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My husband recently began thinking about getting circumcised. Oddly enough i've never been with a circumcised man and didn't really know how to respond when he told me he was thinking about having it done? Is it really any different at all? Will lovemaking feel different? Has anyone been in a similar situation? Well any answers/advice would help really.

2006-07-05 11:08:58 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

26 answers

please get your husband to read the answers to this question:


it is the best collection of answers about how important it is to have a foreskin i have seen on here.

please get your husband to read my y1a profile.

i am specialising in foreskin removal.

it is something he needs to think seriously about avoiding doing.

the foreskin helps to make sex more pleasurable for both of you, and to reduce the risk of urinary tract infections and aids/hiv.

it will be very painful for him and will cost a lot to do.

medical insurance does not cover routine foreskin removal because medical research actually says the foreskin has health benefits, and the presence of the foreskin is the opposite of a health risk.

so, unless he has phimosis (non retractable foreskin) or some other medical problem of the foreskin that must be fixed with surgery (a statistically low chance of this occuring, which makes the routine removal of infant boys' foreskins in the US baffling), advise him to keep his foreskin.

for both your's (which you are right to be concerned about) and his benefit.

good on you for asking a question based on sexual pleasure.

society just needs to feel more comfortable about partially basing the reason NOT to routinely cut off foreskins on men's sexual pleasure.

as him this same question - how do you expect sex will be without your foreskin?

research and men's experience says it is worse. unless there is
a genuine medical problem with the foreskin.





2006-07-12 01:09:06 · answer #1 · answered by Smegma Stigma 4 · 0 0

I'm an American, 'straight', circumcised(at birth), male... I'm sure that you want to hear from other women, but since you haven't yet had a response at the time I began typing this, I thought that I would give you 'something' of a perspective regarding your question:

I don't know your ages, the number of your sexual experiences with other men before your husband, nor your husband's reason for wishing to have this procedure performed at this time. But it can be somewhat painful during it's healing which may take up to several weeks, before his penis is not 'painful/sensitive' during erection or any manner of touch.

I'm assuming you are not in the USA, since you said that you have never been with a circumcised man... it is more common that we are circumcised in this country than many others. Largely due to long-held religious and/or commonly accepted medical practice(currently under reconsideration), most American-born males are circumcised at birth.

Difference in appearance? Well, the "extra" loose foreskin covering the glans (head) of the penis is removed during circumcision, so it is always exposed, erect or not. When fully erect, the penis of both "styles" pretty much have the same appearance, since the loose skin of each is drawn back during erection.

Difference during love-making? I understand that differs for various individuals... however, it seems that women won't hardly notice any difference at all. It is said that the circumcised male loses some degree of sensitivity/stimulation due to the constant exposure of the glans area without the foreskin... I couldn't know, but I can say that I don't feel that I've missed out on any enjoyment during love-making, as I've ever experienced it. However, after healing, your husband would be the one to know if there's any noticeable difference.

I was a medic during my tour in the military and while stationed at major hospitals in the States, I'd noticed a number of guys had had the procedure performed by choice. All I know is, they sure didn't want any attractive female nurses or technicians to come around their bedside during the 1st or 2nd day after the procedure... the last thing they wanted to happen was an erection.

I'll let the ladies out there give their opinions, pro/con... oh, the only medical reason to have the procedure done is the claimed reduction of the incidence of penile cancer or infections which may occur beneath the foreskin if not kept cleansed well... duh, the practice predates our time by centuries. We use soap and such nowadays...

Best wishes to you and your husband,


2006-07-05 12:04:50 · answer #2 · answered by nomad 3 · 0 0

Well Marissa, I have been in situations to deal with both types. It is certainly a personal choice for a man, but I wonder WHY at this point? Hygienically a boy is easier to clean and keep a circ'd penis clean. My son had the surgery at birth. Some religions don't do it. As long as a man stays clean there is no difference either way. If he is not hygienic, then odor and infection can be a problem. As for sexually, you will not notice any difference and I don't believe he will notice more than he experiences now. I believe your hub should go into detail with you why he wants it done. It just seems unusual for an adult to want to go for a circumcision. But to each his own. Good luck dear.

2006-07-05 11:18:07 · answer #3 · answered by nanawnuts 5 · 0 0

I've experienced both...and basically it's just a matter of personal taste as in regard to with vs. without. MY personal preference is men WITH, but again, that's just me and it has nothing to do with discrimination against men without...

Having said that...
Aside from illness or deformity that causes pain or prevents the foreskin from functioning properly there is no need for circumcision. (Unless it's a devout religious thing.) It lessens the subtle (almost imperceptible) intensities of pleasure in the male during intercourse, and if both you and your husband are used to the foreskin methods that he's developed in terms of physical intimacy then you're both gonna have a small amount of re-learning (and abstenance until what he might soon be missing stops hurting.) I'm not gonna denegrate anyone's choice to be circumcised, but I will point out that the highest concentration of nerves in the human male body are in that elastic stretch of skin, and natural lubricans are also produced there...though a buildup of such lubricants leads to...um...cheese, but keeping clean is the way to deal with that. If he's really willing to sacrifice that great a number of nerves, then okay...

For guys who have been circumcised at birth or early in age, the penis has already compensated for the loss of nerves. For a guy recently circumcised but sexually active, innervation of the penis has to realign basically and so yes, there will be some negligible differences in love making and maybe even discomfort for a while, at least the physical in-out part of it for him...the fine tuned aspects of your normal love making may be absent for a hot minute since he will have lost a significant portion of his...um... navigational sensor array.

Also, I should point out that from the people I know who have done this, they don't complain about major differences, but they have noted that some of the more subtle aspects of the male stimulation/climax loop feel a little bit different--from the male perspective. Not uncomfortably so, or even significantly lessened, but they've compared it to listening to your favorite classical music piece. The "uncircumcised" speakers allow you hear all 88 violins in the orchestra individually, while the "circumcized" speakers only let you hear 44. The melody is the same and there is no lessening of what you're "hearing"...but if you're fine tuned enough to hear each individual violin, then you will notice something is different. Not bad...not really even less...just different...

So, if he's making the choice to be circumcised for real reasons (and not just a whim) then there's really nothing to worry about, except maybe a little tenderness for a while.

2006-07-05 13:34:40 · answer #4 · answered by chipchinka 3 · 0 0

Go to the counselling class before his circumcision is performed. Lots of info there. Your husband is making a good healthy choice. Once he gets older, he may not be able to clean himself under the skin and he may get a very serious infection.

You won't feel different at all. Lovemaking is how YOU perceive it, not whether your hubby is circumcised or not.

My former husband was not circumcised. 2 years before we divorced, and not for THAT reason, he went for his circumcision. He stated at that time, it was a good choice.

2006-07-05 11:25:22 · answer #5 · answered by sls4me 1 · 0 0

Other than religious beliefs , I don't see why he should have to be circumcised. It is after all surgery, and as with any surgery there are always risks. From some males perspective, if their foreskin is gone, it is said that it reduces sensation. On the other hand, if he does circumcise, it is said that it's more higyenic, but frankly I see that as a non-issue. If a male can learn how to properly clean, there is no reason why he should circumcise.

The benefits
Circumcision may have health benefits, including:

Easier hygiene.
Circumcision makes it easy to wash the penis — although it's simple to clean an uncircumcised penis, too.

Decreased risk of urinary tract infections. The risk of urinary tract infections in the first year is low, but these infections may be up to 10 times as common in uncircumcised baby boys. Severe infections early in life can lead to kidney problems later on.

Prevention of penile problems. Occasionally, the foreskin on an uncircumcised penis may narrow so much that it's difficult or impossible to retract. This can also lead to inflammation of the head of the penis.

Decreased risk of penile cancer. Although cancer of the penis is very rare, it's less common in circumcised men.
Decreased risk of sexually transmitted diseases. Safe sexual practices remain essential, but circumcised men may have a slightly lower risk of certain sexually transmitted diseases — including HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, and human papillomavirus (HPV), which causes genital warts. Some strains of HPV also cause cervical cancer.

The drawbacks
Surgical risks. Excessive bleeding and infection are uncommon, but possible. The foreskin may be cut too short or too long or fail to heal properly. If the remaining foreskin reattaches to the end of the penis, minor surgery may be needed to correct it.
Pain. Circumcision hurts. Local anesthesia can block nerve sensations during the procedure.

After the procedure, it may be impossible to re-create the appearance of an uncircumcised penis.

Some insurance companies don't cover the cost of circumcision.

Circumcision doesn't affect fertility. Whether the procedure enhances or detracts from sexual pleasure for men or their partners remains unknown.

Here's a website that may help him decide.

2006-07-05 11:34:35 · answer #6 · answered by sxyredht21 3 · 0 0

my ex-husband was circumcised and it felt great. When we divorced, I dated a guy who was not and . . . . . . . . . . . IT WAS GREAT. It' s just a little skin coming off is all this is. It is said that circumcision is to be done at birth but it was founded later in 1975 by the AAP(American Academy of Pediatrics) that there is no absolute medical indication for routine circumcisions for new borns. Here are some pro's and con's for BOTH OF YOU tho think about

Circumcision can decrease the risk of cancer of the penis.
Circumcision can decrease the risk of cancer of the cervix in sexual partners.
Circumcision can decrease the risk of urinary tract infections.

One thing to think about depending on how old your husband is. It is called PARAPHIMOSIS and it is the inability to return the foreskin to its original location. Please consult with your doctor.
Honey sex will still be the same.

2006-07-05 11:30:35 · answer #7 · answered by spreetray 2 · 0 0

There's no reasonable medical or other reason for cutting the skin off of a man's penis.

The notion that a circumcision makes a penis "cleaner" is ridiculous. Your lips keep food particles in your mouth which cause gingivitis, bad breath, etc. This is an undisputed fact, yet we don't see people chopping off their lips.

The question of aesthetics is a personal one. Its does not constitute a need for the procedure.

As for the question of sexuality - a circumcision only effects the man in a negative way. The foreskin of the penis is full of nerve endings. Its extremely sensitive. Cutting it off removes that sensitivity forever.

2006-07-05 13:46:37 · answer #8 · answered by rvera99 3 · 0 0

I have had experience with one uncircumcised man, honestly I don't remember what it was like. He was really small. But I do think it looks GROSS! Every other man I've been with has been done. I love performing oral sex on my husband. I can't imagine him not being circumcised because I love the way it looks and feels. I don't know how the feeling is different for them though. Maybe you should ask for the guys input on this one.

2006-07-05 11:23:30 · answer #9 · answered by tamc 2 · 0 0

Working in the medical field I have come across some that are and some that aren't. As a C.N.A. and taking care of the elderly as men get older it is harder to clean and keep from infection. A Circ is not as bad. My husband and son both are circumcised. I have been with one who wasn't and i honestly can say there is no difference in sex its all the same. as for appearances i prefer the ones that are. But dear its all up to your hubby and you.

2006-07-05 11:47:08 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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