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I unlike most people dont have a lot of respect for GP's, I think that the only function they have is to diagnose that 'some thing'? is wrong.
They then pack you off to hospital to try and isolate whatever the problem is !
At work we call this covering ones ***!
I feel that their job can be now covered by computer,a suitable software programme with the required body hook up's would do the trick, with all sorts of outputs to emergency services incorporated.
We would still need a few GP'S to look after anyone unable to use the equipment, but the vast majority could be more useful working in a hospital !
I'm sure this would work out cheaper and instead of just 'passing the buck' these doctors could actually be sorting problems out first hand!
Any one agree??

2006-07-05 07:58:12 · 15 answers · asked by budding author 7 in Health General Health Care Other - General Health Care

15 answers

There is a new program being tested currently which would replace GPs with computers. Whomever thought of the idea was brilliant. It would be a way of solving the USA's problem regarding lack of medical treatment caused from not having socialized medicine (which also is not working very well in many countries because of over-use of the system).
I, too, think many family practitioners are practicing beyond their realm of knowledge. They are acting as psychiatrists, orthopedic specialists, hematologists, etc., without the accreditation or skill.Your suggestion is certainly a viable option to be considered seriously. Good Luck !

2006-07-05 08:36:11 · answer #1 · answered by SpongebobRoundpants 5 · 5 0

GP means General Practitioner. In other words they have a general knowledge of medicine without a specific specialisation. If there is something that is not within their area of expertise they send you to the best place for a more specific diagnosis, a hospital. If you are showing signs for cancer they will send you to see a cancer specialist. This isnt passing the buck this is saving a hospital time while the GP puts up with the vast majority of gripers for whom have a bad case of 'feeling sorry for themselves' rather than an actual illness.

If you are pregnant where do you go first? The obs & gyni unit in a hospital or a GP. GP's are available as it is virtually impossible to self diagnose even with a computer program, as the only information a program picks up is what the patient tells it whereas a GP picks up on low visible physical symptomology as well as the obvious, as well as being able to ask questions the patient hasnt even thought may be necessary to gain further possible understanding of the cause & diagnosis of the illness.

You may believe it is easy to be a GP and that they know no more than you but when you take into account 5 years at medical school, a year as a pre reg house officer in a hospital after qualifying, followed by 2 years as a house officer (HO)in a hospital, 3 or more years as a junior doctor (SHO) in a hospital, 5 or more years as a registrar in a hospital before deciding to go for a position as a consultant in the hospital or training for a further period of a minimum of 3 or more years as a registrar GP outside of a hospital within the general populus before finally becoming a Consultant GP I think the vast majority of you dont have a clue what you are talking about. I would certainly put my trust in a GP over most doctors in a hospital afterall GP's are on a par with hospital senior consultants in experience and would believe a minimum of 12 years medical experience would deserve some respect.

2006-07-05 16:18:22 · answer #2 · answered by DAVID C 1 · 0 0

Maybe it would be better if we encouraged kids to stay in school and get an education and have a bit of self respect and try to make something of themselves. maybe then more would want to be G.P.'s and those who are would not be struggling to keep up in an understaffed environment dealing with people who develope a new pimple then try to diagnose on the net and decide they are dying and then demand to see the G.P. coz it's and "emergency" wasting an appointment which could have been used for someone who really needs it.

If you find that the G.P. is not telling you what you want to hear it's probably because you are a hypochondriac and there is nothing wrong with you!!

2006-07-05 10:13:40 · answer #3 · answered by LR 3 · 0 0

They don't listen anymore, thats for sure.

In England they concentrate on saving their budgets, and always prescribe the cheapest drugs, if the treatment is too expensive, they try to ignore the problem.

The staff that work in the Gp surgery, where trained by Adolf Hitler. They also like to pretend that they have medical knowledge.
They are rude by nature, and do not like being answered in the tone, that they ask the question.

I always check on the internet now, before going to the GP, this allows me to question what the GP diagnoses.
Try it, They like it.......Not A Lot..

2006-07-05 08:10:19 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

A good question to raise,I sometimes think the same myself,if I make an appointment with mine I'm lucky to see someone in 3 to 4 days,to fit in with work I try to make the first appointment (8:30 am) I'm lucky with that appointment to get in before 9:00 am,if Iwent 30 minutes late they would refuse to see me.In the good old days when I was a kid,the doctor knew all his patients,these days they have such a big practise that we are all just numbers,they are slaves of the god £££££££££

2006-07-05 08:54:23 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I was gonna say that general practices are more accesible than general hospitals. But from my experience it's just as difficult to get seen in either place!

I like the idea of GP's, but maybe in the 21st century they'll go out of fashion as people's needs and expectations change.

2006-07-05 08:03:00 · answer #6 · answered by antfaz 2 · 0 0

No, I don't agree. And people already do this when they have health issues and try to self diagnose by going to sites like Web MD or even asking here instead of going to trained professionals for the correct diagnosis and treatment.

2006-07-05 08:05:40 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Have to agree with you there, personal experience of GPs by myself, family members and friends indicates that they know very little, and couldn't diagnose the return of cancer when it is blatantly obvious to everyone else. I think the main purpose of GPs is to pump geriatric women full of drugs to keep them alive indefinitely, and skew our population massively in favour of the elderly.

2006-07-05 10:23:18 · answer #8 · answered by Rotifer 5 · 0 0

Would you like to diagnose yourself with a book or a computer program? I can't believe you even ask this question. Programs like that are for medical professionals, not for lay people. Think about your questions before you ask.

2006-07-05 08:52:01 · answer #9 · answered by Soon2bRN 1 · 0 0

Neil Orlando Archer Heath Merrick Ezra Lennon Miles Roscoe Pierce Kellan River BQ: Neil, Milo/Miles, Archer, Ezra are on my "widespread record". Neil is unquestionably one of my popular names! artwork is purely too, as a nickname for Arthur. i might additionally evaluate Beck, Emeric, Heath, Kellan, Lennon, Merrick, Orlando, Pierce, River, Roscoe, & Vance.

2016-12-10 04:58:35 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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