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If so what should we as americans do to change this trend?

2006-07-05 08:25:57 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Other - Social Science

31 answers

In my humble opinion, one reason that pedophilia may be so prevalent here in the US may be explained in the origins of the country itself. The United States was settled orginally by puritans and a general sense of sexual taboo or repression seems to still permeate the country's consciousness. I feel that a society which is so uptight about healthy sexual practices will ultimately be a breeding ground for more abnormal sexual disfunctions (like pedophilia).

I also believe that the intrusion of the american media in every aspect of life may contribute to the impression that there are more pedophiles here in america than else where. The U.S. talks about and acknowledges the problem more so it appears more troubled by it than countries which do not.

2006-07-05 08:37:25 · answer #1 · answered by jetbaby_2000 2 · 0 1

What needs to be done is to refine the term. How is it that America grew up by so called "children" females and males being mothers and fathers at ages 13, 14, 15 etc. They seem to have done a far better job then the so called "adults" of today with some arbitrary 18 y/o age being an adult but some 17 y/o and 364 days is a minor!!!????? While I can accept those who go after pre-teens as sick - I CANNOT accept the fact that Tomas Jefferson had sex with a 12 or 13 y/o black slave AS WELL AS SHE BORE HIM A CHILD and HE IS ON MT. RUSHMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHERE IS ANYONE'S COMMON SENSE!?!?!?!?! People of all ages need to be judged individually to know how mature they are. I dated 27 year olds who should never have been considered adults. While I have known "children" (13-17 y/o) who were easily mature enough to be considered adults. The Jews say boys are adults at 13 (don't know about girls). But our govt thinks it is smarter then God! Does the US Govt who lies so much and threatens the world with nuclear destruction know more then God????? Other countries treat teenagers as adults and they do NOT have the same pbs that this country has. Thay allow alcohol for teens and do not have the pbs we have in this country. They give TRUE FREEDOM TO THEIR CITIZENS. How does a govt prohibit simple nudes of teens yet allows the freedom to see muders. in even childrns comic books!!! What an a** backward country!!!The only problem we have in this country is that lawyers make the laws - and they are clueless about the scientific facts. Harvard Med School has shown BEYOND ANY DOUBT THAT THE .08 RULE IS NOTHING BUT A CROCK OF S***!!!!!! BUT WHO MAKES THE LAWS, A BUNCH OF STUPID LAWYERS, NOW POLITICIANS, THAT DO NOT KNOW THEIRI A** FROM A WHOLE IN THE GROUND!!!!!!! THE PEOPLE WITH BRAINS ARE THE SCIENTISTS / DOCTORS HAVE PROVEN THAT PEOPLE HAVE VERY DIFFERENT TOLERANCES TO ALCOHOL AND ARE NOT IMPAIRED AT ABOVE .08. ITS JUST MORE LIES FROM A GOVT THAT WILL SPEND OVER TWO TRILLION DOLLARS REBUILDING IRAQ AFTER WE BLEW IT TO PIECES - GEE WHAT A BHUNCH OF ROCKET SCIENTISTS. LIKE THE OLD SAYING GOES "WE HAVE THE BEST POLITICIANS MONEY CAN BUY"!!!!!!! NOT

2006-07-05 10:18:30 · answer #2 · answered by abolishgovt50 1 · 0 0

As much as I believe the internet is a wonderful thing, it has also given pedophiles vastly greater access to their prey. It used to be that parents might have to worry about family, friends, neighbors, teachers, etc. People in their own backyard. With the advent of internet chat rooms and sites like My Space the backyard has grown exponentially.

What do we do? It has to start at home. With each and every parent monitoring their children's computer usage and other activities. Kids need to be better educated about the dangers of giving out too much information. I've seen far too many young children (9 to 14) with unfettered use of the internet here in this forum.

Communities should have neighborhood watch programs in every neighborhood. The adage that "It takes a village ... " is very true. There should be safe houses/places in every neighborhood, apt. bldg., etc. We must all work together to protect our children and grandchildren.

And when a pedophile is caught they should get much more than a slap on the wrist. We need stiffer penalties and then the criminal justice system, as a whole, must enforce them. No more "get out of jail free" cards. And why are we segregating them from the general population when they do go to prison? They are in prison for being sexual predators. Preying on our most vulnerable citizens. Why do they deserve this special treatment? Let the punishment fit the crime. The children who survive these attacks will live with it the rest of their lives. And others have their young lives cut short. Why should the perpetrators get any less?

2006-07-05 09:43:39 · answer #3 · answered by celticwoman777 6 · 0 0

No it is not BECOMING an epidemic, it has been here all along. It is just becoming more publicised now. The pedophiles are very sick people who need help. The best way to stop them is to educate everyone on what they do and how to get help if it happens to them. The victims of pedophiles need the appropriate help and counseling in order to prevent the cycle from repeating. Studies have shown that if victims do not receive proper help, they are ten times more likely to repeat the offense to someone else later in life. It is a vicious cycle that needs to be addressed with the victims. With the current pedophiles, they should be let in with the general prison population and not given special treatment. That is where the justice system is failing. As for stopping the cycle, every victim needs to know that they can report the abuse to officials and not to be embarrassed or feel like they have done anything wrong. They are the victim, not the accuser, they are innocent, they will not get into trouble for being abused. We as a society need to reassure the victims of this and help them in any way we can.

2006-07-05 08:46:46 · answer #4 · answered by masmalan2004 3 · 0 0

Not really, more awareness is being given to this crime during the past decade or so. Children aren't so afraid to let authorities/parents know when it happens... however, like too many other problems or crimes, broadcasting every incident in full detail on the 6 o'clock news is putting the ideas and how-to's into the minds of a lot o' sicko's who may get off on the idea only because it was described to them. Or then there's the a'holes like the moron that shot John Lennon to death ONLY to be known for having done something 'newsworthy'! It didn't matter if it made him famous or infamous, he stood there until the cops got there and announced that he'd just killed John Lennon!

My point: the news media contributes to the increase of many crimes by giving people already 'walking the edge' a reason to step over that edge.

2006-07-05 08:44:10 · answer #5 · answered by nomad 3 · 0 0

The problem is not that there are increasing numbers of pedophiles, there aren't. The problem is that there is an increasing number of potential victims. This spawns from the utter lack of real PARENTING in society today. Parents today SUCK! They drop their kids at the day-care, pass them from baby-sitter to babysitter. From public school straight to some boys and girls club or day care or some other family member, and a child is lucky to spend even an hour or two a day with a parent. They will send them to any extracurricular activity just to "get them out of the house" and ship them off to months of summer camp to "keep them busy" during the no-school months. It used to be the only way an abuser could get near a child was to go through the parents, because they were always there and always alert to where their child was at. By the age when a child was allowed to venture on their own, they were well versed in "STRANGER DANGER". Nowadays, parents pass their children from stranger to stranger and tell them to "do what this person says", "be good for so-and-so", "behave for 'whoever' till mommy and daddy get back". In addition, parents are giving 6 year olds laptops and cell phones (f'ing ridiculous) and internet access, allowing yet one more avenue for abusers to circumvent parental protection. On top of all this, the depraved news media has made it a point to glamorize and focus on so many pedophilia cases (they are sick bastards, too, by the way) that they have literally written the 'Pedophile Field Guide' complete with critical details of where, when, and how to abduct and abuse a child successfully. Add all of this to the fact that little girls are now allowed (and vastly marketed) to wear women's makeup, thong underware and high heels and we sit by and allow 30 min long infomercials for little Girls Gone Wild which blurs out nipples, but not lesbian kissing.... Yes, add all this up, and I'd say we've got a problem of VAST PROPORTIONS!! But, to answer your question.... Is pedophilia an epidemic in the US? NO

Pedophilia is not the epidemic, stupidity is.

p.s. - So, what are you wearing?

2006-07-05 17:34:27 · answer #6 · answered by jdrud9e 1 · 0 0

Yes, I think it is a huge problem. And it seems that more and more women are the culprits. But the problem there is, that when a woman has sex with a child, they get made into celebrities. They get people wanting to write books and movies about it. Mary Kay Latourrno was on Barbara Walters, and all Walters wanted to know were the juicy details. "Was their love making tender and romantic?" My answer to that is "NO" it is child rape!!! But that is the double standard that women get in this country. Correct me if I'm wrong but, it doesn't matter what sex you are, molesting a child is a crime. Unfortunately I don't see any way to stop this without taking rights away from law abiding citizens. But lets at least treat all baby rapers(men or women)like the scum that they are. Don't make women child molesters seem like they are somehow victims too. That only perpetuates the problem.

2006-07-05 08:54:27 · answer #7 · answered by Brian C 1 · 0 0

Now this is an issue I feel very strongly about. I think it is reaching epidemic proportions. The problem is that these people get caught, and they serve a light sentence. Sometimes people that steal cars do more time!They should just remain out of society. They do not deserve a second chance. Because if you give them a chance they will do it a again. Keep them locked up and throw away the key.

2006-07-05 08:37:39 · answer #8 · answered by Sonia A 1 · 0 0

Oprah did a whole show on the sex/slave market of underaged children around the world. Yes, it does happen all over the world (even in our own backyard-- like the traveling brothels).

Many of the perpatrators/pedaphiles are American... mainly because they have the money to do it.

It's hard to say wether it is a sickness because the people know that it is wrong and they try to deny when they get caught. But it is one of the (perverted) sexual preferrences where people don't know how to show resraint. Is it because they are ill or because they are deprived(morally)?

It really makes me sick! If you want more info I suggest going to the link below. It has lots of information and other links.

2006-07-05 08:39:42 · answer #9 · answered by Angie B 3 · 0 0

It's pretty bad but I don't know if you can call it an epedemic just yet. These creatures have been around forever, we just haven't been able to track them as we can now. I'm in favor of serious consequences for conviction, like castration, or just letting them loose in the prison general population. Give them some of their own medicine.

2006-07-05 08:30:01 · answer #10 · answered by Curbkindaguy 2 · 0 0

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