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80% of the world hates us, and think were the dombest in the earth why don't we let the UN come in and help with getting rid of the bush administration, they remind me and others across the world as POL POT, ADOLPH HITLER, and JOSEPH STALIN.

2006-07-05 08:00:15 · 17 answers · asked by JOHN T 1 in Politics & Government Politics

17 answers

We need something because the 2 parties ruling this country have failed miserably.

2006-07-05 08:04:47 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That's why we have elections. Obviously a majority of the people wanted George Bush back in the White house for a second four-year term. We are one of the few countries in the world that you can legally "overthrow" a government every four years.
If you don't vote, then you really have no right to complain. If you did vote, then you must realize that either you are not part of the majority or maybe YOU should have worked harder to change out the regime before the last election. You have rights, but with those rights come responsibilities. The first of which is to be aware of how elections work and how you can help get your candidate elected. If you haven't chosen a candidate, then do your research and know who there are, not just what the media tells you.
If you are an informed, voter involved in the support of your candidate, then I congratulate you. I may not agree with what you say, but I'll fight to the death for your right to say it. The Regime will change soon enough, maybe not for you, but it will change. The only question is (as it is always), will the next one be better or worse. Sometimes you must choose the least of two evils, but you MUST choose (vote) or else you have no right to complain.

2006-07-05 15:35:03 · answer #2 · answered by Carlton73 5 · 0 0

Sofar as the rest of the world goes, the vast majority of the "rest of the world" are illiterate, socialist, and live in abject poverty. America is such a better place to live, there is NO comparison. Their opinion of us is based more on jealousy and propaganda rather than any real fact.

The United Nations allowed the blue helmet rape squads in Rawanda and the Danfur. They allowed the genocide of the Kurds and shiites by Saddam. They have screwed up just about every single thing they've gotten involved with. I don't think I'd be using them for a messiah if I were you.

If they remind you of Pot, Hitler, and Stalin, you are a puppet deviod of any real thought or substance. I'm not too up on my Pot history, but he was a brutal genocidal maniac. I'm sorry, which race has Bush been trying to systematically kill in the "killing fields"?

Hitler and Stalin were cut from almost the same cloth. Hitler blamed Germany's problems on the Jews (perhaps an oversimplification), Stalin exterminated all of his enemies. Who has Bush sent to the fema camps???

By the way, speaking of the Fema camps... why aren't the Katrina evacuees living there instead of Houston??? LOL.

2006-07-05 15:15:13 · answer #3 · answered by trc_6111 3 · 0 0

We don't need the paper tiger that called the UN to rid us of Bush. If he was the tyrant you describe above, We would not have re-elected him. 80% of the world will hate us wether Bush is in charge or not. they hated under Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and now Bush. They will hate us under the next president, and the president after that. They hated us before we were a superpower, when we wanted to be an isolationist country, and now that we are forced to be their big brother. No matter what we do, they will hate us. What we need to do is stick to our beleifs, and our principles, because as much as they hate us, they want to be like us, and they all want to come her to live. How bad can we really be if everyone wants to live here?
As far as you hillbillies complaining about the election, Why has your Hero Al Bore, decided to take on global warming instead of making a statement about Iraq, because he beleives in Iraq, the administration that was in also knew how dangerous Bin Laden was after Bin Laden tried to take down the towers with bombs. It was also his former administration that agreed with the current administration on the WMDs.
As Far as the paper tiger called the UN. They have never been able to accomplish a mission with out the assistance of the U.S. Troops, how do you expect them to accomplish a mission against the U.S. Troops? Would you expect them to use French troops? The troops that have not won a battle since Napoleon? It is our responsibility to change an administration when we vote. there are two parties in the country, and if you do not like them then find a way to back someone that you do like, give to their campaigns so they can compete. make noise, not just general uneducated rambles about how Bush is like Hitler, or Stalin. If he were like either of them, we would have death camps for all Islamist. This is a classic example of the pussification of America.

2006-07-05 15:09:55 · answer #4 · answered by Bill S 3 · 0 0

Are you nuts? What the hell are they teaching in schools today that you would believe that this president is anything like those you mention. You must be retarded or gone too long on your hunger strike. I will however make you a promise, you let one UN representative step one foot inside this country with the mission of a regime change and you will wish to God you were in Baghdad outside the green zone instead. Speaking of dumb, have you ever heard of a dictionary? Use it, you will have more credibility.

2006-07-05 15:07:36 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You really need a grammar lesson, son. You make a pretty valid point, but you need to work on your presentation.
And by the way, Pol Pot, Dolph, and Joe Ironman were SUCCESSFUL murderous dictators. Don't demean them by making such pusillanimous comparisons with little Dubya the Puppet.

2006-07-05 15:05:14 · answer #6 · answered by Grendle 6 · 0 0

Right now, I can accept another year and a half of Bush. If the UN were to send troops to the US is would be a 20 year war that we would all regret.

2006-07-05 15:08:58 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well since Bush is a dictator we should have santions put on the US till we get rid of him. The fact is that Bush committed treason in his massive election fraud programs in 2000 and 2004. We souldn't need outside help to depose his regeme and put them in prison, where they belong, but the majority of our population isn't smart enough to recognize Bush as a dictator.

2006-07-05 15:07:45 · answer #8 · answered by vertical732 4 · 0 0


Let talk about the UN. They supported the killing in Rwanda or at least pulled out so it could happen. You call the President horrible names but have nothing to back your self up. You are a white washed tomb white in gleaming on the outside but inside all you find are dead mens bones. Get a grip.

2006-07-05 15:04:38 · answer #9 · answered by Ethan M 5 · 0 0

We can do it ourselves at election time, we do not need outside interference, We need to get out the vote this November and get rid of this evil regime, it would go a long way to elect democrats and put the repuglicans out of power and restore checks and balance to the system, our constitution is a beautiful document and serves the purpose when someone gets to powerful.

2006-07-05 15:11:14 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well said,, we do need a regime change in the US,, the Reich Wing Republican Party wants to instill fear and hate into the hearts and minds of it's people,, we have to be a democracy before we can spread democracy throughout the world,, our example under Bush rule is not respectful to our democracy, our people, our government, our military,, GWB has divided our county,, he has flip flopped on everything he ran on,, I am a uniter not a divider-WRONG,,, I am not into nation building-WRONG,, Saddam has WMD..WRONG,,, Bring um on..Wrong,, Dead or Alive..Wrong.... I'm the Decider,,, wrong again,,, the supreme court put you in the office of the presidency and the supreme court can take you out,,,, not soon enough for the patriotic American citizens who never wanted you there to start with,,,, IMPEACH BUSH AND CHENEY.org

2006-07-05 15:35:46 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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