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After 9-11 President Bush assured us that everything will be done to stop future attacks so far none have happened. President Bush passed a new law,Medicare Care drug plan allowing many of our older citizens to have access to affordable medications. Our country is strong and growing well.President Bush will resolve the Immigration issues we all should be patient. President Bush has brought faith and values to Washington. Let us hope Jeb Bush will make a run for President and keep our nation great.

2006-07-05 12:12:56 · 26 answers · asked by Julia 3 in Politics & Government Politics

26 answers

You better believe he is! Unfortunately young people today don't understand enough about History, Geography, and politics to know just how great of a president he is......They will however as they get older, come to realize how good of a president he was.(is) I will just be happy if they were to think on their own without believing and allowing other people to talk for them(that is what happened to the dems)I was one many years ago...Then I started thinking and learning on my own!Yeah Mr. Bush!!!

2006-07-05 12:55:15 · answer #1 · answered by mom of a boy and girl 5 · 1 0

Its not really a question. Yeah he's done some great things but look at the flipside. After 9-11 he was literally screwed, there is no way to properly recover from that as leader of the free world. No matter what his response was, there was no "correct" solution. No other president in history has suffered such a major blow while in office....so he did what any american would do after such a tragedy drank a beer and went fishing. Then gave a response. So now we are about 2 steps away from nuclear war with North Korea (good thing they don't know how to make a missle), we're pissing off both borders, gas prices are higher then they've been in national history, and we still have people trying to find a guy who's pretty bad. Its just all bad, and no matter what Bush does or says, he can't stop it....it just seems that the harder he tries the less it works.

2006-07-05 12:20:08 · answer #2 · answered by jonsey182 2 · 0 0

So far no attacks have happened... which is no guarantee that his actions have actually prevented them, other departments may have gotten that accomplished -- and of course, they issued a warning about the financial district in New York about a year after 9/11.

The Meidcare drug plan has forced seniors into cattle chutes, many worse off on their plans than they were before, and many paying more that they did.

The gap between rich and poor is certainly growing, and less money is being invested back into the economy.

Another Bush? I say this country needs a Brazil wax.

2006-07-05 12:21:32 · answer #3 · answered by blueowlboy 5 · 0 0

Bush is the most evil, corrupt, incompetent sub-human ever to occupy the Oval Office. Big Dick Cheney tells him what to do, and Dumb Don Rumsfeld tell him what to say. In collusion with the most evil, corrupt, incompetent U.S. Congress in the history of America, these bandits have:

1. Illegally and unconstituionally invaded another sovereign country that did not threaten, provoke, or attack the U.S.A.;
2. Massacred tens of thousands of Iraqi citizens, including women and children, for no justifiable reason;
3. Tortured 'detainees' without regard to the rules of the Geneva Convention, and looked the other way when these prisoners were physically, emotionally, psychologically, verbally and sexually abused;
4. Turned America into a police state wherein citizens are presumed guilty until proven innocent;
5. Initiated economic policies which will result in a severe depression right after Bush leaves office (so the Republicans can blame the Democrats);
6. Put American taxpayers trillions of dollars in debt to finance an obscene 'war' that was started for only two reasons: 1) Bush wanted to 'finishe the job' his daddy started during Desert Storm, and 2) Cheney wants all that oil swimming underneath Iraq's sands so that he and his Halliburton buddies can get richer and richer and richer;
7. Neglected America's poor, aged, disabled, disadvantaged, sick, underprivileged, hungry and homeless while playing "Robin Hood in Reverse", stealing from the poor and giving it all the the rich who - in turn - make generous (if not illegal) campaign contributions to help keep the GOP in power;
8. Tarnished America's reputation as a world leader and global peacekeeper;
9. Terrified other countries (like North Korea) into thinking they must develop nuclear weapons to defend themselves against the new 'evil empire' - the United States of America;
10. Killed more than 2,500 U.S. soldiers (so far).

Bush has dismantled environmental laws designed to protect and preserve the delicate ecological balance between human beings, plants and all other animals on Earth. He has lied to the American public and leaked information to the press whenever it conveniently fit his agenda (the reprimanded the press when it prints something he doesn't want known).

The MediCare drug plan is one of the most confusing, expensive disasters in health care history, created to enrich the pharmaceutical industry and the medical community.

The immigration issue is a sham; Bush knows he needs to pander to this political base, and he or Congress will do nothing to truly combat illegal immigration.

The insane non-binding resolutions Bush touts before America are nothing more than a typical political shell game to distract us from the REAL issues facing this country (like health care; corrupt politicians; corporate greed; Social Security; a balanced budget; and term limits for all elected officials). Instead, Bush talks about gay marriage, flag-burning, and other trivial issues that are not significant problems facing this country.

Jeb Bush will probably almost certainly run to try and extend the Bush family dynasty...should he win, he would only succeed in bringing America closer to a dictatorship run by the despots Bush. No, Bush isn't doing a great job as President.

Most unfortunately, if we were able to vote all the rotten Republicans out of office, we'd only replace them with equally rotten Democrats. It's time for an American Revolution.


2006-07-05 12:32:17 · answer #4 · answered by -RKO- 7 · 0 0

That is a good point that many people ignore. There have not been any more 9/11's since we brought the fight into the enemies territory.
And as for number of soldiers killed, it still does not equal the number of people we lost in one day to a terrorist attack within our borders. No matter how much exposure this war gets, it still is not as costly as every conflict we have gotten into since the beginning of America. And if you actually asked those doing the fighting whether we should leave Iraq, the great majority would tell you "Sure, as soon as the job is done."
And for those who say he invaded Iraq unjustly, obviously you were not one of the pilots who had to enforce the No Fly Zone over Iraq after the first Gulf War. Those pilots were shot at nightly with AA fire, and SAMs in defiance of a peace treaty that Saddam Hussein signed.

2006-07-05 12:21:16 · answer #5 · answered by Christopher B 6 · 0 0

Bush Sucks. His dad was just as bad. Like father like son. They both suck. Do you realize that Bush wanted to take Millions of OUR money to fix up the other country????? Why the hell would he do that, he complains that we don't have enough funds to fix security and give our soliders proper protection and raise taxes and gas and all that stuff because we need the money?!?! He wants OUR money to fix it over there? What's that? He is really messed up and he needs to take a reality check. He won't send his kids over there that's for sure. Why risk the lives of others? So many people r dying and all they want is their country back, that is why there is so much crap going on over there. Just get back over here and run the US and not the other country. I don't agree with the way bush is running things. I don't care about the good he has done because as many lives as he's taken, there isn't enough things he can do to make up for that.

2006-07-05 13:03:56 · answer #6 · answered by Ann R 1 · 0 0

You might be able to say that President Bush is not doing as bad of a job as most Democrats would like to say that he is doing, but you have to remember that he did start the war in Iraq based on questionable intelligence, and whether or not he was aware of the weakness of his case, something like that detracts from any greatness. This unilateral action has cost the U.S. a great deal in international standing. Regardless of what else you think of him, I don't think you could ever call him a "great" president. I don't think he even compares with the likes of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, or Roosevelt, who are generally considered some of America's great presidents.

2006-07-05 12:21:55 · answer #7 · answered by nickname 1 · 0 0

America has lost alot of respect worldwide,I dont think all of the blame can be pinned on Bush, which it seems to be, it is the elected party as a whole. After all Bush just goes on the information he is given by them and does as he is told.

I just hope the USA will elect a stronger more intellectual pres next time and maybe then people would have faith in America

2006-07-05 12:21:41 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


In the years since terrorists attacked us, President Bush
has liberated two countries, crushed the Taliban, crippled
al-Qaida, put nuclear inspectors in Libya, Iran and North
Korea without firing a shot, and captured a terrorist who
slaughtered 300,000 of his own people.

Clinton went to war in Bosnia without UN or French consent.
Bosnia never even attacked us.
He was offered Osama bin Laden's head on a platter three
times by Sudan and did nothing. Osama has attacked us on
multiple occasions.

There were 39 combat related killings in Iraq in January.

In the fair city of Detroit there were 35 murders in the
month of January. That's just one American city,
about as deadly as the entire war-torn country of Iraq.

2006-07-05 12:28:17 · answer #9 · answered by .·:*RENE*:·. 4 · 0 0

remember he has given extra $$$ in overseas aide (by using a techniques) than the different president (maximum to Africa for aids care/therapy). This actuality won't be able to be brushed aside and could connect his legacy. As will the actual undeniable actuality that he kept the monetary equipment after 9/11 . . . do you've any theory how undesirable it ought to were? issues are not proper now, and Bush actual isn't both, yet seem at how, why or perhaps as issues went undesirable . . . imagine 2006 even as the democrats (Pelosi/Reid) took administration of congress. I doubt he will ever be seen between the most proper, having reported that, Lincoln and Roosevelt weren't held with a similar severe esteem by way of their factors that we carry for them now. i imagine he will finally end up someplace in the middle.

2016-11-01 06:33:03 · answer #10 · answered by ravelo 4 · 0 0

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