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Everytime I run into an extreme liberal, they get mad about everything. They call people names, they abuse their freedoms, and then accuse other people of overstepping their boundaries. They are always whining that they don't have enough freedoms, that people are giving them a hard time, and that someone hurt their feelings. They're thin-skinned and I'm tired of all the crap they're giving everybody. I mean when I imagine a liberal in my head, I imagine a person walking around spewing fire out of their mouth and crying about everything. Why are most of the extreme liberals like this? Why are they so cynical and presumptuous? Why do they accuse everyone else of holding fault for their problems? Why are they all bipolar and paranoid?

2006-07-05 05:58:21 · 28 answers · asked by Rockstar 6 in Politics & Government Politics

haha thanks that was funny

2006-07-05 06:01:44 · update #1

That was my point Kookoo bananas.

2006-07-05 07:46:15 · update #2

Right. I'm not the brightest bulb. I'm a lardass with neocon views. Ok, so my point was to show how it feels that the extreme liberals do this. I had to put it exactly the way they do. I wouldn't call anyone names. Well, except for idiot or jackass. But I would never call someone "communist" or a "douche-bag". My point was that the insulting IS unnecessary. I am not being hypocritical. I am not seriously calling anyone any names. It's Return Fire to show you how it is wrong. But you probably realized that, you just wanted to turn it around on me. That's exactly what I thought would happen. Oh well.

2006-07-05 07:59:04 · update #3

28 answers

You're not the brightest bulb are you? You are a typical NEOCON douche-bag that is pizzed off because your party and the current corrupt administration are such a miserable and profound failure that it's eating you up inside. Why not take drugs like Oxycontin addict Rush Limbaugh to sooth your pain.

2006-07-05 06:04:44 · answer #1 · answered by Dr.Feelgood 5 · 8 4

I don't know why all of a sudden they have no backbone, our liberal leaders I mean. I'm a registered democrat, but only because they know how to handle money. I mean a salesman has to be really good at what they do to become a president or congressman. I can't vote Democrat this year because I really think they're trying to let all border defense disappear, just so they can have more votes. Screw the national anthem, screw patriotism, the english language, and the right to bear arms to protect ourselves when they let our armed forces dwindle to a skeleton of the might we used to have. That's what we'll get if the Democrats take office next election. And they will.

Why? Because Bush has no tact, doesn't like to think a whole lot, especially before he speaks. We solved nothing by attacking Iraq except draw one large bullseye over our country. He's managed to piss off the Muslims referring this war to the crusades of all things. He's got Iran telling us to back off, Saudi Arabia is even getting tired of us. Now we're picking a fight with a country that has nukes and has just test fired missiles that have the possibility of stiking the mainland. This guy is acting like he wants to start a war to end all wars and he's never seen real action in any sort of battle. We need a peace keeper, I don't care if he's republican or democrat. We need someone that hasn't snorted coke(Bush), or has smoked pot(clinton) that the rest of the world will respect. Someone with intelligence that will really work for the people and not just be a puppet for the congress.

2006-07-05 06:19:24 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because someone has to counter your Radical Right-wing views. Remember, the vast majority of university professors, men and women with doctorates, do lean towards liberalism. That alone should be evidence enough. However, I personally prefer moderation, as Jon Stewart says, "Radicals run the country because moderates have **** to do!"

Whatever you believe, be a little nicer.

2006-07-05 06:09:21 · answer #3 · answered by jaburch87 2 · 0 1

If you're complaining about insults, why did you prove yourself to be such a hypocrite by opening with insults?

So, when you imagine a liberal in your head, imagine what your question does for when someone imagines a conservative in their heads.

By behaving this way, you don't win anyone to your cause.

Good job as a spokesperson.

2006-07-05 06:11:19 · answer #4 · answered by WBrian_28 5 · 0 1

The irony of "liberals" is that they aren't liberal thinkers. They are incredibly close minded. Ann Coulter's new book exposes this idea liberals have of almost sacred infallibility. Their argument is always a thinly veiled, "You have to agree with liberals because they are morally superior."

You would love this book: "Do As I Say, Not As I Do: Profiles in Liberal Hyprocrisy".

2006-07-05 06:12:07 · answer #5 · answered by pachl@sbcglobal.net 7 · 2 0

Um... in your yawn-inducing diatribe, you call people liberals, then you complain they call people names. This is a fact - see your question above and it proves you're a stone cold moron. There - I said it.

And with that, I am sure you and your entire family is lining up to visit Iraq on behalf of Dick Cheney's companies. You're not? Why, that makes you a whining, snot-nosed, communist brat!

2006-07-05 06:04:16 · answer #6 · answered by Silent Kninja 4 · 0 1

I do not believe this type of talk (name calling) does any good. While what you are "trying" to say is legitimate...the way you are saying these things make all of us look bad.

I understand your frustration with Liberals... and it is a sad situation to have to swallow. But they are here... in droves. So we must read more and fight more to keep them from destroying our family values and our free America.

However, do not lower yourself to their position with name calling... it just doesn't go anywhere and opens all kinds of avenues for them to pounce on the Conservatives once more. (just read comments submitted from them)

~Liberalism always generates the exact opposite of it's stated intent....when their plan blows up in their faces, they blame their own failure on "the vast right wing conspiracy".~ This is simply a fact!

2006-07-05 06:17:53 · answer #7 · answered by MesquiteGal 4 · 1 0

As you wade through from BDS Bush Derangement Syndrome that is changed into hoping that you'll participate in Cindy Sheehans starvation strike till the top of the conflict. i'm satisfied you should vent in a excellent Wing North u.s.. Che sends his reguards.

2016-11-01 06:05:25 · answer #8 · answered by garion 4 · 0 0

Over privileged and under educated.This is a great country,sometimes too great there is little struggle unless you are born in an inner-city slum.We are well protected and forget that the real world is not so cushy.

2006-07-05 06:06:48 · answer #9 · answered by Tommy G. 5 · 0 0

Your question is based on the extremists on the left. You really can not judge a whole political group based on the extremes of that group.

2006-07-05 06:05:34 · answer #10 · answered by mymadsky 6 · 0 0

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