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42 answers

if u wana baby u luv him....if u want only sex then u luv him +u want sexual pleasure....
so in any case u luv him..

2006-07-12 03:17:11 · answer #1 · answered by goravuee 2 · 0 2

Well first can you help the baby financially, do you have a job, do you have a great family support system. If he loves you and you love him then you should wait until the right time comes along. What if you get pregnant and then decide you don't want the baby b/c it will be to hard. I am 7 months pregnant and i 17 years old but first let me tell you a few things about me. I am out of high school i graduated 3rd in my class i finished high school when i was 15 years old, I go to college i work full time and i know that i can support a baby. Will you be able to love and care for the baby like you should. raising a child these days is hard work. You are only 16 i know i am not that much older but i wished that i would have waited b/c when my baby gets here i am not gonna be able to do some of the things that i used to do. You just need to think things throught before you decide you want a baby at 16 years old. Good luck!

2006-07-05 08:37:35 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What would you do if your boyfriend dumped you? He's nineteen! Odds are, he isn't anymore ready to be a father than you are to be a mother. What's to stop him from panicking and running off to some girl who isn't having morning sickness, weird cravings, mood swings, and a growing belly? Who would take care of you if he decides he's too young to settle down?

Additionally, what in the world makes you think you are ready to be a mother? You're 16! You're just in high school. Are you thinking about how new teen mothers are so lucky, and their babies are so cute? Well, those mothers spent hours in labor, painful, painful labor. And now, those babies are waking them up at all hours of the night, demanding food, clean diapers, and love. You are not mature enough to face this responsibility, regardless of what you think. Talk to your parents, or some other parents trying to raise children in this world. Don't change your life without finding out what you're getting yourself into.

You say you love your boyfriend, and you're probably hoping that a baby will bring you closer together. Rather than having a baby together, do this: Get a puppy. Pick one out together, name it together, raise it and take care of it together. This way, you'll have a responsibility to share together, and something to love together. If, when you are 18, graduated, and a little more sensible about the world, the dog is still doing well, and you and your boyfriend are still in love, then, and only then, you might start thinking about children. However, I would still first recommend marriage and steady jobs for a few years before children. Don't drag kids into an unstable environment.

Listen to people who know more than you. You might think you're in love, but that doesn't mean you know everything. Listen, and really think, before you act.

2006-07-05 08:55:23 · answer #3 · answered by Phoenix Lumbre 2 · 0 0

I can't begin to express the huge responsibility in raising a child. It's hard sometimes. I have two very young ones and I wonder how I'm going to make it somedays. Talk to your boyfriend. Tell him how you are feeling. If he wants to get married and support you and the baby then get married and then have children. Remember though, having children is a beautiful thing, but it is one of the most challenging things you'll ever have to do. Make sure its what you want and you can do it inside of a home with 2 parents. If after talking to your bf you still want a kid. Find someone to talk to a school counselor, your mom, a youth leader and figure out why exactly you want to be pregnant. Know that pregnancy is difficult. Your entire body changes and once you have the child your life changes. It's something that will not only effect you for the rest of your life, but it will effect your child. My advice would be wait a couple more years, find someone who loves you and wants to marry and support you. Get married and then have children. Before you get pregnant make your life the best you can offer your children. The better, the less difficult it will be for you when the child arrives. Good luck! If you need someone to talk to my email addy is marie_tta@yahoo.com.

2006-07-05 08:46:45 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Okay obviously nobody was able to convince you in your last question so here let me try again: Do you have a husband? No you don't...only a boyfriend who isn't even commited to marrying you so what makes you think he is commited to having a child with you? Do you have a job? I dunno, maybe you do..but will it support you and your baby? Probably not. Do you have your own house? My guess is no because you aren't old enough. How about a car? You might have one, but after the baby is born you won't be able to afford it so you'll have to sell it and then how are you going to take the kid to the doctors and to the daycare? What about school? How are you going to finish school with a newborn? Well, your 19 yr old boyfriend could take care of it while you're at school..that is until he runs off and leaves you all alone with no house, car, or education. PLEASE for the baby's sake---don't have one!

2006-07-05 08:44:42 · answer #5 · answered by BeeFree 5 · 0 0

You do not want to have a baby right now. I know that you think that you love him but what would happen if you get pregnant and then he leaves you or you find someone else? How would you finish school? These days you can't get a good job unless you go to college. How would you support this child? Do both of you have good jobs? Why would you want to commit your life to having a child with a guy when you two haven't even made a commitment to each other? Don't you want to be able to go to prom, go out and celebrate your graduation, go to college? Believe me, it's not easy to go out and do stuff when you have a baby. My husband and I thought that we would be able to get someone to babysit for us when we wanted to go out, but now we can't find anybody because my little girl is so clingy that she won't stay with others. I'm not trying to say that that will happen to you for sure, but there's a chance. Believe me you will end up regretting having a baby at such a young age, you're not even fully grown yourself.

2006-07-05 09:14:26 · answer #6 · answered by guineasomelove 5 · 0 0

Dont try it... and dont go for it. I don't think that is what you really want... I dont say that you're not loving him. I'm sure you love him but it's just not the right time for you to get pregnant. Apart from that, it's illegal in your ages even to be together, and much more to be pregnant from him. If you really want to have kids together, wait until you're in a right time to become a mom....If what you have and feel it true, then it will last and then, one day you will have the chance to be pregnant by him and have kis kids and all of you would be happy... Just wait. It's not the right time...

2006-07-05 09:21:01 · answer #7 · answered by smaragda 4 · 0 0

Why are you equating love with getting pregnant? Why would you want to have to quit high school to become pregnant? It makes me feel so sad that young people are in such a hurry to do things that even adults have trouble coping with. What would be wrong with having a wonderful time getting to know each other and having fun together? Once there is a baby.....your one on one ends abruptly......Enjoy your young life, if you hurry up and try to do ALL of the adult things, you can say bye-bye to this period in your life forever!

2006-07-05 08:43:51 · answer #8 · answered by Geez Louise 4 · 0 0

Seriously, why would you want to get pregnant? You should worry about getting good grades... I'm 23 years old and nowhere near ready for a baby... it's a lot of work... you have your whole life ahead of you... There too much you need to accomplish before wantting to have babies... And trust me, a 19 Year old guy would freak out if you mention that to him...

2006-07-05 08:40:52 · answer #9 · answered by qbanita0113 4 · 0 0

Ignore the people who are telling you to go thru with this. You are not emotionally , financially or any other way ready for a child.
You are only 16!!!
I was 20 and married and it was tough for both myself and my husband to make ends meet and parenting is tough enough. Finish school, get a decent job and THEN consider your options. My opinion is to wait!!!

2006-07-05 08:46:41 · answer #10 · answered by Chris J 1 · 0 0

Do you plan on living off the welfare system too like the rest of the teenaged mothers??! Finish school, get a job, get a life. Are you really ready to take care of a child for then next 18 years of YOUR life??

2006-07-05 08:40:19 · answer #11 · answered by margarita 7 · 0 0

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