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My daughter has been a fusy eater from day one, she consumed about 25oz of formula till i introduced solids, but was very very fussy it took about 45ins er bottle and i would get frustrated and yell at her. Now she's on solids as well but sometimes just doesn' twant the bottle so I give her cereal in a bowl so she gets some formula in her system, the pedeatrician is not concerned just says she's fussy thats it. She has about 16oz a day and two jar foods a day. But every meal is frustrating and I get very upset with her and sometimes yell at her and then regret doing that. Just feel like a horrible mom at times and find it overly consuming
She is a lovely happy baby otherwise and I love her to death
Any ideas?

2006-07-05 07:18:49 · 18 answers · asked by moni l 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

18 answers

Obvisously your 1st.

Ask your pediatrition.

Save your yelling at her until she is a teenager and really make you pull out your hair.

Are you using level 1 or 2 foods? 1 would be better at 6-8 mo. Level 2 at 9-10.

Don't use multi-grain cerials, just try one at a time to find the right "base".

Try one vegitable at at time to find the one tolorated, not mixed.

Don't make many changes quickly.

Don't use meats until 11+ months.

2006-07-05 07:30:54 · answer #1 · answered by i wear one button suit 2 · 0 0

Whoa, hold on mom, mealtime has become a battleground and you and your daughter are each trying to win the war. Loosen up and settle down. You can win this war, but your gonna have to retreat for a minute. Each mealtime is a battle and you can lose a battle but still win the war. Okay, enough said about combat.
Relax. Your daughter might have more mature developed taste buds. If she likes the cereal continue to give it to her just as you are doing. However, you might want to start offering her other foods to see how she reacts. Just make sure the foods are where she can handle the consistency.
I raised 4, two boys, two girls. My first didn't want anything but grits and spaghetti and juice. 3 meals a day. So that's what he got. Let me add that I started all my babies by breast feeding. Just enough to give their immune system a jump start. When I tried to put them on formula they all resisted, so I gave them apple juice and that's what they were raised on until they started drinking milk from a cup. None of them liked the commercial baby food. There was some fruit they liked but that's about it. I had to improvise. Mom, they all survived. My boys went to college on football scholorships the first son is 6ft 4 and the second is 6ft3. The girls had beautiful complextions throughout their teen years. Heathly as horses all four of them.
Offer her the food. If she doesn't want it, STOP. Wipe her off and remove her from the table, your lap, or the high chair. However you feed her. Don't act as if you are punishing her. Act normal. Treat her as if not eating is not a tramatic event. Go on with the days activities as usual. Offer her food again. Same scenerio, she doesn't want it, don't force the issue. The bottom line here is when she is hungry, she WILL eat.
Do try to introduce other foods. Older food that can be mashed up will not kill her. Mashed potatoes for instance. Experiment, you will find something she likes. and...............
For goodness sakes settle down. Just because she doesn't want to eat doesn't mean you are a bad mother. Give up the yelling that's not the way to go and can hurt your daughter emotionally. You seem to be a concerned mom and very frustrated. It okay to be concerned just don't go overboard and remember there has never been a perfect mom. Just continue to love your daughter give her a chance, she'll come around.

2006-07-05 14:56:41 · answer #2 · answered by c.nolan 2 · 0 0

All new moms get as fussy as their babies. Just remember that she is a baby and cannot speak yet so her fussing is still her way of communicating with you, no matter how frustrating it is. I wonder if she is allergic to the formula or may experience severe gas pains when eating. Obviously something is going on for her to be so fussy.
I would get a second opinion if I were you. It is probably nothing, but I would rather her be comfortable than have an upset stomach.
Don't get upset with her and yell at her. Then she may associate her feedings with an unhappy mommy. Take a deep breath. You're not the only mommy of a fussy baby out there.

2006-07-05 14:24:53 · answer #3 · answered by Pepper M 1 · 0 0

Patience! And talk to your own doctor you may be suffering from post partem blues ... in long run could be harmful to your baby... As long as she is getting some substance in her body it should be okay, keep track of what foods you have no problem with at all so when she doesnt want something new you can always fall back on the ones she likes. My son wasnt much of a meat eater and needed his iron so i gave him more peanut butter in its place. Just be patient and creative, see if your mom, sister, aunt, someone can take the baby for a day so you can go out or even stay home alone and nap on your own. Get some "me" time, i know it sounds selfish but the way your feeling it seems you need a few hours to just yourself.. she'll come around and start eating more.. try scrambled eggs, diced peaches those two always went well with my 2 kids, and if it gets to much and you cant get away go in the bedroom burry your face in a pillow and scream as loud as you can. let your frustrations out on the pillow not the new baby.. again i urge you talk to your doctor about how your feeling as well

2006-07-05 14:26:21 · answer #4 · answered by ToYsTeMpTer 4 · 0 0

Your daughter doesn't eat much like mine did & shes still has good days & bad days (18 months) but if your daughter is heathy shes fine, my pedeatrician. recommed my daughter drink 1 can of Pedia Sure mix w/ milk so she gets a little more nutrients but your child might be to young still after shes 1 mabey your pedeatrician will recommed it, mean while try to give her fruits & veggies like green bean,peas soft finger foods.I know it gets frustrating im still there & as long as your a parent that goes the the territory but when U feel yourself getting upset just walk away for a few minuits & remind yourself shes a baby & every thing is new to her, your not a bad mother because U get upset this so normal.I know i get upset because my daughter doesn't eat very much to & it's because i worry about her health & wish she would just eat more but she is healthy she just dosen't way as much as other children but all babys are not the same!! try what i suggested your doctor will probably say don't give her fruits because then she won't like veggies, i did what i thought would be best for her so she would get so nutrients & she loves veggies just as much as fruit.Some times the doctor's aren't always right when it comes to your child they are all different. So be strong & just remmind yourself shes new in this world & she depends on mommy.YOUR NOT A BAD MOMMY DON"T BE SO HARD ON YOURSELF!!! Ask God for patience & guidence. Good Luck Mommy!

2006-07-05 15:39:31 · answer #5 · answered by Diana.D1348 2 · 0 0

Maybe she gets fussy because you make such a big deal about it. If your pediatrician is not worried, listen to him. If she doesn't eat when you sit her down, take her down after 5 minutes. Try again in an hour or two. She will eat when she is hungry.

Making a big deal about it is only going to have psychological ramifications later. Tell her you love her when you feed her and smile. Make it fun, make it into a game. If she is not interested, let it go. Stressing is just going to make mealtime a negative experience for her.

Best wishes.

2006-07-05 15:08:41 · answer #6 · answered by Sara B 4 · 0 0

babies can definatly get your attention sometimes..yet it's up to the parent, congrats, to make sure the baby is eating right. Shes fussy and stubborn...and thats the way it will be for a while- at least until she's old enough to try new things. Getting angry unfortunatly won't help, specifically because they don't understand emotion at this point and it's better to show them love...then smoke coming out of your ears.

2006-07-05 14:22:52 · answer #7 · answered by seanied2003 3 · 0 0

If your pediatrician is no woried hen stop worrying about it. The more you obsess about her food the more she will obsess about it later. She is showing her control over the one thing she can. Feed her when it is time to eat and if she doesn't eat then take it away until time for the next meal or snack. She will eventually get the idea and eat when it is time to eat.
You are not a bad mother because of this so stop beating yourself and your baby up over it.

2006-07-05 14:26:33 · answer #8 · answered by bootsjeansnpearls 4 · 0 0

First of all, DO NOT yell at your baby. She can barely understand that it's time to eat much less what you are yelling at her about. If you're overwhelmed, get some help. Do you have parents nearby that could help? A Friend? Neighbor? You sound really stressed out!

2006-07-05 14:32:10 · answer #9 · answered by Mom of One in Wisconsin 6 · 0 0

Doctor's will tell you something to get you out of there hair. Try another pediatrician, but please don't yell at the 7 month old baby. She's not understanding you, but sice's that her mom is upset. Nip this in the bud before it goes any further.

2006-07-05 14:47:34 · answer #10 · answered by Shay~Shay 3 · 0 0

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