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Why do most of people hide their true personalities behind fake masks rather than showing the real selves....
TILL at a point they believe they’re their masks and start living them?!

Answers are requested from ONLY masked people
--> don't feel ashamed from confessing by answering - remember "you're even here hiding behind your avatar"!

2006-07-05 09:05:08 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Psychology

17 answers

I understand where youre comin from. almost everyone, wheter they cease to believe it themselves, are fake. Guys and Girls alike. I think the main reason for this is a lack of self confidence and the overshadowing glamour of hollywood. The pressure to be somethng youre not are like the cracks in the sidewalk you are trying to avoid. And they are hard to overcome, and i'll admit that i've fallen througt the cracks, but I've looked back and saw that that person just wasnt me. so my advice is to be a LEADER NOT A FOLLOWER even though it may be hard, its the advice i live by every day!

2006-07-05 09:19:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I do not know if I am masked or not but I want to answer the question. At on & off occurences we wear the mask. Most of us hide our true personalities because our self portrait can scare us. We live in a world of make believe and many project a distorted image as long as this society validates their existence. The need for acceptance will fill the emptiness of their personality. The emptier, the greater is the mask and the heavier the demands of this society weight on them. This is when they believe they are their marks and lose touch with reality. I wonder by how much each one of us has played the fool and let the societal lies nicely knit blind us not with a fold but with total glare that gives us the impression that we see the light.

2006-07-05 10:38:48 · answer #2 · answered by alpha & omega 6 · 0 0

i think most people don't know that they are wearing their mask, and if they do, some (ok, most) would not admit to it. those who would admit to it are the ones who are willing to change and try to remove the mask. i think that people hide because they are unaware that they are doing so. or it is too painful for them to show themselves. perhaps they have taken off their mask before, but they were hurt while they had their mask off, so now they have fear of being truly seen and hurt because of it all over again. personally, i have gone through the whole "taking off the mask and getting hurt" bit. it absolutely sucks. even though this thing happened to me years ago, i still feel the pain, and i know that i stuck my mask on again with crazy glue this time. now, however, i find that it is easier to take the mask off around certain people at cetain times. a constant mask is simply uncomfortable, and i deeply appreciate the fact i can now both wear and not wear it.

2006-07-18 07:41:12 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Aren't we all masked in one way or another? Take a good look at actors. Don't they hide behind the characters they portray?

Some people are hung up on somebody else's idea of what it means to be successful, and they are unaware of what is truly important to them. This is completely normal. Although, masking can be caused by authoritarian parents, rejection, and emotional, physical, or sexual abuse.

I would also like to point out that you are also "here hiding behind your avatar."

2006-07-18 02:06:17 · answer #4 · answered by Cricket 3 · 0 0

Speaking for myself, I have an intense passion about economics and it seems that is all that I really want to discuss. And these theories and suggestions of mine are a bit radical and most people aren't ready to hear it. So at parties or other social events, I put on the mask of a simple minded sheep, until of course I get liquored, and then there out of nowhere I begin foaming at the mouth about the plight of the poor or the state of freedom in the US or trade policy or something to do with economics.
The mask is in part that I don't alienate myself or get too intense for others and make them uncomfortable.

2006-07-05 10:50:32 · answer #5 · answered by rlw 3 · 0 0

No...this is a good question.

So much of what goes these days is FAKE!

And even though I hide behind this avatar of a guy that looks like Frank Sinatra in his heyday, maybe I'd like to be that guy.

In many ways we put on masks...the very clothes we wear tell so much about what we are.

That daily routine of putting on clothes is actually a routine of putting on various masks...wanting the world to accept us for what we look like, not what we are.

One day, a day of reckoning, all masks come off and we are exposed to the entire world.

A sad day for many of us, but nevertheless, that day always arives.

We tend to never migrate too far from where we first started out from, although we try to change...

Change never really happens like we think.

It's like the tiger loses it's stipes.

Only once does he lose them...forever.

2006-07-18 02:53:51 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Shakespeare said, " all the worlds a stage, and all the people in it, merely players". I think that we are afraid to show our true selves, because we don't think that it will be good enough. We also show a different side of ourselves to different types of people. I think that we tend to fine tune our personality toward each person/situation to become acceptable.

I believe, that the only people we truly relax with, are perhaps, members of our own family, because they know the real we. I think that is also true for very good friends, but only to a point.

It isn't surprising, with all this acting going on, that we don't even know ourselves. Some of this acting occurs because if we were truly honest all the time, we would offend too many people.

2006-07-17 06:01:56 · answer #7 · answered by Veritas 7 · 0 0

hey well im not a masked person...anymore but i used to be. i used to hide away behind my mask and just act like im just this fun loving guy who doesnt care about nething...and i still act that way sometimes when i meet new people. but then i relized that it wasnt that i didnt care about what people thoguht it was that i cared way too much. i had this image of this guy who had no cares in the world and just had fun all the time and that was the image i made my self act like. it also comes from the fear of letting people in too deep. b ecuase the deeper they get inot the true you the more i thurts when they betry you or soemthing like that. emotional hurt is sometiemes worse then phyisical hurt ya know? lol well i hope my answer falls under the rules of answering this and that it helps you out!

2006-07-15 15:46:28 · answer #8 · answered by penguinxcrossing 2 · 0 0

{ P.S: um not one of the masked ppl } but honestly the question is so catchy !! ... well i believe ppl with low self esteem or ppl who arent confident about there true selves r the ppl who hide & they usually fall at the end coz they end up livin in a world way far & unlike their's... & this usually happens due 2 somthin that happened 2 them in the past or the missleading & raising of their parents.. ppl who r masked can become unmasked by the help of a trusted, supportive & wise friends... !! GOOODLUCK 2 ALLL MASKED PPL !!

2006-07-05 09:26:32 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

who cares let people be whoever they want to be. even if it means hiding behind a mask

2006-07-13 05:03:20 · answer #10 · answered by Kuroi 3 · 0 0

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