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16 answers

time is relative. The time to you is totally different from time to me. Time is how your brain perceive events. Time was developed by man to give a definition to these events

2006-07-05 11:25:43 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Actually, this would be a great topic for an entire book answering just this question. Rene Descartes tried to tackle this question many centuries ago and I would definitely recommend reading his thoughts on the subject. He states that since things can happen before or after something else happens this is independent of the human mind. Aristotle wrote many great books that I would recommend to help solve this question. Right now it seems the answer cannot be scientifically proven one way or the other. It seems more a matter or personal opinion. But I believe time does exist and also people do perceive and experience time in their minds as well. So both really.

2006-07-05 19:06:45 · answer #2 · answered by Professor Armitage 7 · 0 0

well time is an aspect of the universe as we know it. The as an addition to length width and height, time is the 4th dimension that would make up our world today. picture time as a straight line and a point that moves a long that line. the part of teh line behind that point is the past, and the part of the line ahead is the future. The point itself would resemble the present. But if you know galileos quote, that the present is really the recent past and the immediate future, then that point justifies that quote. Also, theoretically, after the big bang, the point moves in a certain direction as we percieve it. Time can be broken down into several categories which is also out of a brief history of time by stephen hawking. Theres a cosmological arrow of tiem a pschological arrow of time and a thermodynamical arrow of time. Together tey resemble your perception of the world. Now the mans mind is capable of percieving time in a way where its unique. I wouldnt say that time is a construct of the human mind, but instead an aspect of the minds perception.

2006-07-05 18:45:31 · answer #3 · answered by future doc 1 · 0 0

The answer is: time is both a construct of man's mind and another form of energy, a duality, which I will describe further. We "humans" are the seers of time, this means like eye's, we have the sence for the passage of time, in our minds eye. The time we are familiar with is space-time or what I call broken symetric space-time, but also what exists is supersymmetric time, which is supergravity time.

Broken symmetric space-time is relativistic "Einstein time", the time which is both relative and regular. The time that slows when we approach the speed of light, but stays relatively stable for most of us looking at clocks. Based on Einstein time, and how each of us move relative to each other and to the speed of light (the fastest anything can move in space-time). This is the “time” physics says exists, however, time is an emergent force of multi-dimensional proportions, and I am about to emerge and differentiate the energy duality in time.

To identify another form of time, besides relative time, ask this question: How long does it take time to access ALL space-time? The answer is: the instantaneous right “now”and all space is accessed at this moment of “now”. So this is what I call supergragviational supersymetric time. It is the instantaneous starting time that physics and most of us don’t even notice exists. For example, when we say that light takes 8 minutes to reach the earth from the sun. When the stopwatch was originally clicked on, that moment conceptually represents this instantaneous moment of “now” time, that we and the entire universe is simultaneously embedded in this time together. From that moment, it is light that stays embedded in this moment of “now” as it grows older and rushes off towards earth, until we see the 8 minute old light as it strikes our eyes in the moment of “now” time . This is why scientists say light from stars comes from the past, this is because we assumed an instantaneous starting “now” time, which is continually being regenerated.

So a time dually exists, both as an instantaneous moment of “now” energy and one that is relative to different observers observing clocks in space-time, and is relative to the speed of light.. One time is created anew, the other time, is a relative new “past-now” time, perceived and calculated from the mind.

2006-07-10 17:58:39 · answer #4 · answered by t k 1 · 1 0

Time is a part of the conscious human mind, it is what differentiates us from all other animals, and it is because of our conscious realization of time that we are able to make history, such as by learning from our mistakes and planning our days and making projects and solving problems, otherwise we would be impulsive and eat when we felt like eating and killing when we felt like killing and etc. Time helps us to avoid being impulsive, the more conscious we are of time the less impulsive we are, and thus the more successful we are in living a wise life, for time is what gives us the appreciation of existance and allows us to enjoy existance in peace.

2006-07-05 18:32:04 · answer #5 · answered by S0C1AL1ST 3 · 0 0


2006-07-12 16:31:43 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I say time does not exist. Einstien said " what is time " He also said time is irrelivent. I agree, for the person to discover time and put it at that point it is a one in one million that that man made the time the time it was since the creation of the world. There is no time.

2006-07-05 18:53:06 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hello, CHAZ2006! I will go to answer your question in portuguese! Ok!

Na verdade, o tempo é um fenômeno que existe para nos mostrar a nossa condição humana.
Ele se liga a nós à partir do nosso nascimento e assim que morremos, nos desligamos dele.
Se pudéssemos viver para sempre, e tivéssemos uma memória super ativa na qual todas as lembranças ainda fizessem parte do nosso presente, talvez não haveria tempo.
Portanto o tempo está ligado à nossa mente e ele só existe pelo o que somos e vivemos.

2006-07-05 19:38:06 · answer #8 · answered by bservus 3 · 0 0

i would think it is a construct of man's mind because time can be limitless.... and how we measure time is up to man.. I would also think it exists because our lives revolve around how we manage our time

2006-07-05 18:25:50 · answer #9 · answered by daydreamer 2 · 0 0

People regard 'time' as the 4th dimension so I guess it exists, but people are doing new research and coming up with new theories all the time, so who knows?

2006-07-05 18:49:02 · answer #10 · answered by Giuleah 3 · 0 0

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