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does allowing each race to practice their culture and believe will help?

2006-07-05 07:07:12 · 26 answers · asked by Eyzees 1 in Politics & Government Government

26 answers

That has been tried for the last forty years, it hasn't, isn't, and will never work. If we were talking purely about culture, and the numbers were modest, yes, possibly. But that isn't the case.

2006-07-17 09:42:21 · answer #1 · answered by Veritas 7 · 0 0

Culture is relative. As a matter of physiology, all the various races of humanity are basically the same. Physical evolution has only changed us in small ways. Culture developed as a way for certain humans in certain regions of the world to connect. Because the evolution was the same, the people sharing the culture would carry the physical characteristics of everyone else that hd "evolved" in the same way. But our capacity for learning, as well as breeding, connects the races until the only division is culture. Race is immaterial to culture. If you were to tell me that Ludacris is representative of black culture, I'd laugh in your face. He is a degenerate who happens to be black. Same for Eminem. He is a degenerate who happens to be white.

Unifying factors for races include a common language, common holidays, and a common government. What divides us is when the differences are hyped.

2006-07-05 08:29:48 · answer #2 · answered by 10-5-4-9 2 · 0 0

the problem is that no mater what we do or don't do, we are still dammed.

If a kid of any race refuses to learn anything in school because he is more interested in being a gang-banger and smoking dope, it's the fault of "the man" or some other race that he can't find a job when his uneducated but grows up.

If we try to bring them into our culture, we are racist for trying to change them.

If we leave them alone they gather together, they let their neighborhoods go to crap and once again "the man" is forcing them to live in ghettos.

People need to be responsible for their own actions.

Pay attention in class because without an education, you will be lucky to get a job flipping burgers and you can kiss off anything resembling a good job.

Assimilate into our culture, your ancestors wouldn't have left where ever they came from if it didn't suck. And before the descendants of slaves start in on me, your own people sold your ancestors into slavery, is that really a culture that you should be proud of.

If you are going to segregate yourself into your own little racial community, don't expect special treatment when you let your own neighborhood go to crap.

2006-07-05 07:56:23 · answer #3 · answered by sprcpt 6 · 0 0

By not thinking in a bigotted manner. It is also to do with power not just wealth or status, but an acceptance by everyone that as humans we are all equal, regardless of race, gender,religion, creed or colour. Once recognising this, we all need to do practical things like truly challenging racism when ever we see it. We need to also recognise that as a result of racism people from black and minoirty ethnic backgrounds will continue to be kept down even though as an appeasement some will be allowed to relatively 'make it'. Though a black person maybe wealthy it does not mean they have true power because racism will mean that wealthy racist white people will side with less financially able racist white people when their is conflict with black people. It is the sad inherent belief that white people are naturally superior to any other group that remains one of the biggest problems. It is similar to other issues where discrimination takes place as for example with women, culture, religion and people with disabilities. Sadly by keeping in place a system of levels of power, where the wealthy white person, particularly the male, is at the top, and black people at the bottom the conflict between races will always remain because the wealthy white people leave some one for the poorer white person to kick at and that is black people. .White people who are less well off need to recognise how they are being used, to uphold this system of power recognising that it is also to keep control of those who are white but less well off. I will never support the use of violence or any form of damaging responses as a means of solving this issue. Let's stop window dressing in our response to improving the lives of people living in poorer communities throughout this country, whether they be black or white, and let politicians start really trying to do something real instead of playing games by giving palliatives to all as a means of keeping themselves in power and the lid on this potential time bomb..

2006-07-11 00:46:14 · answer #4 · answered by ben_abangbrown 1 · 0 0

Speaking as a minority of one in a town of 25,000 people in a communist country, I find that my culture and customs attract more interest and more would like to learn how I tick, how I feel about things, and we look for similarities rather than differences...I am white and they are Asian. But bottom line in everything is simply respect for others. We share each others' thoughts and doubts but I have never felt as being an outsider...could it be that they are more tolerant or just nicer people than others.

2006-07-19 02:30:05 · answer #5 · answered by Frank 6 · 0 0

I believe the only way to do it is to stop pointing out our differences and by generally ignoring race assignment in the first place.

Pretty much you can't tell a Swedish-American from a Polish-American although they came from different cultures. Only by not assigning assumptions to people because of their skin pigmentation or shape of their eyes, etc. can we weed out this mess generation by generation.

Questions on forms, school assignment by race, affirmative action programs, census statistics etc. just perpetuate the problem.

2006-07-05 07:14:44 · answer #6 · answered by 4999_Basque 6 · 0 0

It's a hard question to answer.
I believe the best way is by having an educated population and having everyone share the common human values such as respect of others, empathy and freedom.

2006-07-05 07:27:28 · answer #7 · answered by Epicarus 3 · 0 0

By respecting each others culture, and simply being tolerant it is possible to keep races together.

2006-07-05 07:13:19 · answer #8 · answered by confusion_d 2 · 0 0

if the government the misguided do gooders stopped sticking their nose in so much that might help.how they come up with their ridiculous ideas the lord above only knows this is a christian country but but our way of life gets continually pushed aside just in case some ethnic minority feels offended. for example schools cant have a christian assembly but they're allowed their religious dress only white people are branded as racist when most of them are equally racist about us and what about not having Xmas trees in public places only festive trees and no more baba black sheep its being changed to rainbow sheep now.then if all this kind of crap isn't enough theres all these forms from school clinic etc wanting to know if your white, African black , Caribbean black ,Asian black , other , its completely offensive and i refuse to fill them in on principle(sorry for rambling)but i had to get it off my chest

2006-07-19 12:27:18 · answer #9 · answered by keny 6 · 0 0

I THINK THAT SEGREGATION IS CRAP. We will all learn more from each other when we mix socially and live next door to each other. Racism is for those vulgar ignorant T***ts who don't want to learn and better themselves. My only belief is humanity. Without that we are toast without believing in that we all care we are toast. I WANT TO SURVIVE AND I WILL BECAUSE I AM NOT IGNORANT & I WILL GO TO THE AID OF ANY OTHER HUMAN WHEN THEY ARE IN DISTRESS EVEN IF I GET A BAD RESPONSE. Who cares I do

2006-07-05 07:15:21 · answer #10 · answered by sazza 2 · 0 0

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