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Why Americans think the world turns around of them? Why in the American films ETs speak English? Why Americans think the capital of Brazil is Buenos Aires? Why Americans give opinion about the Brazil's forests, but they destroied all the proper forests? Why great part of the Earth unhabitants hate Americans? Why USA people say: I am American, but America is a continent, then I am brazilian, well I am American too? Why American are so arrogants?

2006-07-05 09:01:31 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

24 answers

Americans think the world revolves around them, because quite honestly it does. Sorry to upset your narrow world view, but it's the truth. America is the sole surviving superpower. If the Brazilian economy crashed, nobody would really notice. If the American economy crashed, the whole world might slip into depression as well.

E.T. spoke English because the speak'n'spell that taught him to speak was programmed in English. Also, the film was written here. There are plenty of films in Pakistan, for example, where they are in pashtun or in Mexico where they're in spanish. That's not arrogance, that just a coincidence.

Americans think the capital of Brazil is Buenos Aries because they're geographically challenged. In short, they're ignorant. How many people in Brazil can spell Washington D.C.? I've never seen pictures of kids on a trash heap picking through the garbage looking for food to eat in America... But, I have from Rio, funny huh. I guess feeding your family instead of living in abject poverty is MUCH less important than knowing the capital of Brazil is brasilia... right?

The rest of your question is displaying your stunning mastery of the English language. As such, I am unable to figure out what you're asking, so I will only give you a brief opinion. If you legally come to the United States of America, you become a citizen, you are an American. Mexicans don't call themselves "central americans". Hondurans don't call themselves that either. We as a people identify with our National Identiy, not our geographic one. We don't call Chineese "central asians" and we don't call the Ukranians "eastern europeans". They can be, but they prefer their national identiy rather than their geographic one.

2006-07-05 09:15:22 · answer #1 · answered by trc_6111 3 · 6 1

I am an American. First off, you seem to be generalizing Americans. You do not know enough about this country to be saying that all of us are self centered. What do you mean my ETs? The alien? He speaks English in that film because the audience would not understand it if it were in any other language. What makes you think Americans think the capital of Brazil is Buenos Aires? America alone did not destroy all the "proper" forests... international logging companys took part in that. One reason why I believe that people hate Americans is because they hate President Bush. They assume that Bush's actions represent all Americans. However, I'm sure many Americans hate Bush as well. Finally, we call ourselves American because this is the country that our fathers built so that all could be free here. America is not a continent. North America, South America... get the picture? Because so many people came here, we say that our heritage is Irish, Brazilian... etc. Your statements are arrogant and ignorant, generalizing Americans when you seem to know not nearly as much as you need to in order to make your assumptions.

2006-07-05 16:18:36 · answer #2 · answered by CrazyDiamond 2 · 0 0

Most people from the United States do not believe the world turns around them. What language does ET's speak in Spanish films? Could the De-forestation of Brazil be because more land is required to feed the population of Brazil, or do you need so many toothpicks? Ask this, "If so many people of the world hate Americans, then why are so many trying to come here? As far as USA people being called Americans, since the first explorers came to this continent and it was called America, (in honor of Amerigo Vespucci), hence the name. Would you rather the people of the USA be called UnitedStateians? Everyone from the extreme north of Canada to the southern tip of Chile can be called Americans. As far as you think Americans are so arrogant, take a look at the life that has been built here and who is always the first in the world to be there when one of our world neighbors is in trouble, only to be spat at later. And you have to ask why? The capital of Brazil is Brasilia.

2006-07-05 16:37:53 · answer #3 · answered by Gary S 2 · 0 0

Why Brazilians stereotype people? Why Brazilians have nothing better to do than stress over what people from another nation think of themselves? Why Brazilians don't know there are two continents" North America and South America and not a continent called America, so apparently America is NOT a continent? Since all Americans the same, all Brazilians must be...why Brazilians not deal with their issues?

2006-07-05 16:08:44 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Most Americans would likely rather think that our continent revolved around us, and that most of the smart asses that don't mind putting us down, would stop trying so hard to crowd us out of it!
Our films are full of english speaking actors because, DUH...our films are initially made for US to view....
We don't REALLY care what city is the capitol of Brazil, we just know we'd wish that most Brazilians would stay in that city, instead of crowding ours, and leave your gangs and violence behind when you come to live in ours!
We have concern for the rain forests of the GLOBE, because we wonder how crappy ALL of our lives will be when thier resources are depleted. ...And how much money the other countries will need to borrow from us to clean their air and feed their chiildren.
If a great part of the earths inhabitants hate us, as you imply, then why try so hard to come live on our soil and suck up the financial resources we've attained thru years of hard work and tax contributions?
We are proud to be AMERICANS, and we don't mind telling anyone who asks. Our ancestors fought long and hard to ensure we had what the loss of their lives has given us.
America isn't exactly a continent... more correctly, we are the
"United States of America" and takes up over half of the continent of NORTH AMERICA, just as Brazil takes up part of the continent of South America.
No, we are NORTH American, You are SOUTH American..... When in your country , you may call yourself AMerican, if you wish, but to us the term " American" is not just related to where we live, but OUR FREEDOM to do so how we wish to. Your laws and government differ from ours, and therefore we are probably somewhat luckier that you to be on the NORTHERN continent. We aren't usually arrogant......until people like you put us down as a Nation for living the way we VOTED to live in a society that respects each others personal freedoms. Maybe you are jealous that you don't have what we value ......so I guess we'll be seeing you real soon then, huh?

2006-07-05 16:29:20 · answer #5 · answered by FrEaKoNaLeAsH 3 · 0 0

Okay first of all, the capital of Brazil is Brasilia. I am not totally ignorant. We think the world turns around us because we are lazy slobs with no manners and by the way it's not our fault that everyone thinks that it's our dumb president. Extraterestrials speak english because we need to understand them so we know what's going on (it's dumb i know) We destroyed the rainforests because most people are uneducated and we don't know how important it is. Yes you are an american. Actually, basically we have no name. For example, Mexico calls themselves the United States of Mexico so really we have no name. And by the way it's North America and South America that are the contents but still. And people americans because we have done a lot of terrible things that I know about that most americans only dream about. :-P
And please don't lump us together like that, not all americans are ignorant.

2006-07-05 16:11:32 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

#1-if ET was filmed in france by a french company, ET would speak french. if ET was filmed in portugal and was made by a portugese company, then ET would speak portugese.
#2-not very many americans think the world revolves around them. u can't generalize like that.
#3-ok, i won't deny the thing about brazil's forests. america has never been a very environmentally-oriented country.
#4-do so many ppl hate americans? i've never noticed that before.

2006-07-05 16:10:06 · answer #7 · answered by Someone 3 · 0 0

Where in the hell did you learn how to spell? OBVIOUSLY NOT IN AMERICA OR YOU WOULD BE ASKING YOUR QUESTIONS CORRECTLY. Where are you from?? You say from Brazil but probably from another planet....I'm thinking Uranus. Are you saying this about all Americans? You know what you are? A waste of space....your mother should have held her water with you. Now go say the Pledge of Allegiance biiiaaaaattttch!!! (see if you can figure that one out)

2006-07-05 16:09:36 · answer #8 · answered by PhantomLover 5 · 0 0

Why do people in other countries think all Americans are like this. It's called stereotyping and it looks like everyone does it. Not everyone is alike and not all Americans are arrogant. There are people who live in America that do not think that way. I am truly sorry you feel that way. But just remember we are all human and are subject to making mistakes but we are not all alike.

2006-07-05 16:07:51 · answer #9 · answered by lostinlove 6 · 0 0

Unfortunately, we are taught from a young age in school to refer to ourselves as Americans and no one really questions it until it is brought to their attention. Not all Americans are arrogant fools though--just most of them. We have a little thing called Manifest Destiny here that basically says we are entitled to things (land, jobs, money, etc). It is part of our culture, like it or not.

2006-07-05 16:05:38 · answer #10 · answered by mashmagazine 2 · 0 0

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