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This may sound strange, but I have developed this philosophy lately and instead of it being comforting as some may think it should be It is absolutely horrifying to me. The concept of "oneness" worries me terribly. I have been viewing the world this way recently but it is rather depressing to think of us all truly being one --- "god in different expressions"...what if God is simply the energy that existed in the beginning of existence (or always) and simply exploded into seperate expressions? See what I'm saying? I look around me, at my boyfriend, my family, friends, everyone and feel like it is all an illusion ...like everyone is really me, and I them ...and we are all truly one, just in different expressions. Then, I think...if we are all one ..we all must eventually lose each other and go back to one ....and that is a sad thought to me. LIke "God" is truly a very lonely concept...how could there be more than 1 beginning point to start at and go back to? See what I mean...

2006-07-05 05:27:48 · 16 answers · asked by Melissa E 1 in Social Science Psychology

Here's a poem I wrote when I first starting thinking this way:
False Indentity
Union of make believe
Broken trust
From two-faced love
The time has come
To become one
Back to who I always knew
Loss is life
And love means loss
Even if you love alot
There is no way to win the fight
When trying to change
This two-faced life
Just become one
Like the Sun
Back to who
You always knew

2006-07-05 05:28:39 · update #1

16 answers

First of all, you are exactly right. It is all an illusion and everyone is really you. This is not just metaphysical mumbo-jumbo but scientific fact (reasearch quantum physics, superstring theory, and the holographic universe theories).

This physical illusion is formed when the universal consciousness acts on vibrating energy and forms matter. This vibrating energy that forms creation behaves much like vibrating sound. Sound vibrations condense into musical octaves, the energy of creation also forms layers or octaves. As your spiritual growth progresses you move up through the octaves until the seventh octave where you return completely to the one. Throughout this entire progression you retain your individual awareness.

The closest word we have to describe this vibrating energy is Love. This isn't the watered down word we use, which is basically lust combined with a need for self-validation and burdened will all kinds of emotional strings attached. This is a pure, burning, total and unconditional love with the power to create the entire universe. When you do finally release your own identity to the one you will experience the purest essence of love and joy in existence.

Sad and lonely are experiences that are only valid in this dimension of creation. How can you be lonely when you are one with everyone in creation? How can you be sad when you are fused with pure, total and unconditional love?

2006-07-05 05:47:38 · answer #1 · answered by Elmer R 4 · 3 0

"Oneness" as you've come to view it should not be a disturbing concept, rather a comforting one. You are you, not your boyfriend or anyone else and they are each themselves... the oneness of us with all that is, is to say that we are all parts of a "wholeness"... an 'us' or a 'we' or 'all that is'. Being "god in different expressions" is one of the nicely put ways to describe our "oneness". It really shouldn't disturb you any more than being referred to as a member of mankind or humanity... however, as members of humanity or mankind, the individual is lost in death while the others go on living without that individual. The sadness you speak of when referring to eventually losing everyone you know and care about is not the proper perspective that you need to realize... you don't 'lose' any of those people, nor they you! You each become an integral part of each other... a union more complete, more satisfying and spiritual in nature than you'd ever experienced or could imagine.

"God" as you refer to the concept is 'perfection', 'completion', 'wholeness', Buddhahood, Nirvanna, Heaven... a hundred names for the same state, only some describe that state as a place to be arrived at, when it's viewed by many of us as achieving "oneness". As a Buddhist, I find this very comforting... I've no more lost a deceased friend or relative to nothingness than it can be said that I've forever lost a part of myself in getting a haircut or clipping my nails. Am I any less whole as 'myself'?

So many see death as an end that they fear-- I see christians at funerals of loved ones crying and sobbing, when their loved one, according to their belief, has gone to a wonderful place that they each hope to reach when it is their turn to "leave their body in spirit". Such a contradictory reaction to such a steadfast belief system... it is of course sad to 'lose' a loved one, but it is from the human emotion of selfishness that the deceased is mourned. Christians should be joyful and feel elated that a beloved one has gone to their "just reward"; instead, they wail. Because they will miss that person and don't wish for them to be 'gone'... even if to a heaven for eternal peace and happiness.

Please try to reform your concept as you have been given to understand it... I wish I knew its source. But, although I have gone on so in my effort to comfort you, I truly hope that something, anything, in what I've typed might be in some way of some help to you.

**Om mani padme hung**

2006-07-05 13:26:51 · answer #2 · answered by nomad 3 · 1 0

Answering your question, yes, absolutely. Oneness as a concept is in error from many different angles, not the least of which is the fact that we are all born with free will. If we were ONE, there would be no free will. We wouldn't be able to choose anything for ourselves. You mention God in your statement numerous times; may I suggest you seek the Truth about Him. The only way you can really do that is to learn the languages of Greek and Hebrew, because every translation of the Bible is just that, a translation.
However, arguably the most accurate translation is the ESV version. Now, if you find the bible a difficult book to read and understand, I suggest the Message Bible. It was written by Eugene Peterson and he took 10 years of his life to write this translation. It speaks in very plain language for people of today and as I've gone back to check his translation against the greek and hebrew, I have found him to be absolutely accurate.

God bless you in your quest,


2006-07-05 12:48:18 · answer #3 · answered by gcljlamb 1 · 0 1

Very interesting. While I have always found comfort in the knowledge that we live in an incredibly interconnected universe (from physics, not religion) I have never really stopped to think that that does, in a way, make us very much alone as a single "organism". Perhaps, though, even in that state of togetherness we are not at all alone. Current research indicates a probability of infinite other "universes". Perhaps someday all of us mega-organisms will, in some way, realize each other. Perhaps, as well, knowing of the existence of all these other universes can help with the loneliness you feel.

Good luck with it and thanks for sending my brain spinning off in a wild new direction!

As if I needed help with that.

2006-07-05 12:39:07 · answer #4 · answered by sam21462 5 · 0 0

All beings, life and planets in our solar system have "one" primary relationship and that is with the sun. When we accept that we are all "one" family we will have compassion and not seek to destroy each other. There are many ways that we unify as one, but we also all live in our own dream or interpretation of this oneness. Something really cool to help understand this is Slime Mold. It can be one and breathe as one and then when it needs to travel it seperates off, but all parts meet somewhere else and come back together as one. Life is very paradoxical and we easily experience duality and we really are all one. Onelove.
bob marely tried to tell everyone.

2006-07-05 12:37:58 · answer #5 · answered by blessmeamma 2 · 0 0

Oneness does bother me but not for the same reason. I don't want to be one with most people on this planet. I genuinely don't like a lot of people and I would rather be away from them for eternity. If anything we could settle many conflicts on this planet just by separating people who don't like each other. There should be a ministry in charge of that.

2006-07-05 12:40:46 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

All persons are individuals but give up this freedom to ''others'' as per the daily relationship 'one' has and the direction 'one' is going...for instance the one-ness becomes reality as per a marrage....or the time 'one' works as a team towards achieving a goal or goals ( short-term & long-term )....
one-ness in part can be a very lonely no.....those in power perfere to 'group' persons as a no. of single 'UNITS' TO DO 'THIER' BIDDING and company......

2006-07-05 12:44:40 · answer #7 · answered by BILL P 3 · 0 0

You need to lay off the mushrooms. Seriously, it sounds like you having a bad trip or something. That interconnected stuff is something your supposed to think about for a few minutes at a time, at distant intervals. Other than that you're supposed to forget about it pretend that everything really IS as it appears. Trust your eyes, you'll feel better. Unless you still hallucinating.

2006-07-05 13:18:44 · answer #8 · answered by psilohead 2 · 0 1

You are obviously in the early stages of the path to enlightenment. I took that path for a while and realized it was nothing more than intellectual propaganda designed to make intelligent people ALLOW GEORGE W BUSH to AZZRAPE the world.

The whole "oneness" thing is nothing more than PROPAGANDA. Think about it like that and things will return to normal for you soon. It leaves some residual affects though and truthfully, they are not bad. In fact, it is truly enlightening.

2006-07-05 12:32:49 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I agree but what if this one is not actually like a person and just a collectiveness. like when we die we could go into this unified energy where we are still uniquely individuals but a collective at the same time.

2006-07-05 12:35:23 · answer #10 · answered by kittywiddle 1 · 0 0

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