutien"??????
We all hvae wnet to shocol, & hvae gteotn our eutacodoin.
Tankhs for gniivg me atenhor hacedhe.

2006-07-05 12:31:45 · answer #11 · answered by boxergirl 5 · 0 0

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