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35 answers

because it was made up then ... and is made up now ... grow up ...

2006-07-05 10:08:15 · answer #1 · answered by drjesus616 1 · 1 0

God does talk to people. What is wrong is that people have forgotten how to listen. Think about it, How many times have you been talking with someone and then turned around and asked "What did you say?"

The art of listening went out the window along time ago. If people did listen more than talk then this would be a better world. We would understand more and maybe we could help each other

God talks to people through the bible, other people, events, dreams, and by answering prayer's. But if you don't pay attention then you can not hear him.
Plus you must believe in what you can not see. I know that God has talked to me in many ways. Sometimes he is hard to hear but he is talking to all of us. Just look around you, the sun that rises in the morning, the birds that sing, the sound of children at play, the rain that cleans the earth, all of these are answers to questions that people ask. You may not know the question but you can enjoy the answers. I Do.

2006-07-05 10:35:39 · answer #2 · answered by Tonya M 1 · 0 0

During biblical times, particularly the time before Christ, GOD talked and appeared to a very few people directly. Those on record being Adam(As a prelude to being kicked out of Eden), Enoch(walked with GOD and never died), Abraham(discussed with GOD sparing Sodom), Moses(burning bush, 10 commandments), Elijah(was carried into heaven on a fire chariot and never died) and Job (asked GOD why, and got an answer why for all of us). Most of the others like Noah, and Jonah, etc there is no real evidence that even they where spoken to directly. Some through visions, and dreams. There was a specific purpose to his message to each of these individuals as their quest was FAR larger then themselves and his message to them transended to all people. Another characteristic was that they where all extremely close to GOD and knew of him and where already in humility, reverence and awe of him. They knew how to take, and/or relay his message.

Understand that to us GOD is not the GOD of booming voices, but of quiet whispers. He touches each of us at a different level. He also speaks to us through his word. Most of all he ever needed to say, he said. It isn't his fault that we think of ourselves as "special cases" mostly when we are caught up in trying to justify our own sin, or think we need an additional answer why. It is sometimes hard for us to see GOD as a protector rather then an antagonist when strife hits our lives, and realize, for our own good, that making it better, fixing it our way, or even understanding, that his answer is no.

This is a great question, don't be disheartened for petitioning GOD for an answer. He wants that. If you pray for an answer, it will come to you. No guarantee it will be the answer you are looking for. Just realize that GOD is all about Love, and the very short time we spend here on earth has little consequence to the grand scheme, yet we are still all individually important to him. Every last one of us.

2006-07-05 10:33:11 · answer #3 · answered by JR 1 · 0 0

Perhaps you could look at this another way.
God still does talk to people, but today people choose not to listen.
God still appears to people, but peole choose not to see.

The bible is not a book to be taken either lightly or litteraly. When God appears to people in the old testiment, personally I believe the description was given to try to show primitive minds the awesome power of God. Earlier man had no words for things like Gravity for example. If you wish to see God go for a walk in the forest. God is all around you.

I think that as we discover more and more about science you will find us coming closer to God. I think it was best summed up by Albert Einstein
"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."

2006-07-05 10:12:40 · answer #4 · answered by madpiper99 2 · 0 0

Because the conditions that were met in order for God to deal with people directly back then are not being met now. What conditions would a person have to meet in order for God to deal with him or her in a "Biblical" way now? A lot of people pretend to have the answer. But like you said, those kinds of things don't happen now. So therefore, no one knows as much as they think...

2006-07-05 10:22:07 · answer #5 · answered by Stuart J 1 · 0 0

In old testament times God appeared or spoke to a chosen few . However He then made a way for any of us to have a relationship with Him by sending His son Jesus who made the way . Christians today do hear from God by his Holy Spirit (almost like the way you can hear you thoughts) and there have been cases of God actually speaking outload (where people hear his voice as they would another person) . I would say as a christian for 11yrs now is ask him to speak to you . I realise this may sound wierd to you but He is real and does speak. Like i said ive been a christian 11yrs but i was 28yrs with no contact with God or church so what i say is not because i was brought up this way but because ive experienced it (the inner voice that i described not the outload one yet)

2006-07-05 10:15:36 · answer #6 · answered by heading4judgement 1 · 0 0

Great, you are beginning to think for yourself. Keep it up. What are possible answers to your question? Perhaps "he" did not speak to people then either, etc. Do some unbiased research on who scientists believe wrote the bible. Keep in mind that neither God, nor Jesus ever wrote a word; others wrote about them. I'm not leaning either way but the facts about writing style, etc., has to be considered by intelligent people. Research directed toward proving a theory is biased and one can never get the truth that way.

2006-07-05 10:08:58 · answer #7 · answered by maceverod 1 · 0 0

How do we know that He's not talking to people. These days, everyone just thinks someone who sees God must be crazy. Back then, people would believe it.
Then again, who's to say the people in biblical times weren't crazy?

2006-07-05 10:02:12 · answer #8 · answered by KT 2 · 0 0

If you asked God and he answered you, would you believe or go to a psychiatrist because of the voice in your head? If you really want to hear him then let's look at this logically. If he is real, then he sent his son to die for you. If he sent his son to die for you, then why would he refuse to speak to you? I don't think he would be afraid to speak but if he is real and afraid then he is a wussy. Maybe people are just too lazy to find out, we make remotes so we don't have to walk 3 steps to adjust volume on our TV. I have an idea...why don't you become an explorer and boldly go where you haven't gone yet. Who knows, maybe your birth as a prophet began here with this question.

2006-07-05 10:17:51 · answer #9 · answered by RM 2 · 0 0

He still does we just don't know. He can appear to people in their dreams or in their minds and maybe right in front for everyone to see. God speaks to people and sometimes the person thinks it's just a voice and ignore it. Sometimes God speaks to people through another persons actions or their own actions. God still does talk to people and appear to people. he's given me visions on a couple occasions.

2006-07-05 10:23:04 · answer #10 · answered by Torrence 1 · 0 0

God does talk to people today through His son Jesus. He talks to us through His word (the bible), through other people, through our soul. You must believe that He exsists and you will hear Him speak to you.

He will not jump out at you and say "hey, here I am" He wants you to seek Him through prayer. He is all around us, we just have to take the time to look for Him. He is in the beauty of the mountains and the sea. The awsomeness of the formation of a baby from the moment of conception. Find a Christian and ask thier story of how God changed their life when they accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

2006-07-05 10:13:56 · answer #11 · answered by cindy H 1 · 0 0

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