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14 answers

I did not need Dubya to show me something that I had already knew thanks to his Father George H. W. Bush.
We can start with the bay of pigs. Though his father states he was not in the CIA at that time, seems a memo from J Edgar Hoover dated 11/23/1963 says different. See this memo stated at the end of it that Hoover spoke with Central Intelligence Agent George H. W. Bush.
Maybe George H. W. Bush needs to explain his whereabouts on Nov 22, 1963. See that was the day JFK was murdered in Dallas. Seems the CIA was involved, and seems like alot of criminals involved in this murder have since been protected. Maybe he can tell us why in 2005 a convicted terrorist was allowed entry into this country via Miami Flordia. Maybe he needs to tell us why he pardoned one convicted terrorist, and why he felt it necessary to grant another asyllum. You can find it in the papers the name your looking for is Podasa. He was convicted of killing 78 passagers in an airplane bombing.
Then when he was nominated head of the CIA under the Nixon administration, he lied to congress stating he had no prior experience with the CIA. Sure we as a nation are placing an inexperienced person as head of the dept. under Nixon. While he was head of the CIA, we had the Russian/Afganistan war going on, Osma Bin Laden was known as a freedom fighter. Image that the father calls him a freedom fighter, the son calls him a terrorist. George H. W. Bush obtained approval for the training of Osma Bin Laden and his freedom fighters, in addition to funding.
Now isn't that real special.
Nixon was forced to resign over watergate. Though most persons were led to believe by our corrupted media that watergate was over the break in of democratic headquaters. They did break into democratic headquaters but not about elections they were on a mission to retrive information and evidence into the murder of JFK.
So when Nixon resigned we the people then had Gerald Ford as president. Gerald Ford sat on the Warren Commission. He thus pardoned Nixon and effectively stopped all investigation into the watergate breakin. Nixon basically admitted that this was about JFK's murder when he stated on those tapes, "it's the whole bay of pigs thing again.'
Jimmy Carter becomes president. He has his issues too. But he is not connected to the criminals who murdered JFK. As a matter of fact he attempted to futher the investigation into that murder and was stopped. He had the Iranian hostage crisis and the long gas lines to contend with. Again in steps George H. W. Bush, he strikes a deal with the Iranians, unbeknown to Jimmy Carter. He gets them to hold the hostages until after the election, to ensure that Regan/Bush teams wins the presidency. The hostages are released the day that Regan/Bush are sworn in to office. They dismantle Carter's energy policy, which was geared toward conservation and development of alternative energy sources. They also have the Iran-Contra scandal. Seems Regan/Bush team thought it okay to sell weapons to the Iranians even though congress told them no. They then take the profits from these illegal weapon sales and back the Contra's in central America. These Contra's were drug lords. These drug lords then purchased weapons from the CIA and paid them in drugs. The CIA then arranges for these drugs to enter this country, they are sold in the poorest of neighborhoods in major cities thoughout this nation. They should have both been impeached for these activities but were not because congress felt Regan was an old man at the end of his term and was ill with alizhiemers. Clinton could not investigate them without investigating his own involvement. Who was governor of Arkansas when the CIA was flying in military planes loaded with drugs, you got it none other than William Jefferson Clinton. He provided protection for the drugs, the CIA and the drug lords in this country.
Then we have none other than George H. W. Bush as president, what the American citizens did not realize is that we had him the previous eight years while Regan napped. Under his term as president we had the failed Silverado Savings and Loan scandal that cost American tax payers one billion dollars. It was his son Neal who was supposely behind this though I do believe poppy bush played a major role. Seems all Neal got for punishment was fined $500,000. and George H. W. Bush entered America into the first Gulf war. See Saddam Hussien was a guest at the White House six months before Desert Storm, and he told Bush he was taking Kuwait back, that it belong to Iraq. George H. W. Bush led him to believe this was possible because his statement to Saddam was America does not get involved in Arab to Arab problems. See George H. W. Bush needed the war to hide his involvement and his childrens involvement in the failed Silverado Savings and Loan scandal. Seems the entire lot of them were facing indictement charges. That mysterious sickness that the soliders got from desert storm isn't so mysterious today. See George H. W. Bush used weapons with depleted urriaum, the last I have read is over 5000 soliders who served in Desert Storm are dead. That mysterious illness seems to be radiation posion. Oops seems our government forgot to tell the soliders they were going to be exposed, nor did they train them in how to protect theirselves.
Then comes William Jefferson Clinton. Seems he set the precedent to use the military against american citizens. See that is what happened in Ruby Ridge and Waco. The military was brought out against the citizens. This was done in direct violation of the Consitution. Eighty one American citizens died in Waco Texas. The government bulldozes the crime scene over three days after the crime. The suvivors who were indicted by the government were all aquitted. The BATF and the FBI both trained at a military base, Fort Hood. Seems to me training at a military base and using military equipment makes them just another branch of the military. In addition we had Oklahmo City, which was not ever properly investigated, we had two embassy's to be attacked in Africa, we had the USCole attacked and the incident in Somila. Now I am not certian, but I believe that George H. W. Bush and William Jefferson Clinton both are somehow invloved in these incidents.
Then we have the election of 2000 what a mess, the Federal Supreme Court upsurps state rights and select's George W. Bush as president. Just so happens that his daddy gave four of those judges their life time positions and salaries.
No I did not need Dubya to expand on his father's corruption. What I need and all of America needs is polititians to be held accountable to their oaths of office. We need that the most. Seems to me they have all profited from their treasoness activities and the American public has suffered because of their activities. I say lets start calling a ace an ace and a spade a spade, we are not talking political corruption we are talking treason. Lets demand that the prosecutors of this nation go after the real criminals. The ones who committ mass murder and then wrap theirselves in a flag and religion.

2006-07-18 06:28:02 · answer #1 · answered by barbara o 2 · 1 1

Dubai is the proper spelling of the City that you are refering and it is not the first nor will it be the last want to have bussiness with the US. As far as corruption is concerned they were only conducting free enterprise. Would you have felt better if this was a European Contry and not an Arab one that wanted to conduct Port business.
The business men of Dubai are actually very adept at managenemtn and many have been schooled in the West.

2006-07-16 09:34:42 · answer #2 · answered by CrzyCowboy 4 · 0 0

Not fair to blame it all on him. Just add him to a lengthy list that includes: Woodrow Wilson, Warren Harding, FDR, JFK, LBJ, Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bush 41, and Bubba Clinton. That doesn't include the hundreds of thousands of other legislators, judges, civil "servants", and embedded bureaucrats (on both sides of the political spectrum), that had(have) hands in the cookie jar and use(d) government for their own ends just in the 20th century.

2006-07-05 12:28:03 · answer #3 · answered by Crusader1189 5 · 0 0

It would be if we actually learned from the mistake we are making. For some reason, people are emboldend by the success of Bush's stupidity. Bush supporters are growing thin, but the people that have turned on him don't even wanna talk about it. But they haven't gotten smarter.

2006-07-05 12:29:31 · answer #4 · answered by Chris D 4 · 0 0

Uh, it was his criminal predecessor who showed us that. If you were actually paying attention.

As for the current president, I would certainly be interested in one single proven and valid instance of corruption. Because I have not seen one single shred of valid evidence suggesting such a thing.

And, no, liberal dogmatic quasi-religious political beliefs don't count as proof. Nor do ultra-leftist schizo-psychotic websites.

2006-07-05 12:27:44 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Get a life, for crying out load! have you forgotten the last President and how he handled his position? George Bush is a great leader and President.

2006-07-17 16:56:48 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

i think yes, so the Dem's will be under a microscope if they ever get power back. you think they can dig up dirt? we've been running the f.b.i. and c.i.a. for 20 of the last 28 years! want to see your file?

2006-07-05 12:21:20 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

William "Dollar Bill" Jefferson, Democrat, Louisiana. $90,000 in cash stuffed in his freezer. Look through history and see which party has sent more members to *prison*.

2006-07-05 12:12:23 · answer #8 · answered by presidentofallantarctica 5 · 0 0

NO. It is going to take us decades to recover from this administration. We have to recover financially, we have to re-establish our ties with other countries, we have to re-gain the trust of our own citizens who have been left behind, we have to fix all that W and his cronies have broken. I can't believe how quickly that moron destroyed everything which had been handed to him.

2006-07-05 12:12:45 · answer #9 · answered by Cyndie 6 · 0 0

You are just NOW learning that? Where have you been for the last 50 years?

2006-07-05 12:13:55 · answer #10 · answered by mymadsky 6 · 0 1

everyone already knew and just got reminded for only like the 30th consecutive administration

2006-07-17 06:06:08 · answer #11 · answered by Dorkchop 2 · 0 0

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