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I have a 14 year old daughter, she is great. She is a GOD fearing child, straight A's in school, in her high school marching band, never ever said a curse word, never disrespected me in any way, she tells everyone, " My Mama, Daddy, Pau pau, and nanny are my best friends". Now, other kids at her school, are her age and going to the beach with boys, having sleep overs with boys, cursing like sailors, no respect for adults at all, dress like hookers. ..Everyone saids I should let go of my daughter, let her experience things, me, I think Im doing a GREAT job. What do you think about teenagers?

2006-07-05 09:40:26 · 31 answers · asked by bitchy_woman_yet_sweet 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

ok people, Imnot stupid, I know she will need to spread her wings oneday, but why push it, why not let her be the child that she is, and she gets out, she doesnt prefer kids her age because of what they represent. Her way of about boys is " Mama there will be plenty of time in my life to have a boyfriend, but right now, school and college is my goal, and a boy cant get you either one" .....I seem to think thats whats wrong with kids today, their parents let go to soon, their parents ignore everything they do, there for they turn into heathens.

2006-07-05 09:52:11 · update #1

Im getting the impression that some people think I have my daughter locked up away from the world, well I dont. She gets out people, she has tons of friends, she attends a public school, she just isnt like kids her age. Her focus in life is school, and she wants to be in the APPALACHIAN marching band in college. She goes to concerts, Eagles, Rolling Stones, Aerosmith, Motly Crue, ECT, granted she goes with her daddy, but she would tell you she wouldnt have it any other way. I dont have her under lock and key.......lol

2006-07-05 10:04:59 · update #2

I take her for a walk twice aweek...kidding

2006-07-05 10:07:35 · update #3

31 answers

my daughter is 13 and the same way. COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS and pat yourself on the back. lol you are doing a great job. she is going to spread her wings and experience life when she is ready. i used to worry that i kept my children to close to me but they are turning out fine. remember each child is different. so each parenting situation is different. we only have them for about 18 years then they are on their own anyway. enjoy her...she is your jewel

2006-07-05 11:06:42 · answer #1 · answered by soulsista 2 · 3 1

Sometimes parents do have to let go. You never know they can turn out to be th best or the worst. However as a teen they have to learn the hard way. I mean, I did. Dont get me wrong my mother did a great job with me. I am 26 yrs old and I dont have any children. Never have I had a STD. I say this because my mom was strict on me until I told her to give me a chance. I showed her. I admit I had my virginty broken when I was 16 however I was woman enough to go to my mom and tell her that I wasnt a virgin anymore and i think I dont want to try it again however I beleive that we should put me on some type of birth control. And she did. The moral of the story is if you have done this great so far let her go a little I am pretty sure that she will show you that she can be trusted.

2006-07-05 16:49:34 · answer #2 · answered by miracle_sincere 2 · 0 0

If your daughter feels so loved and secure why on earth would anyone want you to 'let her go'? What does this mean - you are meant to stop encouraging her to achieve? Stop keeping her safe as best you can? There will come a time when your daughter wants to experience new things but with the values you have helped her to form they should be far more worthwhile things than the activities of those other kids. You shouldn't feel bad that your daughter is polite, hardworking and living in a happy home environment. You should give yourself and your daughter (who is strong minded for resisting peer pressure) the credit you both deserve.

2006-07-05 16:50:44 · answer #3 · answered by bertha 2 · 0 0

It's not the teenagers. It's their parents. Too many parents are trying to be their teenager's best friend by letting them do all these things. Then the same parents pressure other parents that they deem are too over-protective. I went through similar stuff raising my daughter and ignored the whole lot of them. Not one of their children is happy or successful right now in adulthood. A couple became teenaged parents, which changed their plans for the future. My adult daughter is happy and independent, with lots of friends and a successful professional career. It's very hard to be a good parent with so pressure to do otherwise - probably harder than when I was raising my own daughter. You can only give the world the gift of your own daughter. None of us can do much about the kids whose parents are misguided.

2006-07-05 16:50:35 · answer #4 · answered by fox598 2 · 0 0

I think if I had to do it over again...I wold be in a loony bin....My daughter is 21 but I have a neice that is 16.....I told her mom to keep a tight rein on her...buut she would only say "but if I'm too strict on her...she will sneak out"...so now...her daughter is into meth....staying out or sneaking out till all hours of the night...lying.... stealing...been arrested.....and now her parents say...."what am I going to do...she is out of control"....
Well.....I think you are lucky......your daughter is well mannered and polite...and that can either help her or make her the butt of everyone jokes......I dont think you should necessarily let her go to all those things...maybe invite a few of her friends to stay or take them to do something as a group....that way you can watch them and see how thay act before you let her go alone.....Times are changing..and it is so hard for a teenager nowadays....they want to fit in and be liked......Dont hold her back so much that she rebels later.......introduce her to certain things like parties while your there. I wouln't let her go wild with the clothes....there are really cute styles that dont have to show everything...and minimal makeup is so much nicer than caked on......just let her know that you trust her judgement...and she knows the rules of home..so she also knows there are boundries..and lines you dont cross.....they are self respect and honesty....as long as she has those...she will be fine mom...you did a great job with her so far....just let that apron string out a little bit at a time....so you can both get used to it.

2006-07-05 16:56:45 · answer #5 · answered by lisa46151 5 · 0 0

Sounds like she is a great girl! Keep up the good work. Teens dressing like hookers are definitely ones to stay away from. You are a great parent teaching her that sleeping with boys, swearing, disrespecting people are bad things in life. She should have alot of socializing with the right kind of friends. Encourage her to have movie nights at her house, and alot of get togethers. She shouldn't be a loner or have no friends. Every teen needs friends in her life.

2006-07-05 17:17:07 · answer #6 · answered by sally 5 · 0 0

I think you are doing a kick butt job as a parent. I can only pray that I can say that about my 8 year old when she is 14. I promise you not all 14 year old's are nasty girls. Its just that not many parents put enough effort into their kids to still have a sheltered teen. I have friends with a 14 year old like yours. She is a wonderful girl with a great head on her shoulders. Don't let go of her. She needs your support. One day she'll be ready to stand independantly as an adult woman and she'll be so glad of the choices ya'll made in raising her. And you'll not be a granny when she is 14!!!!

2006-07-05 16:47:48 · answer #7 · answered by Velken 7 · 0 0

Don't let her go!!! I mean let her have some space but don't let her be of the world. I don't know it your a Christian (I'm guessing yes) but make sure you are setting the boundaries, not her! I was just like you are describing your daughter and I thank my dad every day for keeping me close. He never made me feel like I was under hid thumb at all. He let me know the way things are and told me about the Lord at every chance he could. I wasn't sheltered from the world, I went to public school. I was just always pointed towards the Lord by my dad!
I am a mother of three girls (not teens) and I will raise them with the grace and love of Christ. Just like our heavenly father, I will give them their free will. But as a parent I know there will be things my girls will want to do and I will have to put my foot down!
I hope this helps!
God Bless

2006-07-05 16:51:20 · answer #8 · answered by Ang 1 · 0 0

actually, I'm 14 also, and not a mom but just offering my point of view. I may not be a straight A student, but I'm a christian, don't curse, respect my parents, i feel like i do the same things as your daughter. Sometimes I feel left out and I don't go to the beach with boys, I have sleepovers, but definately not with boys, and I don't dress like a hooker. Its just because I know what is right, and I know self control and have great self esteem. Your daughter is one of the lucky ones, and if she wants to do stuff like that, she'll ask unless you aren't letting her. Great job!

2006-07-05 16:45:55 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i think you are doing a great job with your daughter, and 14 is still a little young to be going to beaches and haveing sleep overs with guys, and dressing like hookers, you are pertecting her like you should be, other parents i look down on because of the fact they let their 12-14 year olds hang out with guys and do what ever they please, those kids are proned to stds and a soon future with a child, dont stop doing what you are doing, just make sure to talk to her to and get her input about things, and if she does want to go hang out with guys or go with her girl friends that are going with guys be sure to put trust in her and let her go for then, good luck, she sounds like a great kid, you should have no problem trusting her, id just watch out for the other people

to the people that think this women is locking her daughter up screw off, she is doing whats best, helping her young daughter from getting pregnant and stds and in trouble with the law, so untill you have a 14 girl i sugest being quiet for now

2006-07-05 17:08:56 · answer #10 · answered by Shorty 1 · 0 0

To a certain extent, I agree with you. Most teenagers today have too much of everything given to them and no respect for any of it. Horrible little people. Now as far as going out on group outings, like the beach, are OK with me--the sleepover thing is not--on any level at any age. My son wouldn't even ask to go. He, like your daughter is one of those good kids. So on the one hand, I agree with you kind of holding on to her, but on the other hand, she does need to have some life experiences--some very closely monitored life experiences. She needs to feel that you trust her--or trust me, that will be a BIG issue for you in a year or two. Baby steps are the key. Good luck.

2006-07-05 17:03:54 · answer #11 · answered by Waferette 3 · 0 0

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