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I heard/read soo much about people hating republicans. Why? Let's keep this somewhat civilized here, we don't need swearing, just logical answers. Otherwise, I'll end up reporting ya!

2006-07-05 07:51:55 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

26 answers

The only ones who hate the republicans are the liberals who can not argue with them. When they realize they can't debate any issues with them, they resort to name calling. Somehow in their tiny little minds, they think that wins an argument.

It's easier for the liberals to get mad, than it is to use common sense, and see that they are right.

2006-07-05 07:56:22 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

I was a Republican, and proud of it for many years. The last few years under Mr. Bush have, sadly, convinced me that all the nice sounding talk from the Republican Party is just cooked up to sound nice, it has no connection to reality at all. Balanced budget? No, we owe a trillion dollars to Communist China. His war was at best very ill advised, a tragic mistake that has done irreparable damage to our country. I do not now or never have approved of spying on citizens without a court order issued on probable cause, as required by the Constitution, which by the way the President is sworn to uphold, not to disregard, nor to destroy. I am very sorry when I see the Republican Party playing races off against each other, and gay bashing to appeal to the Christian Right. The economy simply has to be put back on track if this country is to survive. That is why I will be voting Democratic for the forseeable future.

2006-07-05 14:58:04 · answer #2 · answered by jxt299 7 · 0 0

The media has influenced public opinion somewhat. Some have taken the media's info to heart, while some have not. Some may think it doesn't matter whether Dem or Rep, they are all the same. Some may hate all of them. Voter turnout could be low because people do not believe in ANY party anymore. Some believe the Presidencial election was stolen in Florida. some think the republicans cater to the "Globalists or Elitists" who are diss-assembling America to increase their profit margins through introduction of cheap labor and using the "One World Order" as an excuse to make more money.

2006-07-05 15:02:27 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I do not like the supply side economic's practiced by repuglicans. It is just wrong to take from the poor and give to the rich in the hopes that that money will trickle back down, it never does and always results in a recession that hurts the poor and middle class even more. That is why I have been a democrat since 1972. Nixon hurt this country more then just watergate. It was his economic policy's that set this nation so far back, Reagan just convinced me that all repuglicans look out for the rich and could care very little about the poor.

2006-07-05 15:04:26 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Thanks to a combination of Ronald Reagan, a good education, lots of international travel and Fox News, I have a very clear vision of politics.

Why do people hate Republicans? I am always reminded of a scene I once saw. A spoiled little girl was stamping her foot and causing a scene, yelling at her mother: "I can't learn math because my teacher is STUPID".

Liberals do not have a clear vision of the world. They are like little children who rage at a world they can't possibly understand with their immature, fuzzy thinking. Therefore, they get whiny and petulant because no matter what they do, their efforts rarely produce any decent results. Liberals become bitter and confused, so they lash out against the group of people who confound them: Republicans.

People get mad at the Republicans because they will tell you the truth when the truth is the last thing you want to hear. At the Bush - Kerry debates, both candidates were asked how they would reduce unemployment. True to form, Kerry cloyingly preyed upon people's laziness and irresponsibility. He commiserated with broad gestures and big droopy puppy dog eyes about how unemployment was not their fault. The government needed to do more, the government needed to fix everything, the government would run to your rescue.

Bush's answer was a hard pill to swallow. His solution to unemployment was for people to get off their lazy butts and further their education. He pointed out that there were plenty of unfilled jobs left vacant for a lack of qualified applicants. He reminded people that their unemployment benefits included educational opportunities.

I always think of Republicans in the words of a song from "Mame": "who but a true blue friend will tell you the whole stinking truth?"

2006-07-05 15:19:05 · answer #5 · answered by pachl@sbcglobal.net 7 · 0 0

I am an independent. I don't really "hate" a party. I don't like Bush and HE's making the Republicans look bad. I've worked with Republicans who Hated Democrats too. It's a real shame. It's like we are fighting within the USA. Some people get REALLY angry. It shouldn't be that way. I try not to "discuss" my feelings on politics (except on here I will).

2006-07-05 14:56:04 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The republican party has always claimed to be one of fiscal responsibility but we have the greatest deficit in history. They have allowed their party to be hijacked by the relgious right and insist on trying to legislate morality while numerous of their party and its supporter some supposedly Christians have been charged with child pronography, pedophilia, party of a woman having an abortion, closet homosexuality, gambling etc. They are hypocritical. They do not take responsibility for anything that has caused this nation to be in the state that we are in. Continuing to support the Bush regime with the lies, spying on Americans, refusing to sign the Voting rights act, response to Katrina, lack of homeland security, economy, lack of healthcare, voter fraud, cronyism, corporatism, eliteism, racism, the state of social security, education, control of the media which has fincially backed Bush and homophobia. Their party is all about changing laws and the Constitution to reflect the opinions of the religious right who obviously dont care that the Jesus they profess to serve believed in free will....CHOICE! These people are fanatics not true Christians at all and pandering to those voters while neglecting real issues that are important to most Americans. I cant imagine why anyone would willing choose to be a republican unless you are so blinded by bigotry, religiousity, and plain stupidity. Most of these people voted against their own best interests just to be able to monitor the sex lives and personal decisions of Americans.

2006-07-05 15:16:15 · answer #7 · answered by edaem 4 · 0 0

I think it's those who cannot accept others beliefs and differences are the "haters". I am a Democrat and I totally respect what the Republicans believe in. I may not agree with everything thought. There are issues that I would agree with that are considered a more Republican stance. It's not so black and white. It's interesting how many people think that their beliefs represent a certain political party and then discover that they may share similar beliefs with that party. I'm not 100% Democrat.

2006-07-05 15:04:54 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't hate Republicans, nor do I hate Democrats. Some of the ideals that they believe in I am not in agreement with, but that's what makes the US a free society...we can chose what we want to believe in and our beliefs are protected under law. I'm sure there are bad Republicans and bad Democrats, but I don't let a few bad apples affect my view of an entire system.

I personally don't want to be considered a member of either party; perferring to vote for a candidate and NOT a party.

2006-07-05 14:58:13 · answer #9 · answered by poppet 6 · 0 0

Actually you have variations in the GOP that are getting lumped together in one phrase and not many people understand the differentiation.

You have the GOP, Goldwater Republicans, the Neo-Cons, The Theocons/Theocrats (Religious Right backers of the Bush). Personally I disagree with the policies and tactics of the GOP in general, and Bush specifically. I don, however, hate 'em. The hate seems to be coming from the Religious Right and the Neo-Cons.

2006-07-05 15:05:09 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Just look at what has happened to this Country since the Republicans took control of the Senate and House, in 1994.

2006-07-05 16:04:57 · answer #11 · answered by MSJP 4 · 0 0

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