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Im 13 yrs old (14 in January).I'm not a devil worshiper but dress like it.I'm pretty smart but I'd never show it.I listen and watch every thing and try to keep an open mind.But closed minded people keep on saying that I'm wrong.I didn't do anything wrong, but yet I'm being critizied.Even with the type of people I date(I date every type of guy but I don't date that often).Because I look black does that mean I have to act "black"?I look like I don't pay attention in class but I do(sometimes).I don't have a birth defect, but some how I'm being treated that way.I probably sound like some type of creep but sereouly, is there something wrong with me?

2006-07-05 06:50:49 · 27 answers · asked by eyez409 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

27 answers

Little sister, there is absolutly nothing wrong with you. You are fine and wonderful just the way you are. I got it bad when I was your age because I liked alternative and dance music...I wore jnko's and wide legs and hung out with the skater kids and I did'nt "talk black" or "act black" either. ( I grew up in a black neighborhood and I always got picked on and messed with by other black kids ).
So I know exactly where you're comming from. People, especially those of your own race will make fun of you and try to bring you down because they don't want to take the time out to get to know you. It's either that or they really are jelous because you make better grades, because you seem to have more fun with your friends because you seem to have something that they don't have and are too scared to reach out and grab for themselvs.
People are scared of what they don't understand. It's not your responsibility nor your job to make people understand you. If they don't want to take the time to talk to you to see what you're all about then don't worry about it.
You are beautiful, you're smart, you're intellegent, you've got morals, you're intresting, you're intreaguing, you're special, you're deserving of every positive thing you want out of life.
Remember little sister, you have the power to take control of your own life. You don't have to allow anyone in your sphere/ your personal space that you don't feel worthy of your presence.
Also remember this little sister, these people that are making all these criticizms about you....Really don't have anything to do with you. They don't buy the clothes you wear. They don't give you money for luch or whatever. They don't take you where you need to go. These people don't have anything to do with you there fore their oppinion of you does'nt matter. It's obsolete.
Little sister you're a star. Don't allow other people to dim your star or hide it with their clouds of mysery and jelousy and resentment. Bump them! They don't matter. The only thing that matters is you and what you want and how you feel. You just have to be strong enough to make the desicion to not allow others people crap bother you. I wish you the absolute best little sister. I hope this helps some.

2006-07-05 07:20:41 · answer #1 · answered by ilah23 3 · 2 0

I've been where you are at, though it was quite a while ago. There is nothing wrong with you. It's quite the opposite in fact. The problem people have with you is that you are original and you are not scared to be you. Most people your age are too scared to do anything that would cause them to stand out so they mold themselves to be like everyone else. Basically they are jealous of you. Keep doing what you are doing, be happy and don't change for anyone. The only bit of advice I can give you from what you mentioned in your question is don't be worried about showing that you're smart. I did the same thing and I regret it now. I know you probably won't take the advice, but I had to put it out there for you. Be strong and kick the worlds butt girl!

2006-07-05 13:59:27 · answer #2 · answered by MELISSA B 5 · 0 0

I am the kind of person that believes no one is bad...the things they do are bad.

As for the way you dress. If you are dressing this way because you like it. then so be it, but you also have to be ready for comments to come your way because it is "diffferent" than the way most people dress. People are uncomfortable when things are not in the "normal" range and there are some who will comment on it. The best thing to do is to ignore those comments.

Being your age, I think with you dressing this way you are wanting some attention. Kids in your age range need attention and if you can't get the "good" attention then you go for the other kind...it's attention.

As for dating. You should probably hold off on that awhile. Going out in groups is better and you get a feel for other people and get a chance to make a lot of friends.

You do need to pay attention in school. I know there are a lot of girls out there that don't want to be smart, but are. There is nothing wrong with being smart! You need to go for it!

You can be ANYTHING you set your mind to! No one can take anything away from you that you learn! There is a big world out there and women can do so much more now than they used to be able to do. Learn all you can and be the best you can. Get to where you don't have to rely on a man to make you happy or to support you. You'll find out you'll be happier that way because you will make yourself happy and you will be able to support yourself so you won't NEED a man in your life, you will want him there because you love him and enjoy his company.

As for the attention, there can be good attention too. Dress nicely, do well in school, be kind and you can get attention that way too.

Good luck!

p.s. Black has nothing to do with it...you're a person...color has no play in it.

2006-07-05 14:54:44 · answer #3 · answered by 317bossyaussie 3 · 0 0

If you dress like a devil worshiper then there is something wrong with you. If you are smart like you say you are then stop dressing like that. Why are ppl saying you are wrong? You must have had to do something. PPL just don't say you are wrong for fun. B/C you are black does not mean you have to act black...wtf does acting "black" mean anyway? How can you act "black"? You don't sound like a creep to me, but you do sound confused. I think if you stop dressing the way you do ppl will look at you differently. Who wants a friend that looks like they worship the devil?

2006-07-05 13:57:35 · answer #4 · answered by ♥eLizAbEtH♥ 5 · 0 0

There is nothing wrong with you. You are just 13 and everyoen experiences that feeling. Maybe for different reasons, but we all felt it. It will get better. Hang in there. Just be you.
Note though... you said you are very smart but would never show it. Why? The more intelligence you show the more you will be looked up to rather than down on. Just an observation.
Be well!

2006-07-05 13:54:21 · answer #5 · answered by purple dove 5 · 0 0

1.) If you aren't doing the drugs that normally goes with Goth and black then good for you, express your art!
2.) What are your plans for 14-16, 16-20, 20-25, 25-35, 35+? Is anything you are doing going to keep you from reaching those plans? (A Darth Maul face tatoo may not look good in Corporate Directory)

2006-07-05 13:59:14 · answer #6 · answered by i wear one button suit 2 · 0 0

The only thing wrong with you that I see is that you are too young to be dating anyone!
Stop with the attitude and pay real attention in class. If you dress like a turkey, people will call you a turkey. get used to the criticism. You are dressed for it!!

2006-07-05 13:57:24 · answer #7 · answered by ND2000 3 · 0 0

There is nothing wrong with you, you're going through a pre-teen phase as we all have done. People should like you for who you are and not you judge you by how you dress or you appearance period.

These people sound like they were never your friend's from the star. Cointinue on with your life they will want to hang around you one day.

2006-07-05 14:14:30 · answer #8 · answered by Shay~Shay 3 · 0 0

There is nothing wrong with you. As long as you are dressing and acting this way because YOU want to be this way, then there is nothin wrong! Many kids your age go through this stage and learn about themselves. I, too, went through a stage like this and you either like it or learn to hate it.

Good luck- kids can be so rude and mean sometimes. Just tell them to leave you alone

2006-07-05 13:54:09 · answer #9 · answered by Southern Belle 2 · 0 0


I'm like that now and I'm 23. I dress Goth, I listen to metal, and I wear a pentagram around my neck, my hair is dyed blue right now and I have lost count of my piercings and tattoos... oh, and did i mention, Im black too?

Are you wrong or bad? HELL NO!! You are expressing yourself in a way that is comfortable to you. Where as now it may be a stage, for meh, its a way of life!!

I have listed some yahoo groups for young gothic teens, check them out, you are not as 'strange' or 'wrong' or bad as you think!

2006-07-05 14:22:09 · answer #10 · answered by *meh* 3 · 0 0

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