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Blacks call Whites racist everyday, but if a white group wanted to start the white college fund, it would be considered racist, but blacks have the ***** college fund, also blacks have the "black history month" come on now lets try and have a "white history mth" . how about BET "Black TV channels... maybe whites can get a KKK channel sometime soon, how about the NAACP, the KKK protects white rights and they are shoot down, the NAACP protects black rights and their ok, why is their such a double standard?

2006-07-05 06:01:24 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

This is too the lady who complained about the TV, you must be kidding I cant turn on the TV to any channel and find white shows anymore, they are all about black familys, or black police, or black judges just to list a few, I mean I loved family matters with Erkel, and I like Bernie Mac, but dont give me that BS about no TV shows with blacks in them...'

Bernie Mac, Jugde Joe Brown, Divorce Court, Oprah, any show on WB, the list just goes on and on and these are just a few in the evening. we also had the Jeffersons, sanford and son which I love, The Cosbys for over a decade, there has always been tons of black shows.

2006-07-05 06:14:19 · update #1

If whites have everyday lets put that to a test, someone be brave and go on national tv and declare today WHite Freedom day, or White Pride day and see how far you get with it, I have to be ashamed of my history, columbus raped and murdered slaves, washington damn that man has more decendents that are black than white, so I have to hide my pride or my past or I will be considered a racist

2006-07-05 06:17:13 · update #2

Hey Miss Read, for your info, my history book was made in mexico and since black people did not even come to this country untill the 1800's there would be alot of blank pages if we just filled it with black stuff.

2006-07-05 06:23:49 · update #3

Id like to thank you all for your thoughts, this has opened up some interesting points, and I didnt intend the "kkk" remarks as a racist mark, I meant it as a symbol or a form of a white orginization. If woman can play in the mens PGA tour when they have their own league, and a girl can enroll in an all boy school, we can only agree on this why not do away with all and treat everyone the same?

2006-07-05 07:12:32 · update #4

22 answers

I think america is to big on labels? the color of skin, the sex why does this all matter? Who am I kidding though racists will be around forever and soon we will be celebrating illegal mexican day

2006-07-05 07:15:08 · answer #1 · answered by The King of All Answerer's 4 · 5 2

I agree on the college fund issue, I got weird looks when I applied for the United ***** College Fund being a white female. I based my application on being female, the application specifies 'minority' it didn't say race. And then I took it to a black college. I didn't get the school funding but I was accepted to the school's law program, which by the way is one of the toughest law programs in the nation.

In high school I done some research and blacks have contributed far more and longer to the history of this country than what most know. They contributed to this country winning our independence from Great Britain. There have been too many contributions to list here.

Somebody mentioned something about American Indians. It does seem the only time we reflect on them is Thanksgiving Day, if it hadn't been for them, we would have starved to death, in not knowing what to grow.

Just understand that most races are content with just being included and "viewed" as being the same. Blacks seem to want the same treatments but to be viewed as being different, and I think that is where we get off on the wrong foot.

2006-07-05 13:29:13 · answer #2 · answered by midnightdealer 5 · 0 0

For a sense of "fairness" and "equality", minorities groups have "special" things that are geared towards a specific minority group. White people are the majority group in the US making up more than 75% of the total population.

Back in the olden days, everything was geared towards the majority, and more specifically, white men. The black man was exculded. In other words, the US was a white world. As time marched on, minorities (blacks only make up about 12% of the total U.S. population) who could not get into white colleges, get funding for college, etc, began to have more programs geared specifically towards them all in efforts to move to a more "equal", "fair", and "just" society.

Before BET came about, there was MTV. MTV did not show black music video for years. When they did begin showing blacks it Michael Jackson, Prince, and a few others. BET started out as a small block of programming on a network. About 3 years or so after MTV came about; BET became its own network. It showcased R&B and soul videos while MTV showed mainly rock and pop. It wasn't racist; it was just a venue for a different type of music videos to be shown.

Groups like the KKK and such really wanted to eliminate the other races. They succeeded in killing many.

Black history month is a time to celebrate the contributions blacks have made to this country and to take a truthful and honest look at the history of blacks in America. It was not taught or included in regular U.S. history. It should be, as it is a part of the history.

So, double standards have been allowed to exist between the races because double standards existed between the races. I know that sounds like double-talk, but in efforts to create "fairness" in opportunities and such, these things were created for blacks.

2006-07-05 16:24:03 · answer #3 · answered by truly 6 · 0 0

Sadly the Human Race needs self aggrandizement to feel like we are more than we are! We're constantly Battling with the Sum of it's Parts rather than dealing with the Whole! Just open your eyes to the State of the Human Condition the world over , then answer your own question.

But I have an article that you can read from the Sunday Chicago Sun-Times dated 6/11/06. Written by journalism Prof. Robert Jensen of the Univ. of Texas at Austin called ' Why White People Are Afraid.'
He is the author of the most recent book, The Heart of Whiteness: Confronting Race, Racism and White Privilege (City Lights Books)
Lastly, when you look in the mirror do you see someone looking back who isn't capable of treating anyone with dignity and respect merely because their difference to self is skin color and culture or are you of the mind that your superiority of birth should entitle you to subjugate all people (whites & non-whites, women & men) irregardless of education , economics , social?
Strangely when America gets into wars with others it doesn't find excuses to exclude it's non whites from participating based on RACE!
As a Veteran of the United States Armed Forces , I KNOW what you would do!

2006-07-05 13:45:32 · answer #4 · answered by Darknight469 2 · 0 0

This is caused by reverse racism. It should not be accepted by society, but it will take years to change because of the mentality both whites and blacks have on the subject. Just because a group was mistreated years ago does not mean that they are now entitled to act in similar racist ways. I think some white women should join the Miss Black America contests, just to hear the protests from the blacks.

2006-07-05 13:10:56 · answer #5 · answered by Norm 5 · 0 0

As a white person, I like to learn about things, so to me, this is a great opportunity. Why not look at this as an opportunity instead of a hindrance? Learning is great.

As to this college fund, yes, it is racist, but it is a private fund. If you want to form a United Caucasian College Fund, you could.

Lastly, keep in mind that as ahite people, we KNOW we made ths country great. We don't need a month proclaiming this. We don't need a TV station dedicated to this.

Now, blacks on the other hand, they don't have positive role models that we do, so they need something. They have to have something to keep going.

So, I would take pride that you are a white person (white pride does NOT equal racism, it is merely pride about what your race has accomplished). Learn more about what your people have accomplished, and you won't feel angry about this other stuff.

2006-07-05 13:04:50 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I think there are still allot of racist in this world but putting that aside I think Mr. King accomplished allot and the blacks have come a long way and because of it - they deserve there black history month. As for their ***** College fund....it benefits allot of blacks who might not otherwise be able to further their education.
Perhaps there are some blacks who bring what some may call racism upon themselves by their actions on this earth. But I think the majority of people just want to live there daily lives with whomever their neighbors are in peace.
I highly doubt that Black history month, or the ***** college fund, or some Black programming is hurting you in anyway. If it helps one black person - that's one less black person you need to be intimidated by (white girls opinion)

2006-07-05 13:18:52 · answer #7 · answered by sudbury girl 3 · 0 0

The NAACP doesn't get together and burn crosses on peoples lawns. They didn't get away with mass murder for near a century.

Every day is white history day. Every month is white history month. Had you ever looked inside a history text, you might realize it. All those people you're taught about in school are white. Not because they're the only ones who did anything in history... but because they're the ones who wrote the damn textbook.

See, Mom? I can answer a question written by a worthless piece of white trash without overly criticizing them.

2006-07-05 13:11:32 · answer #8 · answered by Miss Red 4 · 0 0

Why not discuss what blacks endured and went through just to even get recognized. No one wants to talk about the "white people" who legalized chattel slavery? Stole, raped, tortured, and murdered millions of OUR people? Let us not forget how the white man enslaved African women whose labor and wombs were used to give birth to more Africans who themselves would become enslaved and provide yet more free labor.

Not to take anything awat from the white race, but we as blacks went though a lot and encountered a lot. At one point we weren't even acknowledged as whole people when it was time to vote.

Just as many days there are for black's, there are for white people. Let us be proud of our heritage and celebrate those who fought hard for the freedoms we are afforded today.

No one speaks of the Ivy league schools whose admissions testing is so bias that most minority or African American can even attend.

We must learn how to be happy for each other as oppose to ALWAYS trying to find a way to conquer and divide

2006-07-05 13:18:38 · answer #9 · answered by jhamilton7780 1 · 0 0

First of all, you can not even compare the NAACP and KKK. The NAACP tries to help advance African Americans, whereas the KKK they burn crosses and try to hurt African Americans. The NAACP does not try to hurt White people. And if you look at it Black History Month is the shortest month of the year, and I believe that we deserve it because African Americans have gone through more suffering than White people have. Now can you honestly say that African Americans have it easier that White people? If so, you have seriously feel and bumped your head!

2006-07-05 13:10:16 · answer #10 · answered by tiffsag02 2 · 0 0

We don't need 'special days or months', because we don't feel inferior. Why they need to have these 'special days' beats me.
The US might not be very popular in the world today, but the one thing that you can boast about is that if one works hard, one can achieve one's goals. Do I have to give examples? The US is really the land of opportunity, no matter what your race, religion or creed, which cannot be said of the majority of other states.
That's why you have such a huge 'illegal immigration' problem.
Both the NAACP and the KKK are aberrations.

2006-07-05 13:08:21 · answer #11 · answered by Tokoloshimani 5 · 0 0

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